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Fandom Noragami: Descending Darkness

[QUOTE="Cross_Rhodes]I formally apologize for how nerdy that post was.
Batman's not even his favorite superhero. The god of invention is obviously a huge Tony Stark fan.

Sorry Stark. Maybe next time.

We'll somehow secretly include hints of Marvel and DC superheros~
Yos, yos! I finally have time and will be replying tonight!


Do I still have my team here?
Okay but like..... The concept of shining a spotlight into the sky doesn't work because there's nothing for the symbol to project onto?
BEX said:
Okay but like..... The concept of shining a spotlight into the sky doesn't work because there's nothing for the symbol to project onto?
Wait what do you mean?
Have you ever been out on Halloween, and when it gets dark you have to use a flashlight right? Well if you shine it up to the sky there's nowhere for the light to go and hit, so you can't see it anywhere.
If it's a strong enough light you'll be able to see it. It should have the strength of those lights that they use for movie premiers or have you ever seen those lights that they use in small airports? I see some beams of lights sometimes at night from over the tops of houses and buildings from the local, small airport nearby.
Yeah but that's just light spreading out into the atmosphere because it doesn't have any place to reflect off of. If you put a symbol in it there isn't any place for it to go

Well from all the images of the batman symbol shining in the sky, there is nothing that it is projecting onto except the sky...well there are going to be clouds in the sky :P

It's winter time with snow :P

If you would like I can include a detail of the sky.
[QUOTE="The Secret Archives]I am present. Couldn't think of anything witty so went with the basics xD

I expected great things from you.
aonly9470 said:
would I be able to make a yatogmi? (god without a shrine or proper name)
Mmmmm yes, although you will have to place more detail into the history of how this "god" came about and of course do not have the name of Yato.
I apologise for my lack of activity. Turns out my alerts system screwed up again so I wasn't actually being alerted of any progress on this or the IC. But I've sorted everything out now, and now I'm back~ ^o^

Again, my apologies~
I was thinking that my yatogami could be created out of the helpless need of people who were experiencing themselves or others with depression, bullying, etc. making him naturally powerful at fighting the beasts from the far shore. the position of this yatogami though is so precarious that they usually disappear and are forgotten, causing another to later appear. my yatogami is still a relatively new one but with help from a nora has been able to barely keep himself from being completely forgotten as the nora taught him about his godly powers so he didn't die constantly and be forgotten since he is natually drawn to beasts causing things like depression
That would be impossible though, considering quite a lot of people are constantly depressed, and or showing signs of depression, not to mention that bullying is so widespread, that yes even innocent Japan gets it's share. Why would a new god have to be born constantly, when there are other more known gods that bring happiness, and prevent violence and the like. That's just the way I see it.
just an idea and to support my point, gods are created for the same purpose, multiple gods of calamity, but each god needs to be remembered or they fade and a new one takes their place. I'll keep thinking
Mmm that would make an interesting character. Although if you were to include a Nora, it would have to be one that has been eliminated since the Nora that is in play currently is one that is known throughout many gods.

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