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Fantasy Noble High

Blaze wasn't amused by how much food Tsukiyo has, since it's 10 times bigger at the castle.

Caroline ended up saying that they should go eat at the cafeteria, and Blaze was going to leave, until Tsukiyo gave them the stuff that they needed.

‘...He had the key to my dorm room.’ thought Blaze, since she wanted to find the dorms to begin with.

Blaze grabbed her luggage, and exited from the silver door, once Tsukiyo made it to appear.

She then took out a tea pot from her luggage, and started to make her tea, once she had arrived at the cafeteria, since Blaze always sit down at a empty table.

Blaze also got a hot dog, and started to eat it, while drinking her tea there.

@Kiroshiven @Wanda Maxy
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Tsukiyo looked at Blaze and seemed a little bit disappointed so he got up and walked towards Blaze and sat in front of her " Come on you should try talking to that kid over their blaze vhan " Tsukiyo looked and smiled at her he then took out a Ruby ring and put it infront of her " Blaze you have a beautiful heart as big as the sky but right now its covered with multiple strom's i want you to use those strom's but to protect your heart and your friends so take this ring in the future it will help you awaken trust me okay now go and say hi " tsukiyo said smiling then his face got a little swollen from were she hit him before
Blaze had her legs crossed, and her eyes looking to the right, when Tsukiyo started to talk to her.

“Don’t want…a ruby ring?” said Blaze, since she wasn't expecting for Tsukiyo to put a ruby ring in front of her like this.

Blaze didn't know how to react towards this, since she thought that this was some kind of blackmail.

“...Um. I’m not sure how to react towards this, but thank you, sensie?” said Blaze, awkwardly.

She then got up from her seat, since Blaze is just going to say hi to that boy, because she wanted Tsukiyo to leave.

“Hi…” said Blaze, as she turned around, and went back to her empty table, since she wasn't use to doing that.

@DeathRising @kenchin
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Tsukiyo looked at her and face palmed himself he got up and went to her he goes infront of her " hahaha well you tried but well you can do better " he grabs his rinng and hers " do you know that you are like me " the ring in his left hand showed a orange flame it was calming it felt safe" he then put the red ruby ringin her right hand " you haveangerand pain but you also have pride us it and consentrate in the ring " hesaid toher while trying to teach her
Blaze heard Tsukiyo talking to her about improving what she did, but she was just drinking the tea that she hadn't finished yet.

Tsukiyo then said that she was like him, but Blaze tilted her head, since she didn't know about that, because she knew that their story was a bit similar, but them being like each other didn't ring a bell to her.

“I am?” said Blaze, as Tsukiyo putted the ruby ring on her right hand.

Tsukiyo then continue his explanation about the ring, and the sky and storm thing.

tsukiyo smiling " you see each and everyone has aura right but everyone's is different some have it extremely rare ones like you and me witch is sky and some are Strom and some are even mist but the super rare like you and me have more than one " he smiled and looked at her gently" I will teach all of you how to use the aura or another name dying will flames do you know how many their are in total theirs 14" he said lighting up his other rings one was blue like water one was bright and shining like the sun and one was purple but kinda cloudy " see
Gracie had finally got her pizza and sat directly next to all the other people in the Cafeteria. "Hello!"
Seeing all these people that where from the office and a guy that was property a teacher come in. The guy comes in and sits across from me and ask how my test was he also knew my name which didn't surprise me. I simply replied with "what test? Oh you mean the beating I got from the old man." Then one of the girls walk in and sit in one of the empty tables. The teach gets up and goes over to her after a few minutes late the girl comes over says hi and goes back. I see the teach face palm which I found hilarious. Then a girl comes and sits down next to me and and says hello. I let out a sigh and say "hi" I go back to eating my pizza and try not to make eye contact with anyone.
Tsukiyo saw gracie and smiled " well hello their nice to meet you young lady " said tsukiyo and he then smiled " ah pizza i perfer fruit
Blaze started to become curious with this whole aura thing.

“Can you tell me what color is Caroline’s aura?” said Blaze, curiously.

She then listen to Tsukiyo explaining what the color of the auras are called, but when Tsukiyo showed her: the blue aura, Blaze immediately turned around, since she hates water.

She turned back around, once Tsukiyo change the aura color to yellow and purple.

“I hate water, so sorry for turning around like that, sensie.” said Blaze.

Blaze then looked at Gracie for a few minutes, since she was saying hi to Casey, but she looked away, since she didn't want Tsukiyo to end up making her to say hi to Gracie too.

@kenchin @MeenySans

( No Mist and Lightning, ken? )
She took a bite out of her pizza. "Weren't you that grumpy dude from earlier?" He seemed to be avoiding everyone, but that just made her more insistent that she wanted to cheer him up. "I'm Gracie!" She seemed oblivious to the girl who had looked at her earlier, as she was too occupied with the boy who stormed off grumpily earlier.
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Tsukiyo smiled " hahaha Caroline's has the Dying will of the forest its kinda green but it look's like a strom of leaves" he smiled and said " its fine if your afraid of water but remember conquring your fear is also a lesson plan" he then looked at Blaze " you know what to do go say hi and try to make a conversation with everyone"

ooc: ahh well tsukiyo can only use the sun rain cloud and sky flames he will explain it in the next class
“Well. That one makes sense, since Caroline likes plants.” said Blaze, as her eyes then grew wide open when he said that conquering her fears is a lesson plan.

