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Realistic or Modern Not If You Were the Last

thanks guys!!!! hopefully i will survive the week haha. going to see an exhibit on Pompeii on friday, so at least I have something to look forward to
Future Timed Events (Copied to Lore Tab)

Sep 27, 2016

150 Teens (age 14-18) depart Sandia for Eglin

100 Teens depart NORAD for Sandia for Layover before continuing to Eglin

Sep 30, 2016

Sandia Teens arrive at Crestview, FL
Duncan's Bay

This is where Duncan has placed signs everywhere on the beach.

Leave the traps alone. Duncan.

Warning: Gators ====>

No Trespassing. Violators will be eaten by sand sharks.

Sharknado zone.

Watch out for Flying baracudas and eels.
I'm assuming that since Babs, Tamara, and Jerry are at least marginally knowledgeable about farms it's a good fence. Possibly like this with the addition of chicken wire.

Gotcha ... wasn't sure if you meant the livestock fence - like that one ... or a cow pen ... hog pen, etc ... That one really doesn't need. Main thing I was looking for was whether you needed holes through posts to run the boards inset. With exterior mounted boards you just have to have the boards on the inside of the enclosure or they are too easy to knock off.

Greyson was digging post holes at 12-18 per hours and setting them with concrete - regardless of size or distance (within reason). Posts were set at least 3 feet into the ground

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I see now why the fence is going so slow. But that sort of fence lasts a LOT longer and takes less maintenance. You have to pre measure boards, etc. yes I have built a few fences, even constructed large gates / hinges from scratch. I did construction before I drove a truck. And I lived on a farm for awhile.

My brother in law has a $750,000 chicken farm. The farm I lived on was crops and cattle.
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@Hell0NHighWater Mostly good.

Move to Kansas at age 17 and THEN learning ... doesn't quite work. I'd make that 16. He'd have been a little under 17 when the Plague hit. The age limit was 18 as of Aug 27, 2016. The Plague was ravaging coastal areas by mid 2015, working its way inward within a month or so. (7 billion deaths in 6 months)


I really should have made people add birthdates. LOL. Since the start of the RP people have learned that noone is immune. But a very tiny fraction are resistant. The reason they are resistant is genetic. This group must represent every 18 year old on the planet now and the odds of being 18 is about 1 in 1000, only 1 in a million were Immunes ... or 7000 world wide. Only about 1500 of those were in the USA. About 3500 in Russia and China were slaughtered in an attempt to use their bone marrow - unsuccessfully. Process killed both Patient and Immune.

For what it is worth, I did a couple 18 year olds too. Oh well.

I was going to ask where the character was living ... but the whole moved to Kansas thing ... I take it his Mother was American? Otherwise he wouldn't be eligible for the USMC later.
Thank you :)

I'm in the process of editing my character but I think it all pans out now. I hope at least I'm on my mobile so it's a bit hard to edit things
@Hell0NHighWater Looked a lot better. Still not sure from his personality about how the idea I sent you will go. LOL, he's that sort of person. easy to rub the wrong way, and rubs people the wrong way himself a lot. Smart ass, byt the sounds of him. Military types don't do well with that under these conditions.

Guys, I sent him a suggestion on how to get both him - and his jeep in working order - to Eglin. He could always just walk in. But this way would bring him in with the Sandia group of teens. Basically ship him on the train after a brief quarantine. Arrival Oct 1, 2016.

Most of the new teens will be set up in a Tent city at the farm. Military school buses are being sent to shuttle the kids around to job sites. Devyn's initial assignment will depend on how much trouble his mouth got him into back at Sandia. He either gets sent to Jerry and Babette as a hunter (probably to drive one of the Batmobiles or hunt with the local military folks for big predators from the zoos).
Long miserable day at work. But finally done. Will try not to snarl at anyone ... lol.
Some of the 20-30 year olds are intended to be teachers. They are really more backdrop characters mostly, though they have some fun skills. One knows "magic". She's Wiccan. Three are musicians.

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