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Fantasy Noble High

Aki noticed Tsukiyo go passed her and then Malkavian following. She gave out a small sigh knowing where that would be heading. She decided to go back to the dorms because she felt a bit tired. When she got to her dorm she noticed that Blaze had left and saw something on her bed. "Maybe she changed her mind and wanted this bed instead." She then realized that wasn't the case when she noticed her name bedazzled on the piece of luggage. She slowly opened it thinking it was alright to touch it and found clothes laying inside. Aki was surprised as she closed the lid of it and laid it beside her bed to question Blaze later. All of a sudden she got a really bad head ache and was forced to sit down. "Maybe....I just.....need.....sleep.." She felt even more exhausted then before and fell asleep that instant. Headaches was something normal for Aki, she receives them very often.
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kenchin said:
tsukiyo pointed towards the mountain top" trust me your going to have fun aswell " then tsukiyo took out a bracelet and put it on himself" it's basically just so we can have some where safe to continue our lesson plan " hinting to malkvain that it's so they can use their full power
Malkavian rolled his eyes" I see very well lets go." lets go. He said calmly beginning to walk towards the mountain. Once out of range of the others Malkavian spoke to Tsukiyo" You are a persistent one ill give you that." Malkavian still held his gaze up towards the mountain.
tsukiyo smiled " haha well thats because it's a rare chance to test my skills against a rank SSS demon lord " tsukiyo took out a small pill and drank it on the spot" so just wondering are you bored of life is that why your always so sad"
DeathRising said:
As Malkavian and Tsukiyo talked to each other and completely ignored me i got pretty pissed off. So i stormed off and pulled my phone out to check the time and noticed i have been out for about a half hour. So I shadow step to the roof and watch the evening sky for about twenty minutes to calm myself down. Then i teleport to the cafeteria and find the cafe part and grab a iced coffee for Caroline and a mint chocolate coffee for me. I then shadow step back to my dorm and notice that Caroline has fallen asleep so I sit her drink down by her stuff on the table and shadow stepped to my bed so i wouldn't make noise and put my headphones on turned my tunes up and pulled a manga out of my bag and began to read while taking a drink of my coffee every couple of pages.
Caroline rolled over onto her back and made a small groaning noise as she rubbed her eyes and slowly sat up on her bed. "mm... that was good while it lasted.." she said to herself as she stretched out her arms. She then slouched as she looked around the room, seeing Casey was back she sat up straight with her eye's wide open. her eyes then averted over to her bed side table. where he had left her an Iced coffee. She gasped, she then crawled over and quickly picked it up.

With a big smile on her face she happily took a sip, "mmmm! So good!" she said and took another big sip. "thank you, Casey!" she yelled as she waved with her free hand, noticing he was wearing headphones.

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kenchin said:
tsukiyo smiled " haha well thats because it's a rare chance to test my skills against a rank SSS demon lord " tsukiyo took out a small pill and drank it on the spot" so just wondering are you bored of life is that why your always so sad"
Malkavian gave a slight chuckle then looked over towards the sun set" It is not life nor sadness that really burdens me so. Still it is not all incorrect either." Malkavian said, as they neared closer to the mountains higher elevations. He looked back ahead not making anymore eye contact or conversation simply staying quiet while they walked.
Tsukiyo smiled and after ten more minutes of walking they reached the top of the mountain it was a Flat surface with out tree's or rocks just a beautiful Plain of green grass" sorry for dragging you all the way up here but " Tsukiyo went into full power Ultimate Dying will Mode " the whole mountain, Forest and school was ingulfed in his power and he looked at Malkvain with a clam look and smiled " Please don't hold back against me Malkvain come at me like if your going to kill me "

@Lord Anubis
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kenchin said:
Tsukiyo smiled and after ten more minutes of walking they reached the top of the mountain it was a Flat surface with out tree's or rocks just a beautiful Plain of green grass" sorry for dragging you all the way up here but " Tsukiyo went into full power Ultimate Dying will Mode " the whole mountain, Forest and school was ingulfed in his power and he looked at Malkvain with a clam look and smiled " Please don't hold back against me Malkvain come at me like if your going to kill me "
@Lord Anubis
Malkavian gave a slight smile"You ask that as if you wish to die!" he said letting off his school uniform to fall on the ground. The instant he took it off a wave of darkness flood out of him nether energy the force behind death, and all things tied to it. The The sky darkened Black clouds rolled over the mountain as if from nowhere. Black lightning arced from the clouds striking the mountain. Black sparks flew onto the surrounding grass which had died do to Malkavians Netherian energy sapping the life from the grass catching fire. Black flames began to grow and spread till Malkavian stopped the flames from spreading to far down the mountain. A black fog rolled down from the clouds blanketing the area which began to sap the living energy from both the air, and anything living within the fog. Ethereal Black Angelic wings unfolded from his back, and his eyes glowed a bright crimson red. Loud booms of thunder was heard all the way to the school.

