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Fantasy Noble High

Tsukiyo triped but didn't fall he noticed with his Hyper intuition that she was using the forest to her advantage he smiled " oh boy i am in trouble now well it can't be helped " Tsukiyo stoped in his track's and he concentraded and went into Dying will mode " well it looks like i will need to move faster than her " he started to move in zigzag movements around the forest and then he jumped towards the trees to see if she was near or not " hmm fight or fly that is the question
When Tsukiyo jumped towards the tree's Caroline noticed, one of the tree's grabbed a hold of him, Caroline walked along the branch that held onto him and bopped him on the nose with her finger, she smiled and said "that's one!"
Gracie set the candles back down on the floor, at permission of her tutor. The room around them was a simple room, with oak wood floorboards and stone walls. There was no furniture, but the door she had come from was still there. She wondered if it actually opened at this point. She doubted it. "Now. Shall we test your abilities as a fighter?" Her teacher asked her, merrily.

"What? A fighter? I try not to fight anyone, I don't like hurting people!"

"Well, you may have to learn to be alright with it, Ms Volanti."

Gracie's eyes widened as the candles around her disappeared and instead were replaced with various weapons. Some were sharp, some were blunt. She sighed, looking around for something lightweight, and her eyes lay upon a dagger, which she crouched down to pick up.
Tsukiyo Smiled " oh well it's time for me to use at least something fun for your miss Caroline please don't get mad but " Tsukiyo increased his Aura it started to burn the tree that was holding him down and he disappeard and everytime he walked it would burn the tree's or leave's that would touch him " hope she dosen't get to mad about this looking at her direction " sorry "

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/Sawada.Tsunayoshi.240.1637052.jpg.5d16497ca2e5967a3a8d2a73c761c52e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="84176" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/Sawada.Tsunayoshi.240.1637052.jpg.5d16497ca2e5967a3a8d2a73c761c52e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Watching him walk away and her beloved plants burned, she could hear them scream in pain right in her ear, she sniffled and pouted as a tear fell from her eye. clouds started to form around the ceiling and eventually started to pour down with rain as she cried. Tsukiyo's trail of flames started to die down.

Caroline covered her eyes with her hands as she dropped from the tree branch and disappeared into the earth like a water droplet.

Then Caroline reappeared walking out of a tree in front of Tsukiyo. She ran past him touching his arm as she yelled "that's two!" Tears still streaming down her face.
Tsukiyo smiled " nope what you touched was nothing " he moved in a instant leaving a after image and he looked at her and he appeared in front of her " do you know whats wrong Caroline your sad and instead of trying to look at i am doing your just having tunnel vision " he patted her head and then the bell rang " oh look at that lunch time sorry Caroline " turned back to normal and he looked at her " you didn't even try to use my Aura after all you can see it can't your touch it " said to caroline and holding her gently in a hug" oh and you do know that you can save them with your power
Caroline started to not like his way of teaching. she pulled away from him not saying a word but stared at him as she thought Don't touch me... she then turned around to the tree that was hurt by him and walked over to it. she sat down next to it and hugged it as she said "I'm sorry Ma'am..." a green glow came from her hands and traveled up the tree to the burned bark which changed from a burnt black to a healthy brown sprouting green leaves.
Tsukiyo looked at her " sorry but i had to teach your what would happen if someone would hurt your field of at vantage because if i wanted to i could have burned the Forest down but " tsukiyo sat down next to Caroline " but i can feel their life span thanks to my Hyper intuition and " he looked at her " you have the Dying will of Forest i haven't seen it in age's i want to teach you how to control it caroline so trust me you are my studen't and so is Blaze i would never do something like this unless it was to teach you something valuble but i will always help you and protect you " said tsukiyo while he went towards Caroline"
Caroline looked back at him and just listened to what he had to say, after hearing his words the rain had stopped. but still she was upset with him. The tree she was hugging whispered in her ear saying that she was alright and that Caroline did good. "thank you Ma'am.." she said, the tree told Caroline that she'll be fine and to stay strong. Caroline nodded and said "I will" as she slowly let go of the tree and patted its bark. she looked back at Tsukiyo and said nothing as she stood up and walked back towards her luggage and pot plant.
She heard the bell ring. "Oh, dear. It seems I may have lost track of time. Shall we carry this on after lunch?"

