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Fantasy Noble High

"I really have never been trained to use any weapons" I say this as I think what the hell does she mean by angels like us. I am not an angel. I mean where would I get angelc powers from my dad is a demon as bad as the devil. And my mom is a dead beat that just up and abandoned me...
Caroline ran past the classroom carrying her iced coffee and then ran back stopping at the Classroom door. She leaned on the door frame trying to catch her breath, When she saw who the teacher was she wanted go back to the sanctuary of the Dorm room. She drank some of her iced coffee and walked in to find a seat as she rubbed the back of her neck. I hate it when I sleep like that.. I always get a crook neck.
Yuki looked at the last girl that came in "nice of you to join us for class miss trouble maker and yes most of you don't know or want to use a weapon but that's why your here to learn what strength and weaknesses a weapon user can have and what you can do about it " she looked at Caroline so miss trouble maker your a weapon user and by your muscles I can say dagger or short sworder correct" said Yuki while eating her sunday"
Caroline sat down at a desk and stared at her, then took a sip from her Iced Coffee not saying a word.

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oh trouble maker is still mad well today was going to be you trying to attack me with your weapon" she said while finishing her sunday
Yuki looked at the girl aki " your not attacking I am talking to Caroline and I am going to teach you what to do against people with weapons" she looked at aki and she heard her stomach grumble " do you want some food or no
Sitting their at my desk ignoring everything going on around me. I just continue to try and rap my head around what Yuki was hinting at it was driving me nuts.

( @kenchin this is going on where ever Tsukiyo is)

A old man walks up to Tsukiyo and say's "excuse me Mr.Tsukiyo I need to speak to you about Casey." And if Tsukiyo turns around he will see an old man that is in his sixty's or older with shoulder length salt and pepper hair, a beard that came down to the middle of his chest, a wrinkly face he wore a pure black kimono over his thin and what looked like a brittle body, and in his right hand he held a wooden walking stick. Tsukiyo would know this man as Mr.Cloud one of the substitute teachers and did Casey's entrance test.
tsukiyo looked at the old man and smiled " oh hey gramps and if it's Casey yea I know he is half angel right and half devil " said tsukiyo smiling
"I wouldn't even want to touch you with a ten foot pole, let alone a weapon..." Caroline mumbled under her breath as she looked away and sipped from her cup.
"Well Mr.Tsukiyo I am surprised you have not sensed me I didn't think I would have to right out show you." While Mr.Cloud finished his sentence he transformed into a female angel.(image below is what she looks like) "Finally in my true form feels great. Now let me introduce myself properly I am archangel Kathleen and I am Casey's mother. And the reason I have came hear was to keep an eye on my son and see how he would choose to live. And as usual he disappointed me and let the darkness take over so as a preventive measure I left a feather with him. So if he ever went so far into the darkness that it would seem impossible for his angelic powers to manifest the feather would activate and completely seal his demonic powers away. And the only way for him to gain said powers back would be to master his angelic powers which I don't see happening. And just between you and me I would really appreciate it if you don't help him because I just want him to hopefully give up and die in a ditch some where. I mean can you really be alright with such an abomination existing I feel ashamed even calling him my son."

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tsukiyo looked at her and he smiled " gramps i knew that you were a angel but about casey i know he may seem like a lost cause but let me tell you know and here " he looked serious at her and smiled " he has just started walking his own path yes kids may take a wrong turn once in a while but its up to us to wait and let them fight it through it and if they need a little push well thats why thay have me a teacher to help them out" he looked at their class room " and i belive that someone is going to do a great job teaching him about his abilities soon enough so be easy and patient after all you still have your son" tsukiyo smiled a sad smile " so gramps want to see the lesson unfold or watch from the sky's.

yuki looked at Caroline and knew she was being a spoild brat " tch look at that class maybe she dosen't even want to pass the school year so she will stay for summer school for extra credit and not be going home untill school is over i am pretty sure that you all want to see your home's for summer but student's that fail to pass your classes get summer hell camp with tsukiyo and me " she said while looking at the kids" now if you don't want to learn then fine but " then yuki turned the class into a dojo and the wall behind her had nearly all the weapons from around the world " so who wants to learn how to defend against weapons properly and use them properly " yuki tossed her glass cup were her sunday was in and she cut it with the spoon in her hand into a snowflake desing and grabed it easly " so are you brats ready to learn or no
"brats this, brats that. Its mystery how you got a job in education with this disgusting attitude, the second we met all you've ever been is completely rude and childish. Your brother probably put in a good word for you to the principle. without him, you probably wouldn't even have a job. he must get you out of everything. breaking into students private dorm rooms, attempting to harm students outside of lessons, damaging school property. My mother was a better teacher than you could ever be, she taught me everything I know, so I know how to defend myself just fine. Plus, with your personality, I doubt I could ever see you as my teacher. So this is a waste of time. bye bye."