The ground began to shake and crack in front of Malkavian, as black skeletal dogs rows from the crack. Dark purple light was emitted from the crack from which the creatures came a feeling of sickness followed with the light. The dog like creatures began to grow flesh of darkness upon their forms bright green eyes stared at Tsukiyo. They snarled dark green poison drooled from their mouths, as sharp teeth snapped in his direction. The dog like creatures 3 in total simply waited their only keeping constant eye contact. Their long marble white claws clacked against the earthen stone sending small sparks from their grinding against them.
Tsukiyo Felt the Enormas amount of energy coming from Malkvain and he smiled " This energy is just like The Flame of Night but that is nothing compared to yours Malkvain " Tsukiyo then activated his Bracelet giving him a Karate gi with a chain underarmor and some muitai Hand rap's and all the flames that were around the School and Forest just came into the mountain top and thanks to Tsukiyo's Flames of Harmony and Activation mixed together he made a special flame that brought back most of the dead grass flowers tree's" and ontop of tsukiyo the clouds were gone it was like they were in the eye of the storm now clam and steady before Hell broke lose litarlly " oh i don't wish to die i fight with my life in the line every single day " in that instant Tsukiyo appeard and sent the dogs six feet to the gound and with Harmony flame's made sure they stayed were they belonged in hell tsukiyo smirked and looked at Malkvain " man those three were scary " he said calm and collected
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I notice Caroline wake up and get her drink all happily and thank me. I put my headphones down around my kneck and said "no problem." I then sense a huge amount of energy coming from up on the mountain. I get up and go look out the window to see if i can see anything up on the mountain. All i see are some dark clouds and hear some thunder I then say " I wounder whats going on up their those clouds are not natural."

@Wanda Maxy
raidou just arrived at the front gate of the school,carrying his backpack at his back as well as a blade on his waist.he take a look a little at the school from outside the gate for a second."hooh....so this is the the school where everyone was talking about"he amazed to how big the gate and the the school building that he see,"whelp........time to start of my life here"he decided to enter the gate as the gate opened by itself,his destination now is to find the headmaster room inside the school area.he walk around the school are passing some student who take a short glance at him as a new freshman on the school,but raidou just ignore it and continue to look for the headmaster room.he ended up at the mountain ,which is considered as unlucky because of the battle at the montain is started.
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Aki got woken up from the loud sounds coming from the mountain. She got a shiver down her spine, she hasn't felt this amount of energy in a couple of years and it scared her. She got up and opened the window looking outside. She assumed this was the work of a student. Whatever this was, it was raging inside of her waiting to jump out. Aki closed her window and went towards the blasts of energy, only to find herself going up a mountain. Unfortunately, she wasn't a good runner....at all.
kenchin said:
Tsukiyo Felt the Enormas amount of energy coming from Malkvain and he smiled " This energy is just like The Flame of Night but that is nothing compared to yours Malkvain " Tsukiyo then activated his Bracelet giving him a Karate gi with a chain underarmor and some muitai Hand rap's and all the flames that were around the School and Forest just came into the mountain top and thanks to Tsukiyo's Flames of Harmony and Activation mixed together he made a special flame that brought back most of the dead grass flowers tree's" and ontop of tsukiyo the clouds were gone it was like they were in the eye of the storm now clam and steady before Hell broke lose litarlly " oh i don't wish to die i fight with my life in the line every single day " in that instant Tsukiyo appeard and sent the dogs six feet to the gound and with Harmony flame's made sure they stayed were they belonged in hell tsukiyo smirked and looked at Malkvain " man those three were scary " he said calm and collected
Malkavian Smiled this time this time all of his teeth were pointed. His skin began to turn a dark grey color the color flowing like a cancer across his skin. His eyes grew to the same pitch black darkness like before seeming to suck in the light. Te wings on his back grew bigger faint red veins of demonic energy flowed across his wings. three large ethereal horns protruded from his head. A medium sized Black flame hovered above the horns, and several long darkness tendrils extended from his feet. Ice formed around him, as the grass died again around him he held out his hand towards the direction of the newcomer, and the girl from before. Malkavian spoke in a deeper darker demonic voice,that sent waves of dark energy with each word to Tsukiyo" It would seem despite your efforts some student have managed to find there way here." He said turning his head in the direction of the newcomer" And it would seem the girl from before is coming as well....interesting." he aid coldly.

