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Fantasy Noble High

Blaze's face started to blush a bit, when Tsukiyo took both his suit and vest off.

'Oh my gosh, sensie is handsome without his suit and vest on.' thought Blaze.

Blaze then thought about water again, since she didn't want to be thinking about how handsome Tsukiyo is, right now.

"Ok, sensie." said Blaze, as she tried the weight again, since she needed to improve on her strength even more.

After a while, Blaze was getting the hang of it, and was lifting the weight like a human would do.


( Yay for little fan service. ^w^ )
Tsukiyo smiled " good but this is going to be fun so remember to always get heavier weights when it becomes normal and " he goes to Blaze and looked at her vest " ah here is the problem you have it in normal setting " he said smiling a nice smile then they all got a cold shiver in their spines " but i am a Hell Teacher so we should really increas your Normal to Hell " he said looking at Blaze
Blaze felt a cold shiver down her spine when Tsukiyo ended up saying that he was a hell teacher.

‘...He is trying to kill me with these weights!’ thought Blaze, as she putted the weight back, so she can change the setting to hell.

Blaze can barely lift the weight up now, because of the setting.

“This is too heavy for me, sensie.” said Blaze, as she wasn't able to lift the weight from its stand now.

Tsukiyo looked at her and smiled hahaha perfect so train in that setting everyone and try your best and do at least three sets of 50 okay " he said smiling his gentle smile at them. while he put his vest and cloths back on " oh i always have mine in hell you get used to it every week because once you surpass your limit it adjusts again and makes it hell all over again" he said smiling
Blaze tried her best to lift the weight from the stand in anyway possible, but it ended up falling off from the bench press.

tried to get the weight off the bench press by changing into her phoenix form, but sadly, it ended up falling on the floor onces Blaze tried to get the weight off the bench press.

"I seriously can't lift this weight, sensie." said Blaze, as she was struggling to lift the weight up.

In eventually, the weight ended up being on top of her, and Blaze wasn't able to get the weight off her from the ground.

"...Um. A little help here, sensie." said Blaze, since she was stuck, right now.

Tsukiyo looked at Blaze and went in a hurry to help her " sorry sorry well lets change the amount of weights on it " he said that while he picked up the weight form Blaze and took some of the weights off" okay try it now
At first, Aki was a bit nervous to try them on. But, after Tsukiyo put her settings to "Hell", she went from nervous to scared which could easily be identified by looking at her face. As most people could tell, Aki didn't look strong at all by the looks of it. "U-um...." Aki said unsure seeing how much of a hard time Blaze was having.
Tsukiyo looked at aki and smiled " i can tell your like me don't worry it just makes it so your in your limit it is only that hard for Blaze because she is strong so basicly you will know your limit by how much you can carry okay miss Aki " he said smiling to her and handing her a ten pound dumbell " so first try doing three sets of 12 in each hand okay if you can't just rest and try again " he said to her gently
Tsukiyo took the the weight off her, and started to take some of the weights off.

Blaze tried to lift the weight again, and this was perfect for her, since not only was the weight still a bit heavy for her, but she was able to lift it without the weight trapping her.

“Thank you, sensie.” said Blaze, since she didn't want to be trap under the weight again.

After a while, Blaze did ended up being stronger, since she was determine to lift the weight: 200 times, since she wanted to beat Tsukiyo’s 124 lifts.

