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Fantasy Noble High

Caroline noticed the other student that was waving towards her and Casey, she was going to wave back but the fight was becoming very distracting. The darkness coming from the fight was becoming stronger, and it felt as if you were breathing it.
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Tsukiyo Quikly used the moment that Malkvain was chanting and the momentum and angle to kick malkvain in the ribs and be set free and with his flames his cloths regenirated thanks to the Cloud Flames Tsukiyo looked at Malkvain " So whats with the Creepy eye it better just be for us and not the Student's that are suppose to be in the Dorm's Before Ten " said tsukiyo in a loud but calm matter"
I have never felt so much dark energy in one place in my life and truth was i liked it. I stood their watching with anticipation not wanting to miss a detail not paying attention to anything or anyone around me just the two fighting.

Without Casey realizing it the ring on his finger started to glow a bright scarlet red.
Wings would quickly grow on the back of Evo, as he already evolved wings before, and he would jump off the ground when he jumped a small shock wave would create two small craters and he would fly towards the mountain getting their as fast as possible whilst being efficient with his energy/stamina.
kenchin said:
Tsukiyo Quikly used the moment that Malkvain was chanting and the momentum and angle to kick malkvain in the ribs and be set free and with his flames his cloths regenirated thanks to the Cloud Flames Tsukiyo looked at Malkvain " So whats with the Creepy eye it better just be for us and not the Student's that are suppose to be in the Dorm's Before Ten " said tsukiyo in a loud but calm matter"
Malkavians as soon as contact was made dissipated into a cloud of green mist. Malkavian would then appear in about 30 different copies all scattered about doing the same thing. Malkavian spoke again " Percute me coram accipe sacrificium. "After saying this a large blue beam was emitted from Malkavian. The screams and wails of 1,000 souls shot up into the eye in the void. It lasted for a few moments before the beam dissipated. Malkavian and his copies all smiled" Destroy." was all that was said before a orb of pure primordial darkness formned in front of the eye. Black lightning arced around the orb the eye locked on to Tsukiyo.
As more and more dark energy is emitted into the area it becomes over whelming. I stop leaning against the tree (about twenty feet from the battle) and inch closer to the battlefield with a devilish grin on my face. As i get closer all the dark energy starts to swirl around me like a shadow tornado(fifteen feet away). Getting even closer now my eyes start to glow the same crimson red that was coming from my ring and the swirling tornado of darkness and shadows start to solidify on my limbs. I then vanish using shadow step and reappear by the floating orb. I am now completely engulfed by the darkness and am thinking to myself Want more, want more,want more over and over. I reach my now completely dark hand up and grab the orb absorbing it as i do and letting a roar out.

(this is what my character looks like when he reappears by the orb.)

Caroline watched in fright as Casey turned into a dark being "Casey!" she yelled after him. She was so scared that she didn't know what to do, She paced back and forth on the tree branch not knowing what to do.
Tsukiyo Noticed Casey go towards the Orb Tsukiyo in mach Seven speed attacking and with his Harmony Flame engolfing himself he went and Destroyed at lest Ten copies of Malkvain and went to Casey and dislocated the hand that was holding the orb tsukiyo then kicked the orb to the real Malkvain and with his Sky flames of Harmony he turned him back to Normal and then he kicked Casey away from the FIght and he looked at Caroline and looked disappointed at her and Casey " Just leave this is a lesson for Me not Malkvain Caroline i am disappointed at you couldn't you here the tree's telling to leave the mountain " he said and looked at his hands they were blue like if they were dying " tch" Tsukiyo Bright Yellow Flames started to go around his hands healing him before his hands died " Malkvain lets end this battle in the next five minutes this children are interfiring with our lesson" looking at him calmly and ready to attack he didn't leave a single opening in his body and was ready to protect the children aswell

@Wanda Maxy @Lord Anubis @DeathRising
kenchin said:
Tsukiyo Noticed Casey go towards the Orb Tsukiyo in mach Seven speed attacking and with his Harmony Flame engolfing himself he went and Destroyed at lest Ten copies of Malkvain and went to Casey and dislocated the hand that was holding the orb tsukiyo then kicked the orb to the real Malkvain and with his Sky flames of Harmony he turned him back to Normal and then he kicked Casey away from the FIght and he looked at Caroline and looked disappointed at her and Casey " Just leave this is a lesson for Me not Malkvain Caroline i am disappointed at you couldn't you here the tree's telling to leave the mountain " he said and looked at his hands they were blue like if they were dying " tch" Tsukiyo Bright Yellow Flames started to go around his hands healing him before his hands died " Malkvain lets end this battle in the next five minutes this children are interfiring with our lesson" looking at him calmly and ready to attack he didn't leave a single opening in his body and was ready to protect the children aswell
@Wanda Maxy @Lord Anubis @DeathRising
The orb hit Malkavian passing through him then back to the eye. In a massive pule beam of The purest dark energy Shot directly at Casey with only seconds for any sort of evasion. Malkavian smiled only it was more of the demon part of himself. For those few seconds he watched for Tsukiyos move.