“You are going to drown me in one of your lessons!” said Blaze, since she can't do anything in water, because a phoenix like her is helpless in water, since their wings became heavy and useless if they are wet.

Tsukiyo then said to go say hi, and make a conversation with them, so Blaze decided to do that again, and stay a little longer there.

“...*Sigh* Um, hi again.” said Blaze, as she wanted to turned around again, but she slapped her left hand with her right hand, since she needed to stay here for a bit.

@kenchin @DeathRising @MeenySans
Gracie turned suddenly to the new arrival. "Oh! Hello! Have we met or is my memory playing tricks on me? It could be either." She giggled a bit. "Just in case, I'm Gracie."
Tsukiyo smiled at how she was trying so hard to make conversation and then he noticed the young girls ring " well well well looks like someone's family is hidding something very importat or its a family relic " thought tsukiyo while he was eating his Fruit sushi and he smiled" well ill be having alot fun this semester hopefuly their is more kids like her " he then noticed the sun flame's but their very weak" hahaha such natural talent
As everyone started to talk and try to strike up conversations. I think to my self why is everyone trying so hard it's not like we were going to be a happy new family. I just sigh get up and say "my name is Casey and don't worry about pretending to be a friend or something." Then as it looks like the shadows from behind me swallow me I disappear from the cafeteria and group of people. Then I reaper in my dorm room and fall on to my bed.
She sighed as 'Casey' disappeared. "Grumpy as ever." She murmured, cracking her knuckles and finishing off her pizza. This wasn't a very welcoming school, she had decided. That was okay. If anything, she knew how to make an unwelcoming place welcoming.
Tsukiyo smiled " Blaze and Grazie come and eat with me ill take you to your dorm's when we are done eating okay you two " he said smiling and eating his sushi and then he looked at his food " do you two want some or no i am about to finish it" he said eating most of the sushi
Blaze started to panic a bit after a well, since she still wasn't fully comfortable with this.

“...Um. Excuse me, one moment.” said Blaze, as she went back to the empty table, started to drink the tea from her teapot, and went to the bathroom, because she didn't wanted to be there.

In the bathroom:

Blaze was using the toilet, because she drink too much tea. “Damn it. I had to run away from a conversation again. What on earth is wrong with me?” said Blaze, since she knew that she wasn't the social type, but she didn't expect that she would end up running away from those conversations.

@kenchin @MeenySans
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Caroline walked through the silver door after saying farewell to the tree's, she found herself in the cafeteria where Mr Tsukiyo and the other students were. she inhaled deeply through her nose and let out a big satisfied sigh. the smell of the food made her so happy. she ran over to a table and placed Bob and her luggage on top.

She grabbed a food tray and picked up two slices of pizza, an apple, a small chocolate pudding and a glass of water. carefully taking the tray over to the table she looked around observing the other students.
They're all so pretty... I hope we all become good friends. she watched as one of them said something that made her feel a little bit sad , but that just made her want to be his friend the most.

she let out a small sigh as she looked back down at her choice of food and set her tray down on the table. she smiled at Bob the plant and started to dig in.
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Gracie sighed. Yet another person that would need cheering up. Maybe with this one she could start sooner, rather than later. She got up and headed towards the bathroom, in an attempt to find the girl, briefly nodding at another newcomer to the cafeteria.
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tsukiyo looked at everything that was happening and he wanted to help them but he looked at his watch he didn't noticed Caroline behind him and he then took out some pills and he took all of them and looked in small pain " well that's a safe almost missed the appointment haha"
Blaze got out of the bathroom after she was done using it, but she ended up seeing Gracie in the hallway.

"...Hi." said Blaze, since she can immediately tell that this girl was the caring type, because Gracie came to look for her.

"Hey! Sorry if it's a bit weird that I followed you, you just ran away so quick!" She smiled. "You're with that really bizarre teacher with the brown hair right?"
‘Of course, it's weird. I ran away from your conversation, and you follow me like a robot, angel, or demon.’ thought Blaze.

Blaze was in her human form, so Gracie doesn't know that she is a phoenix yet.

“...I should be the one to apologize here, Gracie. You see. I pretty much suck during a conversation, and just run away like that.” said Blaze, as she then nodded her head: yes when she started to talk about Tsukiyo.

“It was his idea to make a conversation with you and Casey, not mine.”

Blaze looked at the ground, since she wanted to run away again.

‘No...I need to stop running away from a conversation, since I already made someone concerned about me, but…’ thought Blaze, since she was unsure of what to do, right now, since her mind was fighting over staying or run away.


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