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Realistic or Modern Not If You Were the Last

Yeah, same. I've never heard of it :P then again, I am canadian. you americans have so much stuff we don't have. but we have poutine
Oh wow. Okay ... if you do a Google Image search on Tanger Outlet Mall, you will get an idea. basically they are clothing malls with dozens of different brand name clothing shops, including shoes, purses, etc. So if you want Label or Designer anything, that is the place to go. Some of these malls include a coffee shop.

It is almost laughable for Duncan to think he could pry someone like Babette away from the place. And it is probably a place he fears getting dragged to.
Hehe, figured. Babette would probably be interested in breaking into a coffee shop for sure. Get some beans, maybe some brewing gear. Coffee is life. I can't imagine her finally drinking some (assuming she's been staying away from it). She'd be so talkative. :P
LOL, Duncan has coffee (and tea). He has percolators, French Presses and instant. (He saves the grounds for a worm farm for fishing bait). He is searching for coffee beans - that haven't been roasted yet - so he can plant them.

Well, gotta roll out for work. Not quite as long a day as usual, but an early start.
Well, I kind of had a feeling he'd have some kind of equipment if/when she'd ask. But good to know that he actually has some. :D Is there anywhere he could find unroasted beans that aren't in South America? I know there are some in HI, down the road from where I live actually, but that's a little out of reach. :P
sorry it took me so long to get that post up. for some reason, i had a lot of trouble with it.
Haha! Nooooo! :P I'm going to try to keep my post short and simple. Currently trying to train myself to write less, but it seems hard to not write a lot with Babette. Hmph.
hah, well at least you won't have trouble writing enough!

my high school english teacher (AP) was super strict on keeping things short and concise. I'm in university now and I find it so difficult to write enough for my papers!!! I actually joined this site to try and get better at it.
I've just recently started to get into roleplay again after a 5-6 year hiatus and recently joined the board about a week ago. I think I'm just happy to be back and also finding the right length to get my character's thoughts/actions/dialogue across. But we'll see. I'm also trying to improve my writing. Used to be better, now just kind of unpracticed and rusty.

But writing was a passion of mine, especially when I was younger. Didn't matter what kind of writing I did, as long as I could type it or write it out.
Yeah, me too! This is definitely good writing practice. I used to write a lot when I was younger, but I've been in a bit of a slump. I think this is helping a lot.
Without saying "I grew up," I started to adult a bit more (at least that's what I thought when I was a teenager) and gained other interests (code for getting into boys, neglecting my hobbies, gaining other hobbies, etc). I've always, ALWAYS had the craving to write but never could due to lack of creativity. And then I recently started to RP again on World of Warcraft. Saaayy whhhhaat? :P
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Well, that was Duncan's "sad" scene. Kinda hard to visit the place without doing something like placing flowers, etc. And he isn't the sort to tell the girls "wait here" and leave them wondering.

Both of you are writing very well. I've missed that. We do need to go ahead and move the plot along though. I am open to suggestions from you two. I do have a number of ideas; just a matter of choosing.
Well, I tend to do long posts because of a lack of time - those 14 hour days. If you guys use Google Docs, those are a great way to do joint posts. I half expected you guys to do some shorter posts for the "girl time".

I DO expect some shorter work days for the next few days. Long load with limited work hours available (Fed regs). They actually ran me into negative time yesterday. Most I can do is 7-8 hrs a day for the next couple days. That means more time to write.

Some of my ideas include short scenes with some predators (like a cougar that Duncan missed on thermographic readings) ... or maybe a pack of wild dogs that had been using a storm drain underpass like a cave.

Duncan was also thinking of taking the girls to the indoor range. Maybe doing some electrical golf cart racing / bumper car fun. Or mini golf. Movie night.

If they decide to move to the Southeast, that becomes a major project. Duncan has a ... train. It is already half loaded. He calls that Plan B. The downside of that move is that he hasn't cleared the area they'd be headed of predators. The upside is that there is lots of fishing (and crabbing floundering and oyster diving), boating, orchards, richer soil, lots more rain for crops, etc.
It actually makes me sad to think of what Duncan would be leaving behind after the post you wrote, but it does seem like moving the characters SE would be more beneficial in the long run.

A little action sounds fun! Can't all be sunshine and rainbows.

I'm a little sad that more people haven't joined. And that the person who plays Jack is busy with IRL stuff, but that's life, right? I think he needs to make a cameo so Tamara can have some eye candy. (o'v'o) @aergie

I also don't mind don't the whole Google docs thing. Have roleplayed using it before. Better for short scenes, shorter posts.
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And ... not going to be able to get a post out before I head out to work here shortly. Duncan's garden is everything promised, though he wasn't able to take good care of it (watering and weeding). Lot of water dependent crops withered. The peaches are everything promised. He literally has 2x4's propping branches up. He dug up half his yard and turned that into part of the garden as well, but that part didn't do as well. Strawberries do well as wild plants and his patch is now about 15' x 15'.
I'm up for whatever you guys want to do.

I've never done the google docs collab thing (I do know how to use it though) but I'm definitely up for it
Well, my last post wasn't so great. Needs some rest. Poor brain is tired.
@Mitheral No, no, it was good. :)

I'm working on a post right now. Woke up an hour ago and had to deal with some house chores before sitting to post. But it should be up shortly. :)

@aergie I would just use gdocs for shorter posts, like one or two paragraphs. Mostly dialogue and actions. The responses were pretty instant, though, so I'm not sure if that's something you're able to do with school and stuff. Kind of like rp'ing on a chat client or something. Lol. *Shrugs.*
@Mitheral yeah, you're fine!!

@sodeviousxo okay, well I'm sure we can figure something out with our schedules. I'm on Eastern Time, so it's about 3:40 pm here.

I'm usually done with classes around 6pm on Monday/Wednesday, and only have one class in the afternoon on Tuesday/Thursday, so my schedule isn't actually very full. I did warn you guys that I might have trouble posting on Monday/Wednesdays, but that hasn't been a problem so far.

Duncan: Oh great! How do I get rid of this guy. Go away. I saw them first.

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