Tsukiyo Noticed the Beam and instead of dodging tsukiyo took the beam that was aim at casey and took all the damage he noticed that he had a nice new whole in his body but at least he protected Casey and caroline and he looked at Malkvain " tch your lost in your onw little world arn't you then i should really end this now then " Tsukiyo bleeding tremedose amount of blood took a stance and looked at Malkvain " you do know i can tell witch is the real you"

@Lord Anubis

Caroline looked disappointed at Tsukiyo as she said "He told me to stay... don't ever think that you know what the tree's tell me... you are not the voice for the tree's" thunder rings through the air as lightning lights up the sky.
kenchin said:
Tsukiyo Noticed the Beam and instead of dodging tsukiyo took the beam that was aim at casey and took all the damage he noticed that he had a nice new whole in his body but at least he protected Casey and caroline and he looked at Malkvain " tch your lost in your onw little world arn't you then i should really end this now then " Tsukiyo bleeding tremedose amount of blood took a stance and looked at Malkvain " you do know i can tell witch is the real you"
@Lord Anubis
Malkavian smiled" Do you really think the point of my copies was to hide myself from you?" He said in a cold devilish humored tone. A few chuckles of laughter came from him" No my dear boy for while i have used little of my energy you have used more of yours. You needlessly destroyed my copies and know." he said looking at the hole in Tsukiyos" You have allowed yourself to take the full measure of a celestial beings power....How sweet of you. Do you remember what fuels a vampire Tsukiyo...blood!" As he said this the blood flowing from Tsukyo flowed across the ground towards malkavian. It swirled around him like a tornado malkavians crimson red eyes staring into Tsukiyos" Death a absolute force that seperates the world of the living and the dead. Nether the force in which separates the soul from its mortal shell." A pulse of Dark energy was emitted from him, as black Dark water flowed from beneath Malkavian. it pooled around him and expanded outwards.Black mist hovered above the water, and upon closer inspection could see souls flowing within. Individuals that had died from drowning some etherial hands moved out of the water reaching for anything to grab onto. Poisonous gas of the most potint kind mixed with the black mist.
Tsukiyo Bleeding more and more "he didn't take his eye's off Malkvain and said to her " yet here you are terrified at what is happening around us and you do know that i brought back most of the tree's here back to life so if you want to die then keep watching if you want to live leave immidetly and take that idoit with you because if i want to protect my student's i may end up dead and i can't die yet i haven't even met my only duagther " said tsukiyo while smiling " and i only have Eight or Ten more years in me well maybe minutes looking at Malkvain here " he said calmly then Malkvain started to drain Tsukiyo's blood " tch oh well i guess it happen's me wanting to see how powerfull you really are and to my surprise very " tsukiyo using his reslvo he heald his wound and looked at Malkvain " i guess i should be happy " he smiled at Malkvain " but you really should pay attentoin to my flames Malkvain

@Wanda Maxy @Lord Anubis
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Caroline stared at Tsukiyo and said "your methods are going to get you killed. maybe you should of kept this in the silver door room. less chance of endangering your other students, these kind of reckless decisions will get you in big trouble. I may be scared but I know what I'm talking about..." she dropped from the tree and landed on her feet, she walked up to Casey and placed her hand on him.