Gracie nodded. She loved her new teacher, and she felt that they would get along well. "Thank you, Ms Kimberly!" She began to skip to the door behind her.
Tsukiyo looked at Caroline and frowned a bit " Caroline don't be like that you have to talk to me " he went towards her and grabed her hand " here i know you don't trust me but you trust the tree's and the earth so let them tell you " he gave her a ring that had a emerald that was leaf green" she could then here all the tree's from a one mile radio's and they all said to her " trust the idoit he is kind but a kults he water's us everyday and feed's us and even cleans up after classes here so don't be mad" said the tree's and forest


Caroline looked down at the ring on her finger as the tree's all spoke to her, she slowly smiled and started to laugh, as she laughed the wind blew around them and the clouds disappeared. She looked up at Tsukiyo with a faint smile and said "alright, Mr Tsukiyo. Please take care of me" she said as she bowed her head. She put a strand of her blonde hair behind her ear and looked up at him and said "I failed right? yeah, I totally failed... ah! this is why I don't like tests!" she then gasped and yelled "Bob!" she quickly turned around and ran over to the potted plant that she had left near her luggage.
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While laying their i hear the lunch bell and say "finally i am starving." So i get up grab the papers off the desk and look at the map see where the cafeteria was on it and then put the papers in my pocket and headed off. When i got their i noticed that i was the first one their and smiled i ran into line and noticed they have a whole bunch of food to choose from. And that's when i see it the holy grail of food pizza so i get a few slices and head over to a table sit down and begin to eat.
Gracie skipped out of the silver door, to find herself back at reception, suddenly. Her bags had not been stolen, so she grabbed her bags and decided to look around for the cafeteria. Although she wasn't hungry now, she knew she soon would be from the candle levitating activities she had indulged in earlier. She managed to find it without a map, which surprised her, but she was grateful to smell pizza.
Blaze just watched Caroline do the impossible test with Tsukiyo.

‘Well. What did you expected, sensie? You know I have trust issue, and yet, you made a test about it. At least, you heard that horrible story of mine, since I am not going to repeat it.’ thought Blaze.

Blaze continue to watch the impossible test, until Tsukiyo ended up burning down a tree.

‘...You didn't have to burn the tree down, sensie.’ thought Blaze, since she thinks that the trees are pretty during the autumn.

She then looked at Caroline, who was now crying in the rain.

‘Water!’ thought Blaze, as she got up from her spot, and went to hide under a tree, since she doesn't like the rain, since it's water.

After the rain had stopped, Caroline tried to touch Tsukiyo again, but he left an after image of himself.

‘...Unfair idiot.’ thought Blaze, since Tsukiyo was just making the test harder than it needs to be.

Once the lunch bell ring, Blaze saw Caroline staring at Tsukiyo, since she knew that Caroline didn't want him to touch her, because she wasn't happy with the tree being burn down.

But Tsukiyo said that he would never do something like this unless it was to teach something valuable to someone.

‘Lier.’ thought Blaze, since she knew that once a person end up saying that to someone, they ended up forgetting about that promise, and ended up repeating it in the future.

Caroline then said please take care of her, sensie, and Blaze wanted to facepalm herself, since Caroline trusted him way too easily.

Caroline ended up saying Bob, and went to get her potted plant, and her luggage.

“Don't trust him too much, Caroline, since you never know if he will end up doing that again, because moments like this intended to repeat itself sometimes.” said Blaze, since it would be better to warning her, then to experience this again, and didn't see it coming. “Also that idiot was reading your mind the whole time, and I also wasn't able to hit him three times. I just hit him once like you did.”

Blaze's face was emotionless when she said that, since she wasn't feeling bad for Caroline at all.

@kenchin @Wanda Maxy
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Tsukiyo looks at Blaze chan " the objective in this exam was make you two feel dispare and you do know that it was touch me three times but i didn't really mean physicaly i been through this whole test to see what hurts you the most what brings out your anger your will to fight against the world" he walks over to Caroline and Blaze " oh and you both past you touch me three time's thougther my lunch dosen't start till you girls are out the class room so you both passed with flying color's but blaze " he goes and pat's her head gently" like i said i don't hurt my student's like these unless its for a lesson and well i don't like it as much as you think i like it Blaze chan


@Wanda Maxy
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Blaze was bit shocked when he ended up adding that they didn't have to touch him physically, but she ended up punching him in the face in the end, since he almost made her cry during the test.

“I can't believe that you would leave something like that out of the test, since not only did you read our minds, but you made Caroline cry, because you burn up a tree, and almost made me cry, because of that.” said Blaze angrily, since she wasn't happy that he kept something like that from both of them.

