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Fantasy Noble High

Malkavian sighed when everyone left, and the pressure from his spiritual energy reseeded once his uniform was back on. He was hoping for some sort of entertainment, but he assumed it would come down to himself once again. He grabbed his book bag and made way outside of the room walking towards what he sensed was the exit to outside. the door opened before he reached it once again, and Malkavian walked out into the fresh open air outside. The sun touched his cold skin, and he breathed in deeply even though he did not need to breath. It was more out of habit really to keep up a more mortal appearance. He made his way towards a lone tree standing under its shade. He snapped his fingers fluidly, and a black metallic chair infused with pure white human bones helping to make its form. Two skulls with Vamperic teeth on each hand rest. A white marble table appeared as well Malkavian sitting gracefully in the chair. A small cup containing tea laced with human blood rested on the table. He picked it up leaning back into the chair crossing his leg over the other.
“Alright Aki. See ya later.” said Blaze, as she saw Aki leaving the dorms.

After Aki had left, Blaze started to use her phone, since she wanted to call someone.

“Zoey, we have a fashion problem here.” said Blaze, since Zoey is a private fashion designer at the castle.

“What do you mean a fashion problem, your highness?” said Zoey.

“Apparently, one of my new friends doesn't have a luggage with them, so…” said Blaze.

“You want me to send a luggage filled with clothes to them? ...Alright, I will ask Butler Nate to send a private jet to your school then. Just what is their name?” said Zoey.

“Her name is Aki, Zoey.” said Blaze.

“Ok. I bedazzle her name with diamonds in front of her new luggage, and let the principal know about the private jet coming.” said Zoey.

“Thank you, Zoey.” said Blaze.

“Your welcome, and have fun at school, your highness.” said Zoey, as she hanged up.

After a few minutes has passed, a private jet ended up flying by Noble High, and ended up dropping off a beautiful luggage at the dorms with a parachute.

Blaze flew to get the new luggage for Aki, since she was still in her phoenix form, and putted the luggage on Aki’s bed.

The letter was in a envelope, and the envelope was hanging on the luggage’s handle, since somebody wanted to chain the letter to the luggage’s handle.

“I can't wait until Aki sees this.” said Blaze, since she is very kind to her friends.

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Aki noticed the Jet flying in the direction she just came from, but paid no attention to it. After a bit of walking, she reached the tree where Malkavian was set up. She didn't receive the hint Tsukiyo gave her to stay away from him. She noticed he was drinking a red beverage and just observed him for a bit. Aki was paying close attention to him because she felt something off about him. Aki couldn't always know what powers she received once she got them. Whatever his powers were, she had them. She looked at her hands and tried to make something happen.

@Lord Anubis
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ForgottenSky9272 said:
Aki noticed the Jet flying in the direction she just came from, but paid no attention to it. After a bit of walking, she reached the tree where Malkavian was set up. She didn't receive the hint Tsukiyo gave her to stay away from him. She noticed he was drinking a red beverage and just observed him for a bit. Aki was paying close attention to him because she felt something off about him. Aki couldn't always know what powers she received once she got them. Whatever his powers were, she had them. She looked at her hands and tried to make something happen.
@Lord Anubis
Malkavian took a sip from his blood laced tea. While he gave no indication of acknowledging the girls presence in the area he did speak to her though their minds. In the moment he spoke in her mind a cold dark shiver flowed down the girls spine his ancient presence made itself felt" I do not know where you come from, but in my world it is considered rude to stare or a form of flirtation take your pick" he said in a calm tone. His Crimson eyes locked onto her in a split second, and he took another sip from his tea.
Aki put her hands down and saw that their eyes met. She smiles slightly. "I'm sorry, I was just lost in thought." she said. "If you don't mind telling me.....what is your ability?" she felt like he wasn't going to answer because she already made a bad impression. But she gave it a shot anyway.

@Lord Anubis
ForgottenSky9272 said:
Aki put her hands down and saw that their eyes met. She smiles slightly. "I'm sorry, I was just lost in thought." she said. "If you don't mind telling me.....what is your ability?" she felt like he wasn't going to answer because she already made a bad impression. But she gave it a shot anyway.
@Lord Anubis
Malkavian set the cup down and crossed his arms still holding eye contact with her. He held a calm yet expressionless face" There is a saying that one should not ask questions if they dont really want the answers to them. So in saying that." Malkavian picked up the cup again " When you discover on your own accord what gifts lie within me perhaps i will more freely converse with you on the subject. he said. He looked her up and down examining every detail to her form,as well as the spiritual energy she emitted. For as long as he has existed very few times had he ever encountered a presence such as this girls before....it intrigued him.
All Aki said was, "Heh...." She was a bit bothered by how he looked at her. She wanted to impress him by either going into his mind or look into his soul to see what type of powers he had with abilities she obtained. Aki had a quick change of heart just as her eyes flashed different colors for a split second. "Well, never mind." she uttered. She bowed her head down, "I'm sorry for rudely staring before." She started to walk away and her white flowing hair swayed with each step she took.