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ooc: i kinda already changed Casey back to normal lol

Tsukiyo heard wanda and said to her " i couldn't have this battle in the school because the magic he use's would have activated the safety system that would mean it would have seald his powers and look at him " staring at Malkvain " this young soul hasn't had this much fun in years i could see it in his eye's he was bored and was being tormented how would you feel if their was no more excitment in your life all the wonders were known to you all the secrets gone all of the little things that bring you joy dayly would just become another thing in your daily life thats what happen to Malkvain so i decied to bring him joy even if it costs me my life after all thats what us teachers do we do whatever we can to make our students happy "

@Wanda Maxy
Caroline glared at Tsukiyo as she said "even if it puts other students in danger" she didn't want to look at him anymore so she walked away towards the school "what a stupid excuse..." she said.
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Tsukiyo heard what she said and looked away from her " I wouldn't allow that to happen but if someone like casey did it again well i would still save him instead of me like i would save you and sorry but i really do want to save you kids after all i only have very little time left and " he looked at Malkvain and smiled " he looks promising to protect all of you in his sort of way right mister Demon overlord " he said to Malkvain

@Wanda Maxy @Lord Anubis
kenchin said:
ooc: i kinda already changed Casey back to normal lol
Tsukiyo heard wanda and said to her " i couldn't have this battle in the school because the magic he use's would have activated the safety system that would mean it would have seald his powers and look at him " staring at Malkvain " this young soul hasn't had this much fun in years i could see it in his eye's he was bored and was being tormented how would you feel if their was no more excitment in your life all the wonders were known to you all the secrets gone all of the little things that bring you joy dayly would just become another thing in your daily life thats what happen to Malkvain so i decied to bring him joy even if it costs me my life after all thats what us teachers do we do whatever we can to make our students happy "

@Wanda Maxy
Malkavian gave a sigh of pleasure" She is a strong willed one and you are a classic hero. Maby if i cared to, but i guess you will have to see wont you teacher. " Malkavian closed his eyes and instantly all the darkness and death vanished in one quick flash absorbed back into malkavian. He was back to his normal form all things considered, and looked into Tsukiyos eyes" Perhaps at a later date at a later time shall we fight to the death...for now i can not break my oath for this im afraid. I did so enjoy our duel perhaps we shall try again another time perhaps on a island." he suggested. Malkavian looked to the hole in Tsukiyo" You might wanna get that healed up before you head back." He said calmly. In a flash with the snap of his fingers Malkavian vanished in a flash of dark purple light. He was back again under the tree dusk setting in. He sighed" I will have to apologies to Sebastian for being tardy to dinner." he said to himself.
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Tsukiyo smiled and he saw Malkvain leave but he saw happiness in him again a bright smiled that he knew wasn't shown in a very very long time " hahaha Who would have guessed that i would see him smile after all " his body finaly healed completely " i will soon be one of the souls he can use " he goes and appears next to Caroline while holding Casey over his shoulder heading down the mountain " sorry i know it was stupid of me fighting in the mountain top but why didn't you guys leave especially when my sheild didn't last to much blocking our energy " said tsukiyo looking kinda worried at Caroline

@Wanda Maxy @Lord Anubis
Caroline kept looking forward as she said "I didn't want anyone to die today, not on my first day of school"
Tsukiyo looked at her and smiled " i wouldn't allow that every you know that " he looked at her and he smiled " i didn't want to tell you this or Blaze chan and this guy and that new kid but " he looked at the sky " i will die in ten years or Five or maybe tomorrow " the doctor said thanks to being totured when i was a child i was going to live up to most 25 years old i am 26 i went to him again and he said that it was a Miracle that i am still alive but he tested me again and said that i would die soon he said i would have another five years or eight tops ten but thats all and i kinda know i feel it in my body " tsukiyo smiled " and malkvain is going to replace me i just haven't told him yet
Caroline glanced over at him and said "do you really think letting someone with such a high level in dark energy take your place is a good idea?"
Tsukiyo smiled at her and said " my teacher was known as a devil himself and well he is still a devil my uncle " he said smiling" it just means his light is a little diffrent if you have to much light what happens Caroline you get shadow's meaning evil " if theirs a alot of shadow then that means theirs a strong source of light in a far or near place so either way a teacher will inspire a good soul and a bad soul the same way no matter if its dark or light " he said smiling and looking at Casey " oh these guy is a Demon but also a Angle " he said smiling " thats how i turned him back to normal but he also jumped in the middel of my fight and i got a hole in my side but i heald it so he gets Eight hours of detention tell him that when he wakes up okay caroline oh you get four hours of dentention aswell " he said smiling
((sorry for late,no alert -_-a))

raidou,after the battle end ,move out from his hiding spot and walk toward the guy and the lady.he really clueless about what just happen,or how to react.he just folow his feet that guide him toward them."uh............what happen here?"he ask them even thought he know that they probably wont answer him.first time arrived and now he watch someone fight?this is ridicoulus for him,how unlucky.

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