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Fantasy Noble High

As Caroline shut the door I stand up to stretch and wince in pain as i do. I think to myself damn exactly how hard did teach hit me and then I walk over to the window and stair into the night sky. While standing their I try to call the shadows to me so i can just play around with them but nothing happens. "That's strange" I say to myself i then walk to the middle of the room and try to shadow step to the roof again nothing happens. Now i am starting to freak out a little bit so I turn all the lights off and shut the blinds that's over the window trying to make it as dark as i can and try to shadow step again still nothing happens. I turn the light back on and reopen the blinds and go lay down on my bed. And think to myself shit what the hell is wrong with my powers i then look over to my journal and see the feather is gone. I sit up and start looking behind the desk and on the floor looking for the feather saying "no..no..no it cant be gone. where is it?" I then sit back on my bed with a defeated look on my face.
When Caroline was done in the shower she left the girls bathroom and headed back to the dorm room, wearing her night gown and her towel sitting on her head. As she walked back into the dorm room when she did she noticed Casey looking upset, Caroline walked over to him as she pulled the towel off her head, her hair still damp from the shower sat on Caroline's shoulder, she crouched down in-front of Casey and asked "what's the matter, Casey?"
I look Caroline in the eyes and in a low voice i ask "have you by chance seen a pure white feather around it was in my journal but is now gone."
Caroline shook her head and replied "Sorry, no, I haven't seen it... Can't have gone far!" she turned her head looking around the room for the feather.
Yuki was outside the dorms in the roof waiting for the dawn of Day " tch that idoit hit me to hard just because i was a little over protective of that idoit and then those brats are so annoying because they are so innocent and childish and cute " she said with a small blush in her face " ill punish them for being a couple of idoits " she said smiling she then looked into the night sky in her human form and then she heard Caroline and Casey and they were searching for a Feather " tch they should be asleep but ill let it slide today " she said looking at the sky"

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/Tian.Ling.Qian.Ye.600.1809357.jpg.7b5ae8069b03d0ec5396e5f53575566c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="86406" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/Tian.Ling.Qian.Ye.600.1809357.jpg.7b5ae8069b03d0ec5396e5f53575566c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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I let out a sigh and say with a forced smile " No big deal it was a stupid feather no point on wasting time on it. Its really late and should get a little bit of sleep but thanks for willing to help." I then lay down on my bed cover up and face the wall knowing i wont get any sleep but that did't mean I had to keep Caroline up to.

@Wanda Maxy

Caroline stood up straight looking down at Casey with a worried expression. "W-well, Ok... Goodnight." Caroline slowly walked back to her side of the room occasionally looking back at Casey, letting out a small sigh as she sat on her bed. Suddenly the window flew open and a gust of wind carrying flower petals flew into the room. She could hear her mother's voice along with her other relatives sing her a small lullaby. "Goodnight my Flower" Her mother said at the end of her song. Caroline laughed to keep herself from crying "I miss you so much Mum..." Caroline said quietly. She walked over to the window with the petal's in her hands, holding them out the window she sang a little song, As she sang the flower petal's floated up from her hands in a spiral and then flew away into the distance. She smiled as she closed the window and watched them fly away. Bob the plant asked her "Are you alright?" she looked over to the plant and she smiled warmly as she picked him up and sat down on the wooden floor, "I'm fine..." she replied.

Laying their feeling bad for have lying to Caroline I thought to myself dammit why do I have to suck at communicating. I then felt a breeze come in through the window and then a faint small laugh from Caroline. I then hear her get up and go over to the window and start to sing a song which I thought was beautiful and before i knew it I was asleep.
Time skip to six in the morning

Tsukiyo was finishing his usall morning jogging routine around the whole mountain and school campus. when the school bell rang " ahh time for classes to start oh those two will be with yuki today hope they get along well " said tsukiyo while he drank his morning orange juice"

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/Sawada.Tsunayoshi.600.1422318.jpg.859f9f9ffec8eca5318ab4d3cfbfab5b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="86520" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/Sawada.Tsunayoshi.600.1422318.jpg.859f9f9ffec8eca5318ab4d3cfbfab5b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Yuki was in her class room she was waiting for the two trouble makers " their going to be late for their new class today " she said annoyed while eating a strawberry sunday in her desk"

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/Tian.Ling.Qian.Ye.600.1878835.jpg.1a39a368769e96997238197ba53cbab5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="86519" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/Tian.Ling.Qian.Ye.600.1878835.jpg.1a39a368769e96997238197ba53cbab5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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I wake up at 5:30 realizing i was only asleep for a couple of hours and sigh. I get up and stretch then wince in pain and think to myself yea still hearts so I grab a change of clothes and stuff i need for the shower. I try to shadow step to the bathroom with no pro-veal I just hang my head in defeat and walk down to the bathroom. After finishing their I get dressed (a black t-shirt,blue jeans,black boots) and head to the cafeteria and check the time 5:45 I go to the cafe part and order me a mint chocolate coffee and as I start to leave I turn around and order a ice coffee and then head back to the dorm. When i get back I had not noticed it before but Caroline was asleep on the floor with her plant by her side I figure she must have fallen asleep talking to it. I get a small smile on my face and place the ice coffee on the table where I had left the last one and then grab my bag trying to be silent. When I get out into the hall I pull my schedule and saw weapon training why did this send a chill down my back was I forgetting something. Oh well I shrug it off and head to the class room slightly annoyed at the fact I have to walk their. As I get to the door the bell rings and enter I stop as soon as I enter and just stair at the female teacher that is eating a strawberry sundae. I let out a sigh and head to the farthest desk away I could find.
Caroline slowly picked herself up and did a stretch as she yawned. she let out a sigh that she had fallen asleep on the floor, again.

