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Fandom Noragami: Descending Darkness

LifeNovel said:
We may have to search for someone to join as a Shinki, but for now you can use an NPC.
Apologies guys for not replying sooner! My sister's boyfriend flew in front Cali (cause they have a long-distance relationship that started on the computer -__-) and so I've been occupied with hanging out with them...(not by my will...)
Ok, cool! Thanks~ And you have my sympathies.
granted the person holding many parts of the rp together is unable to continue at the moment
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if you thought I was talking about you I was talking about the mod. she has good reasons, but it doesn't change the fact that this rp has slowed considerably
aonly9470 said:
if you thought I was talking about you I was talking about the mod. she has good reasons, but it doesn't change the fact that this rp has slowed considerably
In no way would I think that you were talking about me. I think I've only made 4 or 5 posts total.
[QUOTE="Ian Temero]In no way would I think that you were talking about me. I think I've only made 4 or 5 posts total.

I've made 3 4 (8))
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aonly9470 said:
if you thought I was talking about you I was talking about the mod. she has good reasons, but it doesn't change the fact that this rp has slowed considerably
It has always been slow. Although I do wish it is faster but I realize that this is my fault. I do not regret though the pace it is going. As long as we are all still here and enjoying each other, that is all I wish. I am also not making a promise that this roleplay will move progressively faster since I am in high school and have more hours dedicated to school than others (but I do admire those people who have way more schooling than me and manage to roleplay fast kudos to you~).
QuirkyAngel said:
I was watching this...

...and it made me really wanna make a shinki ;_;
I love that AMV ;_;

I love the song

And I especially love the movie ;___; so sad though

Not as sad as Anohana or Your Lie in April. These two anime nearly brought me to tears, and hardly do I ever cry.
Demonhunter said:
really?! sorry not completely done with the story yet. will change. any ideas? id like to keep her super naturey
It's okay ^_^

Perhaps she could be the Goddess of Conservation?
hm... or.. children lost in the forrest usualy ask her for guidance. so even today when people get in dangerous situations she kind of delivers them from evil protecting them from phantoms. shes still a forrest god, her specialty just falls outside the forrest and into the cities?
Goddess of Guidance...that could work ^_^

Although most gods do that...but she can be Goddess of Revelation, showing the truth and the right path according to the feelings of the person
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They say that sometimes silence can bring truth. Perhaps that it could the trees holds the many secrets of living beings and even of the Far Shore citizens.

In Noragami, Tenjin had a shinki who was a plum spirit.

My character, Nagi, is a minor wind deity, so he's in close relation with wind spirits and can control them somewhat. Perhaps your character has a similar relationship with tree spirits. Like she was born from the wishes of humans and left in the forest, where she was raised by tree spirits...or something like that =P
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Demonhunter said:
kay how about that. fit in with the universe?
I love it so far, but could you perhaps develop some more onto her? I require 2 paragraphs for personality and three for history because I want to see the character more in depth as well as a way to help me incorporate her into the roleplay.
also for my god's characteristic attack, could I have it embody the quote "a candle that burns twice as bright lasts half as long" in being that he will send power into his regalia to create an enhanced combat state, good for fighting multiple phantoms at once to destroy storms easier (since depression is either caused by a storm or attracts it)
Yes, but at a later time since the strength of the Regalia not only comes from the god but also the spirit itself. Naoko would not immediately be able to have the strength for an enhanced attack.
so what if he tried to use his empowering move while she's not strong enough (he did it with the nora all the time so he has no clue) also posted

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