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Fantasy Nothing To Lose: An RP Beyond the End of the World


legend of #swag

Journey Under Saturnine Sky

An RP Beyond the End of the World

(6/6 spots filled)

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9:45 am - March 18, 50PRE (Post-Resonance Era)

Today is the day. You are now in Prosper, if you weren't before, the largest settlement in Safe Haven. If you've come from afar, from one of the smaller Townships or the outlying farms, this place feels almost overwhelming. The streets are thick with people bustling about their business, and the buildings crowd close on either side, some even reaching three or more stories. It's obvious that this is a place where things get done promptly and with professional demeanor, which in turn makes you more aware of how you carry yourself and how others are seeing you right now.

If you're one of those who has lived here all your life, there's nothing extraordinary about what you see now. But something does feel different. You've got somewhere to be, amongst all these other people who also have destinations to reach. Yours is in front of you now, a handsome townhouse located right on one of the most popular streets in Prosper. Its exterior is well-maintained, all the more reason to hope that the Mr. Ketteril, who hired you, has plenty of money to spare on your behalf.

You know that there should be others arriving soon as well, your comrades-to-be. The meeting is arranged for 10am in Mr. Ketteril's workshop, inside the house you see. Perhaps you'll go in now and impress him with your punctuality? Or maybe you'll wait a bit and meet the others outside first.

Marissa 'Mars' Vernon

A frenziedly beating heart exists within her, with every exhale of precious breath the sure-footed woman strides toward her destination, with every inevitable step her bracelets jingle against her slim wrist and her backpack slips further down her shoulder, before Mars has to pause and readjust it's length. The sidewalk widens up ahead as the district swarms around her, it was suffocating. Having such skyscrapers tower over one's head was intimidating to the woman, being crushed by the sound that shifted as she approached a well built apartment, obviously costing a high price.

The pavement strikes against her feet, the sound comforts her ears and that is what she focuses on. A hundred busy feet hitting the pavement, like hers, like his, like a march all trained on a single goal. But there was none.

Her loose curls slow to a bounce before becoming still, and Marissa halts her brisk walk. The pounding in her head has died down too..that's good, it was bothering her. But, it rarely happens, headaches. It must be the anxiousness that holds a vice like grip on her and stumbles on the verge of taking her apart, bit by bit. Yet, the woman resists it.

This was her time to escape, her time to uncover what's been hidden for so many eons. To explore a new world.

She was early, Mars grimaced. That wasn't the plan. An extra few minutes alone with the director of this whole expedition, not a chance.

Sure, if she had met him before but her suspicion was heightened due to the lessons drilled in to her since a tender age. Stranger danger. And so, Mars folds her arms against her chest and leans against a dull colored lamp post that smelt awfully metallic from the rust starting to gather, she had carefully avoided leaning on that spot and awaits the next to-be travel companion to arrive.


The Medic

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c896661a2_C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_SavedImages_gymedcor.gif.72042b234b4b43efbec725d494143d6d.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="113267" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c896661a2_C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_SavedImages_gymedcor.gif.72042b234b4b43efbec725d494143d6d.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Muttered phrases of apology such as "Sorry," and "Excuse me," were all that managed to escape Shannon's lips as she weaved between the surge of of people ambling by. While she herself wasn't big, the duffle bag slung over her shoulder was. Every so often she hefted it back into place, walking steadily to the large, expensive-looking house belonging to Mr. Ketteril.

She felt like she was out of her league participating in something like this, something so professional and possibly even dangerous. After all, why would they need a medic if there weren't any dangers to be had? She imagined everyone else being tough, no-nonsense journeymen ready to brave the world in style, and she'd never fit in with a crowd like that.

Although bright and cheery, the house loomed ahead of her. What if she wasn't as well prepared as she thought? Someone could die at her hands, making it all her fault and her burden alone to bear. She couldn't handle something like that happening.

Shoving all the negative thoughts rushing through her head info a dark hole, Shannon cleared her mind as she approached the house. Everything in the background seemed to fade. The noise, voices and clamor of the bustling street, all of it. There was no turning back now, she realized, and she had to make the most of things. She had to do her best, she had to do her part.

