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Fantasy Nyxfield School for the Darkened Souls (FallingFire & Calisto)

What are the best glasses style?

  • Nerd Glasses 4 The Win! XD

    Votes: 1 100.0%
  • Reading Glasses. . .

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Normal Glasses!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Fake Glasses /\/\(fake nerd glasses)/\/\

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • All Of Them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I Don't Like Glasses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
~ Reyna

((Still unconscious))

~ Jasmine

Jasmine felt the twitching in her fingers as soon as it happened. The adrenaline rushed through her body. She's eaten it, thought Jasmine. She stood up and asked to be excused. Leaving the classroom, she chanted some words for a faster teleportation spell. The world melted and was replaced with a forest. Before her lay Reyna, fast asleep with her breathing shallow. "Now I just need to torture your mind . . ." murmured Jazz. She picked up the apple, it's skin glowing purple in the darkness. "You've done your job, now disappear!" she chanted, the apple dissolving. Jasmine grabbed Reyna and picked her up, carrying her to the coffin. As Rey's body touched the cushions, the frost began to spread. "Soon, Reyna," she cooed. "Soon you will be dead, for nobody shall find you . . ."




~ Reyna


~ Jasmine

Jasmine traced her finger along the glass, sending dark auras to Reyna. The unconscious girl in the glass coffin began to twitch and thrash. "Shhh," cooed Jasmine. "Stop moving, it'll be less painful . . ." Still Reyna fought the darkness. The evil spread inside the coffin. Rey's movements lessened, her muscles loosened. There we go . . . thought Jazz. The frost extended to Rey's neck, covering her from her ankles to her neck. "Almost . . ." Jasmine muttered. "Almost . . ." She stood up, and teleported back to the school. She sat in fighting class, in the shadows by the wall. She did no want to be fighting if someone stumbled upon Reyna. I cannot let her find her prince . . . or vice versa . . .
Trinity slowly stopped crying, but she shook with fear.

"It's not real... It's not real... It's not real..." Trinity repeated to herself, quivering with shock.


Dylan laughed evilly.

With any luck, his nightmare spell had taken its toll on Trinity.

'But she's probably with J'zar.' He thought, frowning.

"Damn!" He muttered aloud.

He went back to his textbook, but couldn't focus.

'I need to find a way to separate those two...' He thought as he read along in his textbook.
Jasmine waited until class was over. She exited the fighting arena after everyone else had gone. The last class was Weapon making. Jazz scoffed. Making weapons out of darkness would be much easier . . . she thought. The Villains were still filing into the room when Jasmine decided to check on Reyna. Teleporting to the cave, she saw the frost was now covering the entire surface of the glass. "Time for more insanity . . ." muttered Jasmine as she pointed at the coffin. She chanted a few words and let the power seep out of her, and into Rey's mind. The girl started thrashing again, but her eyes were still closed. Jazz laughed and held onto her hold until the power was sucked dry. She staggered around the cave, tired from the amount of energy people use with power. "Ugh," growled Jasmine, standing up. She had no energy left, so she couldn't teleport back to the school. Guess I'm stuck here for a bit, she thought.
Trinity smiled weakly.

"I know. At least I know I've got a small grasp on reality." She said quietly, her voice quivering a little b
J'zar would smile, but then kiss her full in the lips, breaking away some seconds later.

"I was worried about you...." He said, still looking at her.
"When? You mean after my nightmare?" Trinity asked; she was still shaking a little, but it's nowhere near as bad as when it started.
Lola woke up in the nurse's office she sat up and yelled

"im ok!"

and marched out of the nurse's office.

then she was running up the stairs to her dorm room and she tripped,she landed on her butt and said "im ok!" and stood up and kept walking up the stairs.
~ Jasmine

Jasmine left the school, teleporting back to the woods. She had overheard few teachers talking about a nightmare spell, where one could enter someones dreams. Jazz was set on testing it. "Enter the dream, through a beam. The light is bright, the grip is tight," she chanted. The world dissolved, and Jasmine found herself in darkness. Suddenly the world shifted and she was standing on a cliff. "Huh," she murmured. "I guess I control the dream now . . ." She waved her hand, and before her a small stone appeared. Carved into the surface of the stone read;

The Tree Of Gold Awaits You,

Come By When The Sky Is Blue

The sky was dark for now, but Jasmine had a plan. She threw the stone down to where Reyna would be, then waited.

~ Reyna

Reyna awoke, startled and cold. She looked around and realized she wasn't actually awake. The world looked like tar, bubbling and popping around her. "Help!" she called out. "Please! Somebody help!" A stone hit the ground beside her. Rey shrieked and scrambled away. Slowly and cautiously, she reached out and grabbed it. After reading the words, she looked up at the sky. It was murky grey, clouds boiling in the sky. "Guess I wait . . ." she muttered, shivering like crazy. The temperature was dropping constantly, and Reyna was only wearing a uniform. "Somebody save me . . ." she mumbled, curling up on the frozen ground, waiting for the sky, waiting for somebody, anybody . . .
Lola was walking,suddenly she heard someone yell "wait!" she turned around to see who was trying to talk to her,she saw a guy and she walked up to him and said

"yes you wanted to see me"

waiting for him to reply
Selina stood up from the bed, and began to walk away. She didn't know the time, or where anybody was, so she went to her dorm. On the way she saw Lola. Lola was talking to Bryan. "Hey guys," she smiled. "Hey, Bryan. Have you seen Reyna? I haven't seen her in a while . . . and Jasmine keeps leaving the school . . . I think somethings wrong. I'll be right back," she yelled, running to her room.
"Really?" Bryan turned, walking back towards Lola "And i might have a crush on Selina" He whispered and looked down, his face.even more red.
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Selina ran back to Bryan and Lola. "Hey, you guys know how Rey was the only girl who didn't cry during Weapon Making?" she asked. "She's tough, but Jasmine . . ." she added, holding up ropes and a gag. "Jasmine is the Villain here, and she's making Reyna's life like Snow White's life. Who do you think has a crush or loves Reyna? 'Cause we need someone who does, and whom she likes back, in order to save her . . . Now I know this sounds like a movie, but this is real," she said, tossing the ropes aside. "Do you know anyone who likes Reyna?" she whispered.

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