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Fantasy Noble High

Viridia wandered onto the campus from the forest. "Seems this place could use a little sprucing up." The currenly elfin looking woman snapped her fingers. As she focused, the plants inthe area started to grow wildly. They started filling the school and blooming in widely uncommon colors. These were plants Viridia had bred herself during her lifetime. Some were deadly, others were harmless. She wondered who would figure out the difference.
Yuki didn't dodge the attack she grabbed the blade with her palms and broke the blade in in half she then used the momentum to trip Casey she slashed his shoes off " like that your body is the blade understand you two okay" she said smiling"
"Ah come on I don't have an endless woredrobe. Buy yes I understand." I say with a slightly agitated tone.
she smiled and took out her wallet" I'll buy you new cloths I just got paid okay little brat " holds him and gives him a nuggy" she looks at aki " so do you want to learn my sword less martial arts I'll buy you lunch if you want aswell" she said grinning
As she grabs me and gives me a nuggy I say " Come on do I look like a little kid. And yes lunch on you sounds great." When she lets go I mess with my hair to act like I fix it but really I don't care what it looks like.
she smiles " boy you are a child to me I may look like these but I been alive sense the begging of time I was one of the first angels till I fought again Satan and he ripped my wings off so I been stuck on earth for many many years" she said looking at them" so your all brats to me
Caroline danced and danced until she fell down upon the soft grass under the shade of a tree. Out of breath she smiled and laughed as she said "thank you" the tree's swayed as they replied "you're welcome dear" She smiled warmly as her eyes slowly closed shut and fell to sleep.

yuki looked at casey " so do you want that dagger or do you want a different weapon " she said while she looked over to her wall of weapons

tsukiyo looked at caroline and he went to pet her sleeping head " such a stuburn child i wonder if she will understand her true nature soon" he said smiling and looking at the forest move around "oh she is back from her vacation "
Caroline woke up after hearing Tsukiyo. She didn't want to be woken up nor touched by anyone for she isn't much of a morning person. She stood up and dusted off her dress as she said "I am fully aware of my true nature and It is none of your concern. teacher or not there are just some things you should keep your nose out of" she walked away and as she did so she shouted "and don't follow me!" disappearing into the forests trees.
Tsukiyo looked at her and frowned " its up her now that child dosent understand that she will will be the next mother nature'
Looking at the dagger for a few moments I thought on it and finally said "well to be completely honest I feel a dagger is a good weapon. But its not for me maybe a staff,no a bow, no maybe a sword I don't know all of them seem cool but I don't know which one fits me." I look up to Yuki and give a I don't know shrug.
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Viridia wandered the school that over the course of an hour had become a jungle. "MUCH better." She lifted the vine that was at her feet. She gazed lovingly at the flower that shimmered with pinks and reds splotched over its leaves. She stuck the plant in her hair and continued on her way. "Is this place a school or a ghost town? Yeesh."
Caroline bumps into a tall woman with a beautiful flower in her hair, Caroline gasped lowered her head and said "I'm so sorry! I was lost in thought, I didn't mean to bump into you"

tsukiyo walked to the school noticing alot of new plants and he then saw a women he knew and he smiled " well well well look who came to visit the school with out a single warning " he said jokingly

yuki looked at casey " the weapon will choose you if your treat it right she said looking at him " she then looked at her wall and smiled " i didn't choose they choose me throught the years i had many difficult battles and these friends of mine saved me multiple times so let the weapon choose you instead of you choosing it " she said while looking at the clock its almost lunch time" hmm lets find my idoit what do you say kids
Caroline heard Tsukiyo coming towards the woman and her, she growled under her breath and said to the woman before her "I'm sorry!" then disappeared into the trees.
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"All right lets go find teach." I say as I toss my ruined shoes in the trash and head to gather my things.
Malkavian hovered above the school once again sipping from a tea cup. He had watched the night, and morning pass with each event happening at their own accord. The arch angles presence did disturb him, however he did not let it get to him. This school was getting more lively the flow of life was a change for him. While the others trained in sword play he watched observing their behaviors. That boy that consumed the darkness from before intrigued him the ring that was on his finger is what really drew his attention. It gave a faint dark signature he faintly remembered, but the memories were still there. It was a being he had not met for a long long time. Still that was enough reminiscing slowly he began to float back down to the ground landing next to Tsukiyo, Caroline and a new girl he had not met. He looked around" My has the fauna grow rapidly." he said calmly.

@Kiroshiven ,@kenchin ,@Wanda Maxy

(sorry was not getting any notifications for the rp)
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tsukiyo looked at malkvain and smiled" ah hey malkvain what are you talking about anyways do you mean the third teacher of the school " he said smiling"

Yuki was looking at the school " hmm it seems that women is back the natural order is being distorted to much nature is taking over" she said smiling
As we got out side I notice how the plants have sort of just over grow in a sort amount of time. Then hearing Yuki's explanation I just nod and continue on in silence.
Caroline was in the center of the Forest, where the old gazebo and pond were. She kneeled down at a tree and placed her hands on it. as she did she could see through the eye's of all the tree's in the area, she kept looking until she was able to see Casey. She used the Tree's branch to lightly tap him on the shoulder and then go back to the way it was. Just so she could get him closer to the tree.

Feeling a tap on my shoulder and look over to where it came from and only see a tree. So I go and look around the tree and still see no one.

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