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Fandom Noragami: Descending Darkness

Thanks to Raigo's continual efforts it is undergoing a cleanliness that is going to be very sparkly and clean.

Currently the kitchen is the most spotless

There's still some occasional CLUTTER (How did I forget to write that).... So do watch your step..

(Especially in the right corner of the living room when you first enter... But uh.... For no particular reason.. Ahem.)
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BEX said:
Hah, yeah unlucky for you the best shinki already got paired :)
Not to brag or anything


The best shinki is any shinki Nagi is paired with. Unfortunately, that's only npcs atm (>u>)
LifeNovel said:
I am posting either tomorrow or Tuesday guys! And before I post @BEX and @Cross_Rhodes tell me...is Nikolai's house currently messy, clean or halfway?
My bet, still messy^^

Rai'd have to be a cleaning god otherwise.

Edit: All hail the cleaning god =P
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You guys make me laugh. The only great Shinki out there is Nora! (I kid, I kid. Although I am enjoying writing her scenes. A tad much more than I thought I would be >_>)
I don't think some of the Nora's are all that bad tbh....

Take for example Nora currently in the anime.... Like I kind of think she's misunderstood..
I mean...


I think he lost his way a little...............................................................
QuirkyAngel said:
Tbh, I haven't looked at them all yet. Though...the first one that caught my eye was Kokoro =P
"I don't blame you. I'm smart, sexy, sassy, and kick-ass. What isn't there to like?"

Kokoro is still open (as Life has already told you). I'm waiting for @DGLong and @Celebi to post, but I plan on her declining any offer Fuu might make. (Unless he just happens to make a specific offer, which I don't see happening.) She'll then head back to the safe-house where a nasty surprise will be waiting. At that point, she'll be open to be claimed by either Fuu or Nagi, though I think Nagi gets first shot since Fuu already has a Regalia.

Speaking of nasty surprises, @LifeNovel would it be cool if I have one or two Phantoms ignore Nora's summons? Maybe because they were busy eating a large group of spirits that were all conveniently gathered in one building?
@DGLong[/URL] and @Celebi to post, but I plan on her declining any offer Fuu might make. (Unless he just happens to make a specific offer, which I don't see happening.) She'll then head back to the safe-house where a nasty surprise will be waiting. At that point, she'll be open to be claimed by either Fuu or Nagi, though I think Nagi gets first shot since Fuu already has a Regalia.

Speaking of nasty surprises, @LifeNovel would it be cool if I have one or two Phantoms ignore Nora's summons? Maybe because they were busy eating a large group of spirits that were all conveniently gathered in one building?
Mmmmmmmm if it will help progress the story for your characters then yes. I will say that perhaps they were bigger Phantoms that often are harder to control. Although do not be surprised if you find Nora lurking over the rooftop. >.>
BEX said:
I just want to see what happens with Hiyori
I read the manga. So I know. (=u=)

@DGLong[/URL] and @Celebi to post, but I plan on her declining any offer Fuu might make. (Unless he just happens to make a specific offer, which I don't see happening.) She'll then head back to the safe-house where a nasty surprise will be waiting. At that point, she'll be open to be claimed by either Fuu or Nagi, though I think Nagi gets first shot since Fuu already has a Regalia.

Speaking of nasty surprises, @LifeNovel would it be cool if I have one or two Phantoms ignore Nora's summons? Maybe because they were busy eating a large group of spirits that were all conveniently gathered in one building?
Kokoro will be an interesting fit and her personality counters compliments well with Nagi's^^

Nagi will be needing a regalia since the only one currently on him(npc) is a non combat type.
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BEX said:
I just want to see what happens with Hiyori
Hiyori *-*

People don't credit her as much as she should be...

This scene always gets me...

LifeNovel said:
I am posting either tomorrow or Tuesday guys! And before I post @BEX and @Cross_Rhodes tell me...is Nikolai's house currently messy, clean or halfway?
It's a constant back and forth struggle.

Someone won't quit de-organizing Nikolai's stuff. There's a system in place. (>P)

@LifeNovel take your shoes off before you go inside T_T
Yeah the system is great. The filing cabinet is v helpful.

You say that but there were already so many dirty mud tracks that somebody painstakingly took the time to steam clean from the carpet...

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