Caroline picked up her bag and her iced coffee, Turned on her heal and walked out the door. She walked up to a door that lead to the outside to the large forest, she threw her empty cup into the bin and headed straight for the large forest. The second she entered the forest the tree's closed the entrance behind her, to keep troublesome people out.

Caroline made her way to the center of the forest where she found what seemed to be an abandoned part of the school, over time nature consumed it. Caroline walked through the water and up a set of concrete steps. and up into an old gazebo. Caroline inhaled the air through her nose and let out a sigh. She put down her bag and ran her fingers through her hair. The old wise tree's asked her "what is the matter dear?" she looked around and said "Nothing.. just, school troubles.".

Caroline let out a sigh as she rubbed the side of her arm and looked up at the tree's and plants around her and asked "could you please.. sing for me?" a breeze swirled around her as they replied "of course, dear". the voices of nature, only Caroline and those of her kind could hear the sweet song. Caroline danced and swayed to their voices. She felt total bliss and all of the stress the school had caused simply lifted off.



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Caroline's out break startled me back to reality and thought maybe I should go after her but decided not to because I know sometimes you need your own space. So getting up I walk up Past Aki and straight to Yuki and say with a slight smile "I am ready to learn and to be a little productive."

With a slightly disappointing look on my face I say "well if you feel that you must try and teach my son then I wont stop you. But I wont stay hear and put myself through the hope of him coming back from the darkness. It's pull is to strong and I don't think he has the will to get away from it." As she finishes her sentence she fades in a beam of light to return to the heavens.
Tsukiyo saw the angle look in despair and before she left he touched her heart in the speed of light and his look of worry was gone " well i always knew that even angles fall into despair when faced with such darkness but " he looked at the class and his smile of pure happiness appeared " i know she will guid such a spoiled brat the proper way's even if they don't want to learn " he heard Caroline leave the room's and he fallowed her to the forest and sat their listening to her talk to the tree's " well it seem's your still holding a grudge against yuki if i don't say so myself right " he said while looking at caroline and then he pets her head " but why are you so mad at her"

yuki looks at casey and she smiles well okay first thing first i am going to teach you how to hold a knife or dagger" she grabed two daggers one was pure white while the other was dark and evil looking " know choose the one that best suits you little brat if you choose wrong you will know right away " she said while looking seriously at casey " she looked at aki " you don't like weapons right so i will let teach you how to defend against all of the these weapon's through out the years in the school " she said smirking
Looking at the two daggers my first instinct was to go after the dark one. But as I went to grab it at the last second I grabbed the white one and I have no clue why. I look at Yuki and say "I think this one will be fine."
yuki smiled a bright and beautiful smile " ahh so you do listen to your gut sometimes and not just the urges right little brat " she grabs him gently and hugs him like a mother would" so come on let me teach you the right way okay " she said making the dark dagger dissapear into noting" she grabed her spoon and took a stance with her dominate foot infront her left hand behind her and her knee's bent in a stable stance and she hand her spoon infront of her and her body was like sideway's " this stance is perfect for beginners okay" she said smiling happily
Completely caught off guard by the hug My face turns a bright red and say "Yea I do sometimes." I then try and do the stance she is and I think to my self "any other time I would be laughing at her for using a spoon. But I quickly glance down at my red hoodie remembering how she declothed me in one motion with the spoon.
Yuki looked at Casey and smiled okay you have the right idea but move your legs a bit wider and bend your knees a bit more because your a male it's so you can have a more stable stance " she said with a happy smile" now before you attack remember a weapon is not a tool it's a part of you and your soul so believe in it and control your weapon if it's a natural part of your body" she said while moving her spoon in the air but the could tell by the sound it was cutting the air in a perfect way"
I do as she instructs and try my best to imitate her movement with the dagger. But my swings are not as quick or decisive as hers.
Yuki smiled no no the stance keep don't copy me just let your body tell you were to move and aki " she looked at her and smiled " what if I teach you a sword style that doesn't even use weapons but breaks other swords with your own mucles " she looked at Casey and smiled " try to cut me Casey with the dagger "

ooc: I am at work sorry I'll respond slowly
Looking at Yuki I get a grin on my face and knowing full will she will masterfully dodge. I charge her with all my might.

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