@ForgottenSky9272 ,@raidou kuzunoha ,@kenchin
Tsukiyo Remained clam and collected " Well ofcourse they would come with all of our energy and what is being attracted are Demons and Angels or maybe both " he smiled at Malkvain's innocent smile " so you Finaly smiled Malkvain Tsukiyo resolved increased again and this time instead of just Two lights Four Lights were shining at the same Time One orange that was strong and Claming Another Yellow as bright as the Sun a Blue that was Tranqull and a Purple one that seem strange " i should really use all of my power especially now that your so excited " he looked into Malkvain's eye's that many would see death and flee but tsukiyo stared and smiled not fearing death like he will not die till he complete's his Goal " i see pure and absolute darkness but deep deep deep down i see a spark of light so want to block them off so they wont disturb our fun

@Lord Anubis
DeathRising said:
I notice Caroline wake up and get her drink all happily and thank me. I put my headphones down around my kneck and said "no problem." I then sense a huge amount of energy coming from up on the mountain. I get up and go look out the window to see if i can see anything up on the mountain. All i see are some dark clouds and hear some thunder I then say " I wounder whats going on up their those clouds are not natural."
@Wanda Maxy
Caroline followed him over to the window seeing big clouds at the top of the mountain. "Defiantly not natures work... from the energy i'm feeling its.. the teacher.. and that mysterious guy... probably another one of his weird lessons" she said as she then took another big sip from her drink. "I hope they don't do too much damage"

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raidou stood in his place,staring at both person that want to start the battle from distance."seems like i come at the wrong time".through his skin he felt the pressure of dark energy that contaminated the air on the montain,make him quickly jump into a conclusion that one of the person there was a high rank demon.he dicedided to move back a little and hide on before one of them notice him.his sword,grandlord..start to shaking which is a sign that it's on absorbsion mode and also a sign to raidou that he need to keep his awareness up.
"The teach won't let that happen." Feeling the power get more intense everything inside me is screaming at me to stay down her and let it go. But for some reason this just makes me want to go check it out. So i look back to Caroline and say " I am going to head up their do you want to join or do you want to stay here?"

@Wanda Maxy
Caroline was a little bit hesitant about it but she wanted to make sure no one was going to get seriously hurt. She nodded her head and said "I'd like to go with you.. if that is ok.." she looked down at her iced coffee in her hands and glanced back up at Casey. Feeling a little embarrassed she drank the whole cup of iced coffee, slamming the empty cup down onto the window sill as she gasped for air. Caroline opened the window and climbed up onto the window sill and looked down seeing no concrete or anything at would cause her any harm on the way down. She smiled to Casey and said "see you down there" she then jumped from the window and dived into the earth like a single water droplet. She then reappeared carefully stepping out of a tree balancing on its branches close to where they were fighting.