She was early by a few minutes, unfortunately, but decided a quiet house would ease her nerves more than the rowdy street would. Slowly, almost reluctantly, she approached the steps leading to the door.



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Elias Oivio


  • where: outside the townhouse

    with: marissa & shannon

    @Clairvoyance @Lady Ravenshade
The hustle of the city was familiar to Elias. Having lived in Prosper his whole life he had long since found a way to navigate the crowd. The scholar was more excited than he had any right to be, happily ducking and dodging through the crowd. This job was what he had been dreaming about for ages, and it didn’t even matter that his official job description was a cook. He had a chance to go outside Safe Haven and get pre-Resonance books, dangers be damned. He’s just gotten his inoculation so he should be fine. Today was the best day of his life, besides the day he had actually gotten accepted to the job.

There was pep in his step as glanced down at a slip of paper in his hand, the address scribbled in black ink.

Just this morning he had been a mess, realising that he’d never figured out where he would store everything he couldn’t take with him. Mostly this consisted of books, though he had managed to pack plenty into his bag. His life had been saved when his landlady had sighed heavily and told him that he could leave them behind. She didn’t have a new renter for his room yet, and if she did get one she promised to store his things for him.

The scholar almost didn’t leave on time because he spent so much time thanking her. It was shocking she didn’t hold more of a grudge, seeing that he almost never had his rent on time. His boss at work had been less forgiving, and Elias hoped this expedition was his big break because he wasn’t sure he had a job when he returned.

He was just turning onto the right street now. He followed the flow of the crowd, letting the rush push him towards his destination. When he found the right house he managed to push his way out of the crowd, looking up at Mr. Ketteril's workshop. It was a nice looking place, and Elias wondered briefly what this Ketteril man wanted out of this expedition. The job offer had been vague, going on about the glory and whatnot that would await those who took up this expedition. Most people gawked at the idea of leaving the security of Safe Haven, but Elias wasn’t going to let anything get in his way.

Looking down from the house itself it seemed that he was not the first to arrive. There were two women who were there, one who seemed to be just entering the building the other lingering outside by a lamppost.

“Hello,” he greeted cheerfully, “Are you both here for Mr.Ketteril as well?”
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Kaisa Graham



mapmaking equipment/tools


one bird glove

rifle for protection when exploring


flashlight and batteries

a few fruit that will last

Ide’s food

@cucumbers @Clairvoyance @Lady Ravenshade

Kaisa pulled on the strap holding her bag to her waist. She didn’t want any of her map making tools to fall out. The bag was packed with everything she used to make her map and all of her other luggage. She checked again if it was secured. She wore it on her waist so it was more accessible and she didn’t have deal with the weight on one shoulder or having to take it off from her back to get something inside. Her rifle was in a case the was slung over her shoulder. She didn’t want to draw attention to it especially in the middle of the street of Prosper.

Kaisa walked the street of Prosper looking for the house she was meeting Mr. Ketteril. She hadn’t gotten the chance to explore Prosper since she had just arrived early that morning from another city in Safe Haven. Although her city had been big it was not near the size of Prosper. As she walked through the street she was amazed at all the people and building and had to keep bringing herself back to focus. The combination of the city and the journey she was about to embark on filled her entire body with excitement. Soon she gathered herself and knew she had to get moving, something important was happening today and she could not be late. She started making her way past the crowd to find the house.

Her eyes kept darting from house to house hoping to catch sight of the number of the house she was supposed to be going to. Then her eyes landed on the correct address that had been given to her. She looked at the house taking in everything around it and how exactly she got there. She wanted to make sure she could come back easily without having to worry about it being the wrong place.

She then whistled, calling to Ide who she had let fly above since she had been coped up on the way here. Ide swooped down and landed on Kaisa’s outstretched arm. Kaisa gave Ide a bit of food as a reward for coming when called. She then placed Ide in her cage that was clipped to her bag. She didn’t want to worry people about having a hawk flying around or not caged, especially since they were inside.

