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Fantasy Noble High

Tsukiyo smiled " well you just have to wear a vest that will put your body to its limit's and " tsukiyo's eye's shined and smiled at him " i know i could see and sense from a mile away" so want to spar against me to see were you need to improve " tsukiyo looked at him and he couldn't find a opening " it seems you train well
kenchin said:
Tsukiyo smiled " well you just have to wear a vest that will put your body to its limit's and " tsukiyo's eye's shined and smiled at him " i know i could see and sense from a mile away" so want to spar against me to see were you need to improve " tsukiyo looked at him and he couldn't find a opening " it seems you train well
Malkavian gave a sudden serious yet calm expression. The world around Malkavian, and Tsukiyo began to blur Several copies of Malkavian began to shift in and out of reality. The world suddenly became pitch black all the senses seemed to dull except touch. suddenly Tsukiyo would feel Malkavians sharp finger nail pointing under his chin" You don't get to my age my friend without knowing a thing or two." he said calmly. The world returned to normal Malkavain suddenly back to his same position, as if he never moved from that spot.
Tsukiyo smiled and turned off his vest and his calm expresion came back but this time his energy Bursted at full power but it was just around Tsukiyo his eye's were shining with pure Harmony and Calmness the whole School and Forest felt like they were in a beautiful bliss full moment they all felt safe and secured Tsukiyo made as many copies as Malkvain did " well lets be fair remember i said you have to wear the Vest didn't i say that "
Malkavian grew cold the air withing the room began to drop in temperature. Malkavian began to take off his school uniform small pulses of nether energy mixed with dark energy were emitted from his form; as if it were a heart beat from which he had none. Dark tendrils flowed from behind his back forming a set of translucent black wings. He looked into Tsukiyo's eye " Come now since when to bad guys play by the rules let alone be fair." he said dropping his uniform on the floor a large pulse of dark energy emitted from him when his uniform came off.
kenchin said:
Tsukiyo looked at Aki and smiled and looked at her " do you want me to put a limiter on you or do you want to learn how to control it" he looked at Blaze well do you want to start on your work out or just spar with me " he said smiling at the girls
"SPAR!" shouted Blaze, as she then realized that she was being a bit rude.

"...Um. Spar please, sensie." said Blaze.

She then noticed that a new student had arrived, and she can immediately tell that he looked like a noble.

'...Crap, why does a rich kid need to be here?' thought Blaze, since that would mean that she has to act like a princess in front of him.

@kenchin @Lord Anubis
I open my eyes as i hear the floor boards creek and look over. I see the girl that entered lunch right before i left. As i sit up i notice her trying to quietly put her things on the bed across from mine. With a forced smile i ask her "So i take it your my room mate?" While asking this i glance at the clock and my forced smile turns into a happy grin because i relies i am skipping gym class.

(sorry for the late reply.)

@Wanda Maxy
Aki stared at the two who were about to fight. They were calm, so she forced a calm look upon herself also. Aki didn't like where this was going. She looked over at Blaze to see if she liked what was happening.

Blaze didn't like that Tsukiyo was going to spar against the new kid, since she wanted to fight Tsukiyo first.

“...I wanted to spar against Tsukiyo, but I can wait.” said Blaze, since she was a bit sad that Tsukiyo was fighting against the new kid and not her.

@ForgottenSky9272 @kenchin
Aki gave out a sigh and looked over at the two. She decided to just watch because I dought a teacher would hurt a student..........or a student hurt a teacher..
Tsukiyo Smiled " well get in line Its Blaze then Aki then You " he said to Malkvain as he went towards Blaze and said to her " Take of your vest Blaze " he said to her while still keeping his eye's on the new kid" we will start soon okay"
Blaze took off her vest, since she was going to have to good time trying to beat Tsukiyo up.

"Ok, sensie." said Blaze, since she was very eager to do this.

Tsukiyo went down on his power with out letting Blaze know and he smiled his gentel smile at her " oh wear the ring i gave you aswell don't take it off no matter what okay" he said smiling at Blaze " so first things first lets get the rules stated i won't use weapons and i won't tolerate it if you guys can't control your powers i will stop the match in a instant okay you four" he said while taking off his suit's top just leaving his white shirt on"
Aki felt like that was directed towards her and felt herself be brought down. Maybe I made a bad first impression..... She closed her eyes not liking the idea she'll have to go up there and spar with Tsukiyo like Blaze. Then, out of curiousity she looked over at the new person who recently walked in. He seemed intimidating, but she felt calm as she stared at him. How old is he?.... Aki thought, almost catching on as she continued to stare.
Tsukiyo looked at aki and he smiled at her " aki don't look away learn your oponents movements because your next remember that " he said trying to keep her in a safe distance from Malkvain he new that he wasn't even just a normal demon or vampire he felt something accient and strong " so remember to always watch me okay aki don't worry that rule is for someone like Blaze or Malkvain not you 'he said to her
“I haven't even took off that ring, sensie.” said Blaze, since she had been wearing it, the whole time.

