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Fantasy Noble High

When Casey was close enough to the tree she reached her hand through the tree in front of her and it stuck outside the tree where Casey was. She quickly grabbed him and pulled him through the tree to where she was. it took some of her energy for this to happen and when he came through she fell backwards onto the grass.

Standing their trying to figure out what was going on I then feel a hand grab me and pull on me. As I am bring pulled I turn into it so I can see who it is. As I do I see it is a hand pulling me through a tree and when I get pulled into it instead of hitting the tree I go through it. So I closed my eyes readying myself for some kind of impact. When I opened my eyes I noticed I have landed on top of Caroline and lock eyes with her. After a minute or so my face turns a bright red and I get up and look around. I then say "nice little hide out you got hear. And that was also a cool little trick you pulled bring me hear."
Aki continued to follow the two out of the classroom. When she saw the outside like she slightly smiled. She kind of slowed down when they saw all of the plants, the air felt nice. As they continued walking, Aki saw that Casey was looking for something. For the split second she took her eyes off him, he was gone. Aki stood there completely stopping this time and looked around, "Maybe he went back to his dorm?.." she said quietly to herself. She looked around once again and Yuki was gone....... She gave out a sigh, "Nope......Just lost.......again....." She wandered around school campus not really caring if she found her way or not, the plants felt nice all around her. Hopefully, she wouldn't be too late to her next class....
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Caroline's face went red when he landed on top of her, when he got up she sat up and said "heh, thanks. takes a small amount of energy to bring another being through like that though" She slowly got onto her feet, a little bit wobbly but she managed to restore her energy quickly. she giggled and said "I'm sorry about this morning in class. I just don't think I'll be able to stand that... that- Old crow" She shook her head and shrugged.

"so how did the class go anyways?" she asked as she slowly walked towards the gazebo.
Ash skated into the school grounds for the first time this year. While skating I mutter to myself, " Well so much for not making a scene." Since being the new kid almost halfway through the year I needed to keep a low profile.
"Truly it was not that bad. Once we got past the part where she more or less cut my clothes of with he spoon. She started to teach us about weapons and fighting styles that march them. Maybe if you give her another chance you might like it." I say as I follow he towards the gazebo.
Caroline placed her hand on the back of her neck and said "I don't think so... I like my clothes to be intact. besides, I don't think I'd be able to tolerate her ways of teaching" She sat down on the steps of the Gazebo and looked out at the pond as she wiggled her toes.
"Maybe so but I need the class since my powers are not working right now. I need to learn to be a better fighter because I always used my powers to protect me." I say as I sit down beside her.
Caroline nodded and said "I see..." a few seconds of silence flew past before Caroline then said to break the painful silence "U-um, How is your wound?" she picked up her bag she left behind at the gazebo earlier and pulled out a small pouch filled with seeds.
Caroline let out a sigh and said "Alright, just a little stressed out I guess... coming all the way from Australia... I guess I'm feeling a little bit home sick" She slightly shook the pouch full of seeds and slowly picked out one. it was rainbow coloured and the size of a peanut. "are you hungry? would you like some fruit?"
With a small smile I say "well if you ever need someone to talk to or just be their for you I will be hear. And some fruit sounds awesome I am starving."
Caroline smiled brightly and giggled as she got up and said "come on!" she ran over to an open space of grass and knelled down onto the ground. She pulled a weed out of the ground, shook the dirt off of its roots. "sorry" she said to the weed, she placed the seed down where the weed was. Caroline then took the weed into both her hands and it started to shrink into a single dandelion flower. She closed her eyes for a few seconds and then blew upon the Dandelion and it burst, the petals flew away, floating on the wind.

Caroline Brought her attention back to the colourful seed. She pushed it into the earth with her finger and moved the loose dirt over it. Caroline hovered her hands above the small pile of dirt and a small cloud formed underneath her hands. The small cloud poured down with rain and then vanished when Caroline pulled her hands away. Caroline sang a little song and as she did a seedling sprouted from the small pile of dirt, it grew and grew and grew until it became a beautiful large tree, different types of fruit started to grow on its branches. Mango, Banana's, berries, apples, oranges and grapes.
As I followed Caroline and watched what she did I was in awe. As she finished all I said was "you are amazing."
She looked back at Casey and her eyes widened and her face went red, she quickly looked away and said "I um, t-thank you". She cleared her throat and asked "May we please have some of your beautiful fruit?" after a few seconds of silence Caroline bowed and said "thank you very much!" she looked behind her to Casey and said "He says we can have as much as we want" She smiled brightly.
Feeling a little weird but not wanting to be rude to Caroline I turn to the tree and say "thank you" I then turn to Caroline and smile.
Caroline giggled and turned her attention to the fruit, Picking one of the apples off the branches and then sat down at the base of the tree under the shade.
After Caroline got her fruit I picked a banana and orange. I then sat beside her and began to eat. While I think to myself I don't believe I have ever done anything like this. And I usually don't like bright sunny days like this. But right now sitting hear enjoying lunch with Caroline their nothing ells I would rather be doing. I then get a huge grin on my face.
Caroline bit into her apple and pulled her knee's up to her chest. She looked over to Casey as she took another bite. Seeing him smile like that made her feel really happy 'He has a nice smile, he's smiled before but... this time its different. He should smile like this more often.' she thought to herself.

She stared at him for a few seconds smiling warmly, then looked out at the pond, she hummed and took another bite from her apple and then asked "hey Casey? random question.. If you could be an animal of any kind... what would you be?"
"Hmm any animal you say. I would have to go with either a Wolf or Lion I like both of them and feel that each one represents me in a way." I say as I finish my orange and start on the banana.
I was in my wolf form as i got to the school and shifted back when i got to the doors of the school and i didnt see enybody she new here and her bag was over her shoulder ond her sword was in her shithe so i wouldent hert enyone now whare is the office i need to get my papers so i can start my classes
"hmm, Interesting" Caroline said taking another bite from her apple. "I would probably be... A monkey. because it would be absolutely heaven to just climb tree's all day, swing on branches and vines, eat fruit and go bananas" she said as she giggled and took another bite. once she finished her apple, she threw the core into the bushes. "I'd also like to be a Jellyfish. they're so beautiful and graceful in the water, yet they are deadly"
Shisu Kine


Shisu was seen running through the gates," Awww MAN! First day and I'm already late. Come on Bun Bun!" A little bunny was hopping behind her. She was running until she saw a girl with a sword walking up to the school. Shisu runs up to her," Uhm ... Excuse me ... Would you happen to know where the office is ..."

I laughed and the said "I could see you enjoying the monkey life" I then turn and face Caroline and looked her right in the eyes and said " I think you are more beautiful then anything out in the wild." Quickly realizing what I just said I turn a bright red and look out over the pound.

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