@Lord Anubis
DeathRising said:
I open my eyes as i hear the floor boards creek and look over. I see the girl that entered lunch right before i left. As i sit up i notice her trying to quietly put her things on the bed across from mine. With a forced smile i ask her "So i take it your my room mate?" While asking this i glance at the clock and my forced smile turns into a happy grin because i relies i am skipping gym class.
(sorry for the late reply.)

@Wanda Maxy
Caroline looks back at him as she laughed awkwardly and said "G'day, Ha-ha... you guess right, I think... I'm so sorry that I woke you, Please don't mind me, I'll just put my things down and I'll be out of your hair" she quickly walked over to her bed and the floor boards kept creaking. She threw her luggage up onto her bed and with her back turned towards him she made such an unhappy face as she thought:

Ah! so embarrassing! why are you against me school? why?

Then holding onto Bob the pot plant she looked around for a windowsill to place him on. in a corner where a bookshelf, a sitting chair and a lamp were, was a beautiful window. She smiled and nodded as she said "perfect" she ran over to the window and placed him down. "you can restore your energy here, Bob" she said as she smiled brightly, Bob told her "
sure is a nice view"

"It sure is" she laughed. Caroline walked back over to her bed, still trying to be cautious about the guy at the other end of the room.

OOC (it's Alright, so am I)

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As i watch you put your things up and place your plant on the window seal. I say "Since we are room mates i guess i should introduce myself names Casey McBride. And i dont expect us to become best friends but i will try my best to be considerate." I then sit up and start to unpack my back pack on my bed.
Caroline turned around to fully listen to what he was saying, she inhaled deeply and held her breath for a few seconds before saying "Nice to meet you, My Name's Caroline Withers and.. I wouldn't mind being friends with you and I will also try to do my best" she smiled warmly before turning back around to open her luggage, taking out her clothes and putting them away in draws close to her.

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After Caroline introduced herself I returned the smile and put the few outfits i had away and a journal which had a black leather covering and a pure white feather sticking out of it on the desk by my bed. I then got up stretched and said "i am going to head out for a bit. Need me to grab you anything while i am out like a drink or something?"

(OOC: If anyone is interested i added a backstory to Casey's character sheet.)
Caroline looked up at Casey and replied "Hmm? oh um... I'd love an iced coffee, if that's no trouble of coarse"
"No problem i'll be back in about an hour or so." I then vanish into the shadows and reappeared in the school yard. Where I saw a girl with white hair walking back to the school building and a guy sitting in the shade on a chair of skulls which i had ti admit to myself was badass. I then decided to just walk around the school yard and enjoy the evening air as i did i thought to myself I love this time of day. While walking i would intently try to walk close to the kid under the tree to try and check out the cool chair some more.
ForgottenSky9272 said:
All Aki said was, "Heh...." She was a bit bothered by how he looked at her. She wanted to impress him by either going into his mind or look into his soul to see what type of powers he had with abilities she obtained. Aki had a quick change of heart just as her eyes flashed different colors for a split second. "Well, never mind." she uttered. She bowed her head down, "I'm sorry for rudely staring before." She started to walk away and her white flowing hair swayed with each step she took.
@Lord Anubis
Malkavian finished his drink placing the cup down, as he watched the girl walk away" An interesting one that young woman is." he thought to himself. Taking another sip from his cup Malkavian watched as a butterfly flew towards him. Setting the cup down gently he extended his finger towards the butterfly, as it slowly drifted towards it landing on his finger. With a expressionless face Malkavian tilted his head examining the butterfly. Without even looking Malkavian spoke aloud " May i help you young man? " he asked to the boy behind him.

Slightly caught off guard that the guy saw me i simply say "No not really just checking that chair out its kind of badass. And what do you mean young man we are practically the same age?" I say with a slightly agitated look on my face.