Tsukiyo then said that he won't be using any weapons, so she gave her spear to Aki, since she has been walking around with it, because she is still in her phoenix form.

“You also already know that I can control my powers pretty well, sensie, so let the sparring begin!” said Blaze, excitedly.

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tsukiyo took a stance a kenpo stance Softhand style and he smiled " don't lose track of me and grab your spear its better for you to use it to block or else your going to have trouble staying up " in a instant he moved and hit blaze gently in the stomach and then her liver and under her ribs making her realize that if he wanted to he could have knocked her out if he used strenght" so use it okay
Aki looked at Tsukiyo when he talked to her. She didn't like how he was being nice to her again, but smiled back anyway. She took Blaze's spear and stared at it. She hated to have to look at weapons, but the fact that one was in her hands.....Aki watched the fight like Tsukiyo said and already Blaze was losing. She wasn't bothered by the fact that he was strong, but the fact that he was hurting Blaze. But the only thing she could do was watch, so she did.

@Blackrose7 @kenchin @Lord Anubis
“I also do fine without it, but if you insist of me using it than alright, sensie.” said Blaze, as she got her spear back from Aki.

Blaze tried to hit Tsukiyo with both her spear and her powers, but he hitted her in the stomach, liver, and under her ribs.

Even though, Blaze knows that she can't beat Tsukiyo, she was determine to at least hit him once.

Blaze gracefully attacked Tsukiyo with her spear, fired some fireballs as a distraction, and fired a light beam as soon as he looked away.

‘I know he is going to dodge all of my attacks, but at least, I get a chance to spar against sensie.’ thought Blaze, since she was happy with this.

Tsukiyo new she was giving it her all and he smiled as he didn't even move from his position the fireballs did grab his attention but because he was making sure they didn't hit anyone with that he grabed the spear and got hit in the sholder with her light attack. " ouch that hurt a bit" tsukiyo used the spear to bring Blaze close to him and with nothing but his open palm he toches her chest and he smiles because in a instant he took out all of Blaze's air out while he said " Sei Shin Suikyou Shou " The bell rang and tsukiyo looked at the watch " ah its three in the after noon free time so that ends today's lesson's and you can explore the school but be in your dorms by ten or else okay you guys" Tsukiyo grabed his stuff and started to leave but he went back to Aki and smiled and gave her a necklace that had Jewel that was Orange and he smiled " you keep that with you okay it will help you understand after all your powers are like His " he said leaving all happy like singing " free time free time its snack time"

ooc: gtg soryy
Aki took the necklace and stared at it. She kept it in her pocket instead of putting it on. How were my powers like his......He just has hyper intuition....right? At least he's human, while I'm a monster.. Aki thought remembering something but quickly shook the thoughts out of her head and gave a smile to Blaze, "You did amazing! I never could have even pulled off one hit!" Remembering that Tsukiyo said that they could explore she looked at the room key she was given and decided to go to the dorms."Well, I'm gonna head to the dorms." Aki then smiled one last time before she left and headed to the dorms.

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As soon as Tsukiyo grabbed her spear, and pulled it towards him, Blaze immediately punch him in the face, before he was able to touch her chest.

Once Tsukiyo touched her chest, Blaze slowly was having a hard time breathing before the lack of air knocked her out.

Blaze however has a mind of it's own when she is knock out, so Blaze was walking around until she ended up hitting a wall.

She was then lying on the ground afterwards, since Blaze can't do anything now, because she is fully unconscious, and can’t move her body anymore.

After a while, Blaze regained her conscious, and Aki said that she did amazing.

“...Thank you, Aki.” said Blaze, as she got up from the ground.

Aki said that she was heading to the dorms, right now, so Blaze started to follow her, since she hasn't putted her luggage away yet, because she never went to the dorms.

@kenchin @ForgottenSky9272
Aki look back at Blaze who was following her. She smiled once again. "I wonder who my roommate is going to be." Her smile was so bright you couldn't help but smile back. After a while they made their way to the dorms and Aki found her room. She stared at the keyhole and took out her key. "Well, this is my room." she said. She opened the door and looked inside.

Blaze looked at her room key, and then the dorm room number.

“Look like I am your roommate, Aki.” said Blaze, since she didn't expect to meet her roommate this easily.

She started to unpack the stuff from her luggage, and you can clearly see that Blaze has both fancy and casual clothes in there.

“Make-up, tea pot, a magazine from my home, pepper spray, and my laptop.” said Blaze, as she was just checking to see if anything in her luggage was missing.

"What a coincidence." Aki said. She took the bed more far away from the door because it seemed like Blaze already settled on the other one. She watched her unpack her things. Unlike everyone else, she didn't have luggage. Aki only had 1 change of clothes, nothing else. She hid the fact that she didn't live in such luxury as Blaze and quickly put it away. Aki noticed that Blaze was finished unpacking. She got up, "Well, I'm gonna go look around. See ya later?" she smiled and left immediately. Aki sighed as she left the dorms and walked around campus. She seemed to be lost in thought. Her kind face always seemed to disappear when she was alone.


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