‘I can't believe that I almost wanted to hug and cry on him, since he doesn't deserve to be trusted.’ thought Blaze, since she was starting to not trust him even more, because she hates it when someone leaves something important like that out, since she ends up finding it out in the end, and becomes angry at whoever didn't tell her the rest of the important part.

Tsukiyo got hit but he looked at her " your still mad about that but i told you didn't i you have to touch me three time's you let your anger and pride get the better of you and "he goes and picks her up like a princess and smile's at both girls " its time for you to learn about my past if your think i am being mean well lets just say my uncel makes this look like a daycare " he goes and touchs Caroline with his Dying will Flame it didn't burn her it felt that she was huged and protected he then touched Blaze in her heart with the same Flame aura and sat her down " trust me when it comes to pain and trust issues i was number one " they saw that Tsukiyo was the son of a Very powerfull man he would always get kidnap totured and even starved and raped. but what hurt the most was that all the kids women and even older people would just look at him as a way to get power and money from his father. When he was Twelve he was trained by his uncle Mentally and physicaly but throught the years he learned how to trust people even if someone has betrayed him he knows their is another reason so everyone diserves a second chance but he gets serious if they try to hurt his family and students " see i do what i can to train you emotionaly and mentaly and physicaly

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After hearing Blaze talk to her she just smiled and said "thank you for your concern!" She picked up Bob the potted plant and gigged.

When she heard him say that she wasn't to touch him physically, it made her confused and a little bit annoyed, but she quickly got over it after Bob whispered something funny in her ear.

Listening to Tsukiyo's story she found it t sad but inspiring. "I see.." she said as she nodded. A growling sound came from Caroline's stomach, she giggled awkwardly and said "I haven't eaten since last night.."
“Well. I needed to get that out of my system, because you freakin deserve it for doing that to us, and I needed to punch someone.” said Blaze, since she has a bunch of punching bags in her room, because it helps her calm down.

Blaze was then picked up like a princess, and her face was extremely confused and shocked by this.

She said nothing about this, until she heard Tsukiyo saying that he was going to talk about his past, and ended up touching her heart with the dying will flame.

Blaze almost fell asleep because of this, since it felt so relaxing, warm, and safe, but she stayed awake when Tsukiyo putted her down.

Tsukiyo then ended up telling his story, and his story was a bit similar to her story in some way.

“...Your story is worst than my 4 years old problem story.” said Blaze, since she hadn't told Tsukiyo that in her story, she was actually in her human form when she was kidnapped.

‘I was lucky that I wasn't in my phoenix form, since it would have been 10 times worst if it did happen, because phoenix’s tears are rare.’ thought Blaze.

She then looked at Caroline, since her stomach started to growl.

“Then go eat something, since it is lunch time, right now.” said Blaze, since Caroline needed to eat something right now, because she hasn't eaten anything since last night.

@Kiroshiven @Wanda Maxy
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tsukiyo smiled and said "well its not much but" he looked around and smiled he saw his suitcase hanging from a branch he went to grab it and he opened it he went toward the girls and smiled a gentle smile "do you girls want some of my lunch it's not much but have some of my fruit sushi I got mango kiwifruit rolls and two penutbutter and banana jelly rolls" he looked at them smiling "

ooc: I am out of work now I can role play

@Blackrose7 @Wanda Maxy
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Caroline looked at Tsukiyo with big eyes and said "whoa, you must really like food, Mr Tsukiyo" her stomach growled again.

"um, could we maybe eat in the cafeteria? I think the other students would be there." she said as she picked up her luggage.
Tsukiyo smiled and pointed to a silver door that appeared in front of them " well lets go so you can meet your school mates and here you go girls" he took out two envelopes one foe each of them " your room keys and maps and student id's are all in their and also your schedual for classes and the rule book okay you two "

@Wanda Maxy @Blackrose7
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Sitting their happy eating my pizza I start to wonder where the others are. Maybe their taking impossible to poss test to or something like that.
Tsukiyo opened the door and smiled when he saw a kid eating already " ahh hi their young man how do you like your classes i am tsukiyo and i am a Teacher in this school hope you enjoyed the first test like everyone one else did " Tsukiyo then went to sit down and he opened his suitcase " the girls are coming in soon be nice to them okay casy " he said while grabing a sushi role of fruit and started to eat it

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