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Realistic or Modern Not If You Were the Last

Thought I would open things up to those tearjerker scenes where victims and loved ones on opposite sides of a containment wall speak. And if people want to scream at Duncan, feel free.
It was a good idea. :) Gave an opportunity for something I was thinking of.

It's just sad because the person who most wants to see if Duncan's okay, won't. :P
Heading to sleep here in abt 10-15 min if anyone has last minute questions.
Oh .. Horton (and Greyson) will be responding to Casey's request. Horton has ideas for using a Go Pro, headset, signal booster and a small mobile solar array for Tamara's end ... and a Tablet and headset on Casey's end to set up video conferencing.

Also ... noticed the mention of enlisting the kids's help for a car search. Horton might have some thoughts there. But that could take a little work on one of Mark's projects. Just a lot of lifting and welding.
Okies. How long are you thinking about keeping them in there? Or is it a surprise?

Also, if @aergie is okay with it, if she goes to see Casey and Duncan, she'll be bringing with her something for Duncan from Babette. All up to her, though. :D Or maybe even Jerry could take it. xD
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LOL, you DO realize that I have to Google half those texting acronyms ... Dear lord I went and looked ... and found and example of A/S/L ... It referred to:

50 year old bald guy sitting in front of computer eating cheetos claiming to be something else.

Well .. dang it, it's a laptop. I am NOT bald. I just got a haircut yesterday. And that is the first bag of cheetos I have bought in a long time.
Oh, my! "A/S/L" was a huge thing when, like, chatting was first new. I remember all that shit from when I was, like, 10? 11, maybe. Going into chatrooms when we weren't allowed to. Haha. Haven't heard it used seriously in about... 15 years?

Laptops are awesome, @CuVallen is bald (lol, jokes), and Cheetos are good... The crunchy ones, that is. :D
That's fine. It is also a good spot for a 1x1 between you two. We can drug Duncan into a stupor to make him shut up and get some rest as he would keep asking when Hickman will have the test results.

Hickman: "Hmm? Tell that lazy wench Tamara that Lord Poseidon summons her? Sure, I'll get right on that." (Chuckles)
I might have Duncan babble at Casey and explain why he compares him to a Pet Rock.
He can say the worst things... He was the youngest of 6 kids and growing up in a multicultural family, I'm sure he's been the victim of some modern-day racism. He can handle a bit of Duncan. :P
HAHAHA! Oh Duncan isn't a racist at all. Just the opposite, in fact.

No, it would be the satellite imagery of the area showing an odd reduced presence of cars in the area between Casey's home and the bay, plus the burned down home, sunken boats, etc. It was as if cars suddenly developed a lemming instinct and rolled toward the ocean.
Oh, didn't think Duncan was racist. Was more so saying that he has a thick skin due to many factors.

Haha! Casey would be like, "Oh.. heheh."
Yeah ... gotta be up in 6 hours to drive. I am thinking if Duncan started calling Casey Rocky ... Casey could respond with the "I Like a Moose" song. It might be a little bawdy for RpN. The Renaissance Festival folks warn folks with small children. First time I heard it was in a German Castle with 200+ drunk Americans singing.
From the Experts on that subject (Mayo Clinic)

(And this just goes to show you that Duncan didn't have a clue what to expect)

Hickman may suggest that those still on a very heavy work detail (or in boot camp) not be donating for awhile (afte she stabs Duncan?) Or you can all be sore as hell and blame Duncan.
Just FYI, Casey might get ill, but no worse that a regular cold or flu. His contact was minimal, so up to @sodeviousxo . He's quite welcome to be lucky. Or she can decide to get ill and blame Duncan. They will take small samples daily and if no signs of infection after 3 days, will be released. (It's not a new strain.)

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