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Fantasy Noble High

I turned around "no sorry and your not late thares so many people still out here and im trying to find the office to" i looked at her and then the bonnie
VampiresRule said:
I turned around "no sorry and your not late thares so many people still out here and im trying to find the office to" i looked at her and then the bonnie
Shisu Kine


Shisu smiled," I'm not late! Thank Goodness! I woke up late because I forgot to take my medication so anyway ... We can look for the office together! My name is Shisu Kine, you can call me Shisu or Kine. My bunny's name is Bun Bun!" Shisu stuck out her head for a handshake," May I ask your name?"
Aki stopped to notice two students, one with a bunny. This school felt so empty to her, especially since her last couple classes had 2 students in it...... She noticed that they had both just arrived and were looking for the office. Aki wondered if she should help them, but her shyness got the best of her and she stood back and watched. She was lost herself, so she could probably not even be able to do anything.

@VampiresRule @Anime King Kaleb
ForgottenSky9272 said:
Aki stopped to notice two students, one with a bunny. This school felt so empty to her, especially since her last couple classes had 2 students in it...... She noticed that they had both just arrived and were looking for the office. Aki wondered if she should help them, but her shyness got the best of her and she stood back and watched. She was lost herself, so she could probably not even be able to do anything.
@VampiresRule @Anime King Kaleb
VampiresRule said:
"Mine is marla" i noticed another girl looking at us i turned toureds her
Shisu Kine


Before Shisu shook Marla's hand, she noticed a girl staring at them. She smiled warmly and ran over to the girl," Hello! Do you need something?" she asked with concern in her voice.

@VampiresRule @ForgottenSky9272
Caroline's face turned as red as a tomato, she quickly placed her hands on her cheeks to hide the redness. She glances over to him as he's looking out at the pond. she looks down and see's his hand, palm down on the ground. She slowly moves her hand down, slightly touching his hand. She then hesitated and pulled back. 'What am I doing? he's going to think I'm clingy and weird... or something...' she thought as she placed her hand on the ground next to his.

Aki was surprised that one of the girls ran over to her, "O-oh! I-I don't need anything... I just got...a bit lost..." she said being honest. She returned her smile with a smaller and less warm version. Aki then noticed the bunny again and couldn't help but blush. It was something she did often when she was excited, "So cute......" She focused back on the girl speaking to her, "Um, I might be able to help you find the office...."

@Anime King Kaleb @VampiresRule
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"Ok " i did have my hand on my sword but i relesed it and looked at the school then i ran to the forest and came back as a wolf
While stairing out to the pound I notice out of the corner of my eyes that she put her hand down next to mine and without thinking I try and put my hand on hers. And as I do I think to myself What am I doing what if she does not want me to do this. What if she'll hate me for trying this. But I calm down and hope for the best.

@Wanda Maxy
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ForgottenSky9272 said:
Aki was surprised that one of the girls ran over to her, "O-oh! I-I don't need anything... I just got...a bit lost..." she said being honest. She returned her smile with a smaller and less warm version. Aki then noticed the bunny again and couldn't help but blush. It was something she did often when she was excited, "So cute......" She focused back on the girl speaking to her, "Um, I might be able to help you find the office...."
@Anime King Kaleb @VampiresRule
Shisu Kine


Shisu's eyes widened,"Really! Th-Thanks! That would be very hel--- Wait ... where is Marla going?" She looked confused as Marla ran into the woods. Then she looked alarmed as a wolf came out
Caroline felt his hand on hers this time. She blushed slightly and looked towards the pond smiling happily, she didn't want to say anything that might ruin the moment, so she kept quiet, just often glancing at Casey every now and then.
Just as the girl was thanking Aki, she noticed the other girl run into the woods. Aki was slightly confused, wondering if she had scared her off. When a wolf came out she stared with even more confusion. "Um..." Did it just nod at us? "Hello little guy." Aki said like an idiot not knowing that it was the girl from before.