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kenchin said:
Tsukiyo Remained clam and collected " Well ofcourse they would come with all of our energy and what is being attracted are Demons and Angels or maybe both " he smiled at Malkvain's innocent smile " so you Finaly smiled Malkvain Tsukiyo resolved increased again and this time instead of just Two lights Four Lights were shining at the same Time One orange that was strong and Claming Another Yellow as bright as the Sun a Blue that was Tranqull and a Purple one that seem strange " i should really use all of my power especially now that your so excited " he looked into Malkvain's eye's that many would see death and flee but tsukiyo stared and smiled not fearing death like he will not die till he complete's his Goal " i see pure and absolute darkness but deep deep deep down i see a spark of light so want to block them off so they wont disturb our fun
@Lord Anubis
Malkavian gave a slight laugh" Come know wheres the fun in that after all is this not a lesson in its own way?" He said in the same demonic tone. He opened his hand as dark energy flowed from the air around him into a dark energy compressed orb the size of a baseball. Black electricity arced across the surface of the orb Malkavian looked into Tsukiyos eyes" Oh veterisque dei se revocet i tenebrarum " To anyone who understood it these words were spoken in the Latin tong. As soon as Malkavian spoke these words the air suddenly grew still to the point of complete silence. Everyone around the mountain would only be able to hear their breathing and heart beats. Above them the black clouds would form again this time there was a definite eye of the storm. Only in the center there was no light from the sky only a black void.
[QUOTE="Lord Anubis]Malkavian gave a slight laugh" Come know wheres the fun in that after all is this not a lesson in its own way?" He said in the same demonic tone. He opened his hand as dark energy flowed from the air around him into a dark energy compressed orb the size of a baseball. Black electricity arced across the surface of the orb Malkavian looked into Tsukiyos eyes" Oh veterisque dei se revocet i tenebrarum " To anyone who understood it these words were spoken in the Latin tong. As soon as Malkavian spoke these words the air suddenly grew still to the point of complete silence. Everyone around the mountain would only be able to hear their breathing and heart beats. Above them the black clouds would form again this time there was a definite eye of the storm. Only in the center there was no light from the sky only a black void.

raidou look to the sky that turned into dark because of the black clouds that gathered above the montain before he realize that the air around him was filled with magic that make him completely silenced."........" he loosen his collar a little,then he continue to observe the situation around him while he oversee them from distance.
tsukiyo smiled and looked at the void" well I don't want them getting hurt so " tsukiyo concentrated and made a shield of pure sky flames it covered the whole mountain top protecting not themail but the people outside" so you really haven't had any fun I see by your innocent smile you want to have fun " tsukiyo appeared in front of malkvain and hit him straight in the face with a high kick to see his reaction to tsukiyo and malkvain it looked like a normal kick but to the viewers outside it was as fast ass the speed of sound "
Evo would awake from a long slumber, as he was walking out of the dorms he would crack his neck side to side and he would look around to see if he noticed anyone at all, other then the strange mountain, whilst smelling the air around him to see if he could pick up any distinct scent.
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Looking out the window to see where Caroline was only to see her disappear into the ground. I think to myself nifty trick and in a blink of an eye I shadow stepped to the top of the mountain. Where i say the teach and what looked to be a version the kid from the school yard fighting. While scanning the area i see Caroline by a tree a few feet from me and a few other students. I notice that i can't make sounds and just shrug lean against a tree and watch.
Caroline crouched down on the branch and stared at the fight wondering: what is the point to fighting? Does the teacher know what he's doing? Even so, wouldn't it be against school rules for a teacher to harm a student?

She looked down to see Casey leaning against the tree, she smiled warmly as she lied against the tree looking down at him. she then looked back up at the fight and her smile turned into a disappointed frown.

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DeathRising said:
Looking out the window to see where Caroline was only to see her disappear into the ground. I think to myself nifty trick and in a blink of an eye I shadow stepped to the top of the mountain. Where i say the teach and what looked to be a version the kid from the school yard fighting. While scanning the area i see Caroline by a tree a few feet from me and a few other students. I notice that i can't make sounds and just shrug lean against a tree and watch.
Raidou staring at those student from his place,waving his hand toward them trying to get their attention since he was hidding.
kenchin said:
tsukiyo smiled and looked at the void" well I don't want them getting hurt so " tsukiyo concentrated and made a shield of pure sky flames it covered the whole mountain top protecting not themail but the people outside" so you really haven't had any fun I see by your innocent smile you want to have fun " tsukiyo appeared in front of malkvain and hit him straight in the face with a high kick to see his reaction to tsukiyo and malkvain it looked like a normal kick but to the viewers outside it was as fast ass the speed of sound "
For a brief moment it appeared that the kick had connected, but looking closer one would see Malkavians hand gripping tightly to Tsukiyos leg. Small tendrils of grey smoke flowed around his ankle decaying the clothes on Tsukiyos leg. Malkavian spoke again " Audite vocem meam, et virtutem tuam sciatur. " he said in a calm collected tone. Black lightning would strike around them, and a large eye would open in the void circle above them. Its slited pupil would looked at malkavian and Tsukiyo. a wave of The darkest energy pure primordial darkness would be felt to all on the mountain.

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