Although she was early Kaisa proceeded to head to the house. When she reached the house she noticed that there were already three people standing outside.


Marissa 'Mars' Vernon

There was a brown-haired woman that approached the house now, the navigator pondered on whether she should issue a greeting, perhaps she was not aware that Mars was here before her. She lifted her hand to wave and flash a dimpled grin at the petite woman and the man drawing nearer to the house, well she assumed that they were here for the exact same reason. How strange this situation, them, meeting for the first time. About to commence outside of Safe Haven, and everyone was proceeding with life as if nothing was going to become different. Surely they felt the same way she did. In her instance, the world had been turned on it's head, Mars felt as if she was sinking down into some dark abyss that would swallow her whole, she didn't know where it would take her. Somewhere frightening most likely or maybe a new land, a beautiful place.

She was drowning with the water flowing past her ears. The man, seemingly affable, his mouth was moving, what was he saying? Her eyelids flutter and the woman is tipped back out, into the numbing ground of reality.

"Oh uh, I believe we are..any idea who exactly this man is?" she replies whilst her hand gestures to the meeting place.

The contemplating gaze floats toward the woman and then back to the man, she'd have to get used to seeing those faces, would they be friends..would they be enemies? What about the others.

"Should we continue our introductions inside?" an light-heartened laugh bubbles out from her lips "I was afraid of going in alone!"

"Oh! We've got a new member,"
her gaze wanders toward the younger woman carrying what seemed to be a rather heavy load as she made her way over.


Jeremy Van Den Berg

The ring of his alarm reminded the young men of the fact that he had to get up. There's was no need to hurry since the sun wasn't even up yet. But he didn't want to risk the chance of oversleeping so he set his alarm before the break of dawn. With a yawn he left his bed and began his morning routine. A quick shower to get rid of his nerves and the smell of his nerves. He wasn't going to survive long smelling like fear. After ten minutes of showering he dressed himself in his most comfortable clothes and brushed his hair.

Breakfast was the same as always, nothing fancy. A cup of coffee to get rid of the sleep in his eyes and a bottle of orange juice to get rid of the taste of coffee in his mouth. A bowl of cornflakes to fill up his stomach. And a slice of bread for no particular reason other than to eat something. After he was finally done with breakfast he was almost done to leave. But of course it was still way too early. So he decided to clean up his house. On the off chance that he returned home he wanted to return to a clean home.

His house wasn't messy enough to fill up the needed hours before he could leave. But that didn't matter, he was closer to leaving than before. With a sigh he sat on his sofa. With the soft sound of his radio keeping him company he drifted off. When his mind fell on the appointment again he felt as if it was time to leave. After quickly packing his backpack with all that he deemed necessary he left his house. Only to realize he wasn't wearing his jacket and he quickly went back to get it. Jeremy scolded himself for forgetting something and he quickly went trough his mental check list to make sure that was the only thing he had forgotten.

The walk to the workshop was uneventful and quite dull. Just the way he hoped it to be. But because of the dullness of it all he started to walk slower than he planned. He only realized it until he saw his destination up in the horizon. There were already people there.
Am I late? He thought to himself with a frown and he quickly fastened the pace. Hopefully he wasn't too late. Or at the very least he hoped the Mr.Ketteril was late too. Because he was sure that none of the people who stood there was him. When he finally got in speaking distance of the other people he slowed down.

''I hope I'm not too late?'' He said with a hint of uncertainty in his voice. He couldn't really believe that he was late even with all the preparation he did.
Note to self, wake up earlier. And walk faster. Or better run. Yeah, run everywhere.

no slide
A backpack, it contains three bars of chocolate, a bottle of cola and a zippo lighter.

A .44 magnum

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The Medic

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c8964ba0c_C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_SavedImages_gymedcor.gif.ce61c25aa7d1648e178e71e7f8775b15.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="113265" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c8964ba0c_C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_SavedImages_gymedcor.gif.ce61c25aa7d1648e178e71e7f8775b15.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Upon hearing the greeting of a man behind her, Shannon's hand immediately retracted from the knob. In her oblivious state approaching the house, she'd managed to miss a fellow adventurer waiting outside, and now two others had appeared.