Aki took a deep breath, at first she might have liked how he was so nice to her before. But now she couldn't slack off. She immediately wiped the scared look off her face and shook her head slightly. "If I can't do this......I won't be able to get through this school year." whispered Aki with determination. She then went to the weights and looked at them. She got 1 done and she looked like she was going to die. Next 11, 12, 13, and before you knew it she was at 64 in a matter of seconds. She got to 198 and didn't want to make Blaze feel bad so left it at 199. She breathed heavily and gave them both a small smile. She didn't even break a sweat. "A-am I done?" Aki said.
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Tsukiyo smiled at Blaze " ah did i forget to mention that this is just warming up the real workout will start tomorrow okay i don't want to burn your guys out so fast okay " he said smiling his gentle smile" tsukiyo started to move all the weights to the side and smiled " i should warm up aswell " he started take out three lighters and set them up and turned them on and she started to do push ups with a perfect form " he looked at the girls " hmm warm ups are done thats amazing usally i have two or three students giving up in the first ten minutes but great " he got up and took out a list " okay we can do the 10 mile jog then the Thousand crunchs 500 push ups with a sandbag on your back and then after that is done a sparing match with me " he said smiling at the girls
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The smile that was secretly congratulated Aki slowly faded. Of course she knew there would be way harder things, but she didn't want to fight, let alone spar. I looked over at Blaze wondering how she felt about all of this.

@kenchin @Blackrose7
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Tsukiyo was so happy but looked at Aki and looked at her with his Hyper Intuition and was kinda disapointed " Aki tell me straight but do you know how to control your powers
Blaze looked like she was literally on fire, right now, since she really can't wait to spar against Tsukiyo.

‘I even more determined to beat up Tsukiyo in a sparring match now, since this is going to be fun.’ thought Blaze, as her eyes was filled with determination.

@kenchin @ForgottenSky9272
A cool breeze flowed across the drive way leading to the schools entrance. A black Limo rolled up to the entrance tinted so no one could see inside. Malkavian Sat in the back drinking a glass of red wine laced with blood. His crimson red eyes watched the lush red liquid swirl in the glass, as he twirled it in his hand. The window separating the driver from the passengers rolled down. The driver looked in the mirror to Malkavian " My lord we have arrived. " He said in a older masculine tone. The driver was a elderly looking man smiling up at Malkavian. He turned his gaze towards his butler " Indeed we are Sebastian. " Malkavian put the wine glass in a holder grabbing his book bag he turned to look at the school. A blank cold expression was all that showed upon his face. He sighed " Oh how i dread coming to these schools it is always the same nothing new is ever taught to me. On the rare occasion i met a individual who instructed me in the arts i did not know even still it pains me. To live this long and still be subjugated to attend school alas it is what i agreed upon to keep my identity a secret within the mortal world. Also to keep those wretched council's off my back." he said in a annoyed voice. Sebastian had already exited the vehicle walking across to the other side opening the door for Malkavian.