@Lord Anubis
DeathRising said:
Slightly caught off guard that the guy saw me i simply say "No not really just checking that chair out its kind of badass. And what do you mean young man we are practically the same age?" I say with a slightly agitated look on my face.
@Lord Anubis
Malkavian then looked to the young man his crimson red eyes locking onto his" As a matter of fact your words are far from true. Tell me how old are you? " he asked him.
Tsukiyo was on his way to the mountain's when he saw the student's pass by he saw aki and he knew that something happen to her he then felt Malkvain's energy and he knew that she must have gotten near him " ill talk to her after my chat with Malkvain " Tsukiyo headed towards the guys and with a smile he looked at both of them and said " ah just the person i was looking for Malkvain i need your help with something do you mind fallowing me " trying to get him alone so he can talk to him about his powers"
Caroline nodded as he then disappeared again, after he had left she giggled and jumped around the room happily as she said "Did you see that Bob? He doesn't hate me! Yes! Ha-ha!" she twirled happily before running over to Bob "of course you'll still be my number one plant, Bob" she said as she giggled.

She glanced out the window and saw Casey talking to a mysterious person underneath a tree. "hmm" she thought. "I wonder who he is.. By the look of him I'd say he's use to the first class life..." she then turned away from the window and continued to put her things away.

" Well I hope to meet him some time, Something tells me he'd have a lot to talk about."

From her luggage she grabbed out a dagger in a holster that had belonged to her mother, she set it down on the side table next to her bed and got out a picture of Caroline and her parents, and set it down next to the dagger.

Once she had finished unpacking she put her empty luggage under her bed she
Then fell upon her bed feeling a little bit tired.
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kenchin said:
Tsukiyo was on his way to the mountain's when he saw the student's pass by he saw aki and he knew that something happen to her he then felt Malkvain's energy and he knew that she must have gotten near him " ill talk to her after my chat with Malkvain " Tsukiyo headed towards the guys and with a smile he looked at both of them and said " ah just the person i was looking for Malkvain i need your help with something do you mind fallowing me " trying to get him alone so he can talk to him about his powers"
Malkavian snapped his fingers after he rows from his chair. He sighed" If anything needs help it is how lively this school is. Very well Kenchin lead the way. " he said calmly.
tsukiyo pointed towards the mountain top" trust me your going to have fun aswell " then tsukiyo took out a bracelet and put it on himself" it's basically just so we can have some where safe to continue our lesson plan " hinting to malkvain that it's so they can use their full power
A girl dragged through her rucksack into the school, after being incredibly late attempting to organize everything. it had failed miserably, ending in her being as late as she was. She hoped she'd make some friends.
After Aki’s special gift was on her bed, Blaze left the dorms, because she was getting pretty bored of waiting for Aki to get here, and see her new luggage.

As she was walking around the school in her human form, Blaze saw a new girl walking around in the hallways.

‘Not this again.’ thought Blaze, since she still has trust issues when it comes to meeting new people.

Blaze just walked away from the new girl, since she doesn't want that girl to end up noticing her.

@Summer Dotty
Blackrose7 said:
After Aki’s special gift was on her bed, Blaze left the dorms, because she was getting pretty bored of waiting for Aki to get here, and see her new luggage.
As she was walking around the school in her human form, Blaze saw a new girl walking around in the hallways.

‘Not this again.’ thought Blaze, since she still has trust issues when it comes to meeting new people.

Blaze just walked away from the new girl, since she doesn't want that girl to end up noticing her.

@Summer Dotty
The girl, whom was called Blossom, glanced around. Most of the pupils had avoided eye contanct, even some groaned in disapproval. She saw one, who stared at her, before pulling away. Embarrassingly, she approached her. Gently, she tapped her shoulder, "Uh... h-hi?"
Blaze's face was a little shocked when Blossom tapped her shoulder, since she wants her to leave.

"Um...hi." said Blaze, who was panicking on the inside a bit, since she still isn't use to meeting new people yet.

'Damn it. I thought that she didn't notice me, but sadly, she did, and she talking to me now. Why can't Caroline or Aki take my spot here?' thought Blaze.

@Summer Dotty
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As Malkavian and Tsukiyo talked to each other and completely ignored me i got pretty pissed off. So i stormed off and pulled my phone out to check the time and noticed i have been out for about a half hour. So I shadow step to the roof and watch the evening sky for about twenty minutes to calm myself down. Then i teleport to the cafeteria and find the cafe part and grab a iced coffee for Caroline and a mint chocolate coffee for me. I then shadow step back to my dorm and notice that Caroline has fallen asleep so I sit her drink down by her stuff on the table and shadow stepped to my bed so i wouldn't make noise and put my headphones on turned my tunes up and pulled a manga out of my bag and began to read while taking a drink of my coffee every couple of pages.

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