"H-Hello.." She managed to stammer, her grip tightening on her bag. Had she known she was the first to arrive, she would've hung back as it seemed they had.

Two girls, one carrying a hawk or falcon, and two guys, one thinking he was late. Shannon couldn't help but wonder what they were like...how they acted, who they were. What kind of travelers they would be. She groaned internally, hoping none of them were whiners.

She quickly retreats from the porch, not liking the position. She almost thought it as a stage, and being the center of attention was never something that appealed to her. She ended up standing on the end, somewhat behind the first man who'd come.



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Kaisa Graham



mapmaking equipment/tools


one bird glove

rifle for protection when exploring


flashlight and batteries

a few fruit that will last

Ide’s food

Kaisa looked at the group gathering around the house. On, a shorter woman, noticed her as she approached the group. Soon after she joined the three standing outside another man came rushing up to them wondering if was he late. Kaisa smiled at the all of them when she spoke to them, “Hello. I guess you must also have a meeting with Mr. Ketteril. So that must mean we are all going to be working together if you’re here for the same reason as I am.”

Kaisa glanced around at the group. There were two men, a weak looking one and the other one who arrived just after her. There were also two women, the one who had noticed her before and another who back away from the poached and seemed to be hiding.

“Naw you’re not late, we are all just early,” she told the man who ran up asking if he was late.

At that time she decided to go inside of the house. She would rather not wait out in the open and for all she knew Mr. Ketteril was already there waiting for them to come. “Well, I’d rather not stand around outside the place when I could just go inside. So why don’t we all go in right now instead of looking awkward outside the house,” she said the everyone else. She walked up to the porch and gripped the knob to the door. She turned the knob and opened the door. She then went inside the house.



"Mehitabel": Grayther's sniper rifle, a contraption with a folding and telescoping barrel that can extend forty-eight feet in total length

26x Hand-Loaded Fullbore rounds

2x Packs of Cigarettes, one of which is half-empty

1x Matchbook

Benedict Grayther
The Sniper

The clock struck the hour, and Benedict Grayther's vision came into focus, before he batted his eye a few times, looking around blearily. He was sitting at a stool of a bar in some little tavern, elbow on the counter, chin head leaned onto his fist. The birds were chirping outside. He smelled like sweat. Had he nodded off? It must have been with his eye open, again.

Grayther had arrived to Prosper the previous afternoon, off of an inter-township ferry. He'd only been to the massive district a handfull of times in the past; thankfully, in that handful he'd more or less memorized where all the good dive bars and pubs were. And by "good," he meant not completely rat-infested or filled with drug addicts. Once there, he'd had a few drinks, eaten dinner, had a few more drinks, and a few more, and a few more... and then it was morning. Not an uncommon way for him to spend his night, in these times.

"Oi, bartend," said Grayther, with little more than a grunt, "Get me some raw eggs, will ya. And coffee beans."

The avuncular, broad-shouldered man behind the counter, who was currently ragging a whiskey glass, nodded, pausing in his cleaning and produced a pair of eggs, and a small bowl of coffee beans, as requested. The one-eyed man cracked one eggshell and gulped down its contents, then repeated the process. The coffee beans he simply dumped into his mouth and chewed through for a moment, before ordering a glass of water to wash it all down with.

The man dug into his pocket and pulled from it a single, crumpled note of paper with an address scrawled across it. He stared at it for beat, then he felt the caffeine he'd ingested starting to kick in. Grayther paid his tab, and rose from his barstool, hefting Mehitabel up onto his shoulder before making his way out the front door. He navigated the streets ambivalently, not in any exceptional rush and not afraid of getting lost. As he walked along, he pulled a cigarette from a box in his coat pocket, pinching it between his incisors in the corner of his mouth, and then striking a match off of his front teeth, with which to light it.

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The crowd that had gathered at the meeting place had now grown to a point where passerby were taking a moment to glance at the fascinating collection of people. After just a couple minutes of small talk, the front door opened up, just as Kaisa reached out to grab it, to reveal a lean, elderly man, with a mosaic of liver spots across his bald head and eyes that were buried deep beneath snowy brows. He flashed a smile that lacked a few teeth.