@Vampires @Anime King Kaleb
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VampiresRule said:
I was with shisu in my wolf form and looked at her then at the othor girl and nodded my head
ForgottenSky9272 said:
Just as the girl was thanking Aki, she noticed the other girl run into the woods. Aki was slightly confused, wondering if she had scared her off. When a wolf came out she stared with even more confusion. "Um..." Did it just nod at us? "Hello little guy." Aki said like an idiot not knowing that it was the girl from before.
@Vampires @Anime King Kaleb
VampiresRule said:
I groweled at her and showed my teeth then i was focased on her
Shisu Kine


Shisu was alarmed when she saw the wolf getting closer, but she calmed down when she noticed that it nodded," Hey Marla! Calm down! She didn't mean it!" She sighed," So you're power is that you can turn into a wolf? That's pretty cool!"
Completely happy at the fact that Caroline and him where sitting their holding hands with no cares in the world. I feel a warmth that I have never felt before and it felt awesome.

Caroline would feel Casey's hand warming up and if she looked at him she would see that he is emitting a small glow of light.
"H-heh..." Aki said with slight tension from being alarmed from the growl. Then Aki blushed in embarrassment realizing it was the girl from before, "I-I'm so sorry! I....didn't....know....I just uh..." Aki seemed to ramble when she was embarrassed. She gave her an 'oops' smile and hoped she would forgive her. She took her hand and shook it, "I'm Aki, nice to meet you."

@VampiresRule @Anime King Kaleb
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VampiresRule said:
I shifted back to my human form "sorry i toolk that a little personal" i put.my hand out "im marla"
Shisu Kine


"Oh Yeah!" Shisu turned towards the shy girl,"My name is Shisu! My bunny's name is Bun Bun! We still don't know your!"
ForgottenSky9272 said:
Aki gave another, "Heh.." as she was compared to her ex-boyfriend.... "It's nice to meet you two also, like I said, I'm Aki. So, shall we look for the office?" she said looking at Shisu wondering what her power was.
@Anime King Kaleb @VampiresRule
Shisu Kine


Shisu smiled," We shall!" She noticed that Bun Bun was tapping her foot," He must want another carrot... One second!" Shisu used telekinesis to break a branch off of a tree and move it over to the group. Then she used materiokinesis to turn the branch into a carrot by rearranging the matter within it. She put the carrot in Bun Bun's hands. Bun Bun started greedily nibbling the carrot," OK! I'm ready!"
"Thanks" i smiled at her then i got my dorm key and my schedule and i walked out of the office and toolk my phone out amazed that she hasnt asked about my sword yet "ugg he needs to stop trying to get me back im single and i like it" i sayed out loud not knowing it
"Yeah no problem," Aki said watching her leave. She had noticed the sword, but tried her best to ignore it. As Marla left, she heard her mumbling about what seemed to be the ex-boyfriend she was compared to.... Aki shook her head, "Well, I should get going too. My next class is gonna start soon. Cya later?" she said waving with a smile, and soon left the office also. Aki sighed and made sure that she didn't get lost again.

@VampiresRule @Anime King Kaleb


Yumi was invited to be a teacher at Noble High recently, she was even bribed with getting her own little office to sleep it. She wasn't surprised though. Yumi was the highest in her class in college and had been involved in varies of situations with the supernatural, causing her to be known by the higher ups of this school.

Yumi was sound asleep, rocking back in her wheely chair using the wall as a slight support. Yumi's feet were on the desk when the chair had lost its balance and caused the chair to fall. Instead of catching herself, she fell hitting her head on the window sill. She laid on the floor starring at the ceiling with a 'what the fuck' face and rubbed her head as she arose onto her feet. A slit had been made on the back of her head, but seconds later it healed. Yumi left her own very office leaving the door unlocked without a care in the world. She walked with her hands behind her head and looked around until lunch had been over, not really knowing where she was going.
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