Stepping out Malkavian(same attire as in his picture) scanned the area in front of him. Many presences could be felt his cloths all but almost extinguishing his powerful dark presence, as it tended to draw the wrong attention. Malkavian looked over to Sebastian"
I shall expect my belongings to be brought to my dorm room before i retire for the day fair well Sebastian. " he said calmly. Sebastian bowed towards Malkavian" As you wish my lord please have a splendid day sir. " Sebastian responded in a formal yet relaxed tone. Malkavain proceeded to head up the pathway leading into the school, while Sebastian drove the limo away. The doors to the school opened as if by themselves for Malkavian, as he walked into the schools main entrance. He proceeded down the hallway his eyes holding forward, yet still remained aware of everything around him.
Tsukiyo smiled at her " well no wonder i could feel it throught out the whole time we were together it feels heavy like some i know " he looked at her and smiled " i got to seal your powers " Tsukiyo then sensed a Student he Felt like the Vincent " well it looks like a student arrived late like aki should i invite him in " he said Realising His Aura to attract Malkavian to the gym " so Aki what is your power if you don't mind telling me : and he looked at Blaze's eyes and he looked nervose " well someone wants to fight
Shouldn't he know everyone's powers? Aki thought. She looked at Blaze then at Tsukiyo. "Well, my powers were ruled undecided...." Aki said fiddling with the tips of her hair. "But, it's basically to copy the abilities of others." she said not looking up from the ground. She seemed very bothered by what her ability was.
Tsukiyo looked at Aki and smiled and looked at her " do you want me to put a limiter on you or do you want to learn how to control it" he looked at Blaze well do you want to start on your work out or just spar with me " he said smiling at the girls
"I'm fine without a limiter....Please don't worry about me." Aki then looked at Blaze knowing she would say she would want to spar. Aki waited for Blaze' response.
kenchin said:
Tsukiyo smiled at her " well no wonder i could feel it through out the whole time we were together it feels heavy like some i know " he looked at her and smiled " i got to seal your powers " Tsukiyo then sensed a Student he Felt like the Vincent " well it looks like a student arrived late like aki should i invite him in " he said Realising His Aura to attract Malkavian to the gym " so Aki what is your power if you don't mind telling me : and he looked at Blaze's eyes and he looked nervous " well someone wants to fight
As Malkavian walked along the hall he felt a immediate increase in energy. A call of some kind most likely. He proceeded to walk towards the invitations source if anything it would cause a momentary spout of curiosity. He found the room in which he believed to be the source of the burst of energy. He noticed a few people inside along with who he presumed to be a teacher although he did not know why this specific one called to him.. He looked towards the individual" I do believe you called sir" He said calmly.
Tsukiyo Turned around towards the young looking man and he smiled " oh hi i just wanted to say your late for your first day thats not good and " Tsukiyo appeared infront of him in a flash and smiled and whispered to him so Blaze and Aki wouldn't hear him " Do you know about the Flame of Night or the Vindice and if you do why are you posing as a student" he wispered to Malkavian his eye's could see that he had plenty of power to be as strong as a teacher his face serious with a concern look"

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/Sawada.Tsunayoshi.600.1919131.jpg.9b30c8bd012eeabc081f5d56baa51005.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="84810" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/Sawada.Tsunayoshi.600.1919131.jpg.9b30c8bd012eeabc081f5d56baa51005.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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kenchin said:
Tsukiyo Turned around towards the young looking man and he smiled " oh hi i just wanted to say your late for your first day thats not good and " Tsukiyo appeared infront of him in a flash and smiled and whispered to him so Blaze and Aki wouldn't hear him " Do you know about the Flame of Night or the Vindice and if you do why are you posing as a student" he wispered to Malkavian his eye's could see that he had plenty of power to be as strong as a teacher his face serious with a concern look"
View attachment 190781
Malkavian Gazed into the eyes of the man before him. His expression did not change from a calm state, and he spoke in a relaxed manner" Please They are nothing i wish to be apart off very much of a social person, and don't really see a need to. You would do best to take that concerned expression from yourself no need to alarm your pupils is there. As for being late you could thank the airport for that along with a few other organizations." He said his eyes flashed momentarily to a pitch black darkness a void from which light seemed to be sucked in. He gave a slight smile" Know im not one to generally rush things but perhaps it would be best to go along with current teachings." Malkavian said.
Tsukiyo Heard Malkavain's explanation and he calmed down and he smiled at the young man " well then thats to bad i should write a letter to the airport and he then looked at him and saw his luggage " do you want to join us for the rest of the class or do you want to go to the Dorms its almost Three so it will be free time for the student's " he said smiling and gave him i am sorry look " so what do you say want to join in
kenchin said:
Tsukiyo Heard Malkavain's explanation and he calmed down and he smiled at the young man " well then thats to bad i should write a letter to the airport and he then looked at him and saw his luggage " do you want to join us for the rest of the class or do you want to go to the Dorms its almost Three so it will be free time for the student's " he said smiling and gave him i am sorry look " so what do you say want to join in
Malkavian simply laughed" Im afraid my good sir i am not as young as i may look!" he said with a smile his vampire teeth poking from under his lips. He set his book bag down" Well seeing as i dont ahve much in the way to do i shall humor you my excepting your invitation to join you." he said calmly. Malkavian set his book bag down, then looked to the teacher" Very well what am i to do in this late class?" He asked.

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