"Welcome, welcome. Oh, so many I see. Mr. Ketteril will be pleased. Come on in, don't mind your shoes, I have yet to sweep today."

He moved aside surprisingly nimbly for his age and admitted the group into a house that was well furnished and cozy. The decorations were tasteful, but also indications that money kept this house very well-cared for. The old man led the train of people through the front room, down a hallway and into a large back room. Its ceiling was high and made of glass, appearing to be an atrium that faced an inner courtyard. It let in a great amount of cheery sunlight that fell over the workbenches and tools that cluttered the floor. Gadgets and machines of all kinds lay in various states of disrepair or completion on, in, under and around the tables, and one had to be careful where they stepped. It was undoubtedly the workshop of a great mind, if not a tidy one.

The man gave a friendly nod behind them all once they had all entered the room. "Mr. Ketteril will be with you in just a moment, I know he was preparing something upstairs."

Kaisa Graham



mapmaking equipment/tools


one bird glove



flashlight and batteries

a few fruit that will last

Ide’s food

Kaisa looked at the old man who was behind the door when she reached to open it. She wondered if this was the Mr. Ketteril she was going to met. When the old man spoke to them she learned that he was not Mr. Ketteril but what he said about the shoes lead her to believe that he was actually a butler or employed by Mr. Ketteril in some way. After the old man moved aside nimbly Kaisa entered the house.

When she entered the house she started to glanced around the room. She was amazed by the decorations that decorated the front room. She had never seen decorations that seemed that expensive before. As she followed the old man through the house she kept looking around, taking in everything she saw. When they reached the last room the old man lead them inside. Kaisa saw that the room looked messy and like a workshop a lot like her work space back home. There were so many tools and machines everywhere, that she had to resist the urge to touch one of them. As she navigated around the room she happened to glance up and see the sky above her. The glass allowed a lot of light in so the workshop was lit by natural light from what she could see. When they all were inside the man told them that Mr. Ketteril would be done soon and Kaisa started to get excited. She wondered what kind of man Mr. Ketteril must be since this workshop was probably his.

After the man left she turn to the others. “Well, I might as well introduce myself. I’m Kaisa Graham, a mapmaker,” she said to them. “I was wondering who you all are and if you're all here for the same reason I am” she continued hoping to learn something about them.

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Elias Oivio


  • where: workshop

    with: everyone

Mostly everyone had arrived, and five others besides Elias stood in front of the townhouse. The lady with the bird seemed intent on going inside, but before she could actually reach the handle it swung open on it’s own. Inside was a old man, not all that good looking for his age either.

"Welcome, welcome. Oh, so many I see. Mr. Ketteril will be pleased. Come on in, don't mind your shoes, I have yet to sweep today." the old man said.

The man stepped aside and everyone entered the building. Elias followed the old man silently, taking in the house around him. It was quite obvious that this Ketteril man had money, if the house itself hadn’t proved that the inside certainly did. The group made their way through the house, guided by the old man, until they were brought into a messy workshop.

"Mr. Ketteril will be with you in just a moment, I know he was preparing something upstairs."

Elias gave the old man a small smile before peering around the room. The place was a pigsty, at least in comparison to Elias’s old apartment, though to be fair he never could afford this much clutter. It was definitely more proof of money that this Ketteril fellow could even afford to buy all this stuff.

When they were all standing around the lady with the bird introduced herself as a mapmaker, and Elias suddenly felt a little insignificant. All these people were probably on the expedition for good reasons, Kaisa being the best example. She would return with maps of the outside world… people would remember her for sure. Though inside he felt a little unsure of himself, externally he projected his usual chipper.

“I’m Elias Oivio!” He introduced himself, “I’m a cook, so I’ll be in charge of… well food.” [/b] Elias laughed a little awkwardly, before continuing with his greeting, “It’s nice to meet you Kaisa, and the rest of you. You’re here for the expedition right? If so it’ll be nice working with you.”
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