She wiped drool from the side of her cheek and looked around the room seeing Casey had left already. She scratched her head as she got up off the floor carrying Bob and putting him down on the window sill. As she rubbed her eye she walked over to her draw to pick out a new pair of clothes, when she opened the draw she could smell something in the air. She looked around and saw the heavenly cup of Iced coffee, she ran over to the small table and picked it up. she smiled happily and took a big sip. "SO GOOOOOOOD!" she cheered gleefully. She then raced with her iced coffee, clothes and towel out the door and into the bathroom. She quickly took a shower and changed into her clean clothes. She then raced back into her dorm room taking her school bag, class scheduled and iced coffee. then raced back out of her room, down the stairs and into the cafeteria grabbing a tray and pilled food onto it.
Yuki looked at Casey that arrived on time for class and she looked at him and saw he was still in pain " hey you brat come over here " said Yuki while she pointed in front of her desk with the spoon she was eating her strawberry sunday
Aki woke up from a nightmare in her dorm room. She looked over at a clock reading off 6:00. She quickly stretched and hopped to her feet. She had changed into the one outfit she had. It turned out to be the same exact clothes as the ones she took off. Aki then looked over at the suitcase with clothes in it that was labeled 'Aki'. She was still not sure if it was for her or not, so she just stuck to her own clothes. She then ran to her first class without grabbing something to eat first.

(Sorry guys, I haven't been getting alerts for this rp for some reason.....Anyway, forget me heading towards the mountain part, since I missed my chance to do anything :P )
yuki with a simple movement of her hand she pointed to his rib cage and said " is it still hurting you alot if it is lets go to tsukiyo so he can heal you i may be a arcangle but i can't heal wounds" she said while looking at him " and just because i call you dosen't mean your in trouble but you and that girl caroline are still in trouble for being near a fight you could have died especially with tsukiyo and that malkvain " she said seriously" and i don't want brats dying " she blushed a bit very little with a small pout in her face
"Yea it still hurts and I was the one that persuaded Caroline to go to the fight so could you let her off she really didn't want to go. And also it would take more then that Malkavain fella to kill me" I finish the sentence with a proud stubborn look on my face.
yuki looked at him and said " do you know that your talking about a demon much stronger that you can comprehend he is as strong as satan he is my brother " she said simply with a look that this child is still child she then with a single and not a wasted movement she cut his shirt off and the bandeges with her spoon" you have three broken rib's that tsukiyo gave you and i cut you naked with a spoon to tell you the truth you kids need to learn that adualts like us are training you to be as strong as us but your pride is making you all look like idoits all the damn time " she said simply and looks at his swoolen side"
With a look some where between anger and sadness on my face I say "He maybe as strong as Satan but so is my father and he put me through a whole unique hell for a year that makes your brothers attacks last night look like child's play. And yes I know he was holding back quiet a bit but still he would have to do much more than what he was showing off last night if he wants to kill me." In the back of my mind I was thinking and it would be true to if my powers were not gone.
yuki looked at him " tch say's the child that only know's about half of his true power's only looking ahead and not at his soroundings" she said while she ate her sunday " so do you want to get heald or stay with three broken ribs and suffer in pain during our lesson "
"I think it might be in my best interest to get healed." I say as I take note of what she said about only knowing about half my power.
yuki looked out side the window and and let a small sigh out " fine ill heal you but i really wanted to see tsukiyo today " she said looking outside like a love sick girl " come here casey ill heal your wouds " yuki's hands started to glow in a bright god like light"
I walk over to Yuki and let her do her thing and while she is I look around to make sure no one else is around. I don't see anyone so I say "Look I am sorry for putting everyone in danger last night. I didn't mean to but its just when I get around large amounts of dark energy I black out and usually go on a rampage sort of like a shadow hulk. The only reason I know this is because when I was with my father for the year it's the only way i survived it was either give in to the darkness or get killed by how ever many demons he sent after me. So now I don't even have control or should I say the will to fight the darkness. And my father use to praise me for it and say that's right you don't need the light just loss your self in the dark"
I jump back away from Yuki my face turning red and turn to face the girl that asked if she was in the right room and say "well if you have weapon training then yes you are." I then quickly go back to the desk I put my stuff at and pulled a red hoodie out of my bag and slip it on and sit down.
yuki healed casey and then looked at the girl that walked in late and she said smiling a kinda annoyed smile " yes you are miss aki and casey demon's always say that especially to angles like us " she said with her spoon pointing to the desk " sit down aki we are still waiting for two more girls " she said with her spoon in the icecream and eating some of the sunday" so what are your weapon

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