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Fantasy No Mortals - An over-the-top, sci-fi/fantasy RP

I have other role plays I should be responding to, but this one has consumed all my creative prowess.
Nova has zero ability to sense, lol. Fire isn't in everyone. Though I suppose she could sense heat coming off them.
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@Seraph Darkfire @Splat I am officially confused where Nova is right now. I through Azara and Alvis were in the hallways? Or am I messing up again? If they're somewhere else, then Nova shouldn't be nearby, lol...
She was in her room, but left and started wandering the hall. I thought everyone was in the hall.
Actually Azara and Alvis are in the garden area :P If you read the earlier posts, Azara manipulated the grass and bushes to look a little more wild.
Yeah.. well, here's an update on plot progression, so far we have 5 people signed up for the tournament officially. Nova, Chive, Nuke, Lana, Azara and Mandara.

Let me know if I've missed anyone else.

Right now we're waiting on @Wyatt so it'd be good if you guys could ask about anything you're confused about and get your characters signed up, cause if you guys need to finish up any conversations/character interactions, it might as well be after the briefing/rules etc, when the match-ups are being decided. So yeah, just to speed things up a little, i'm hoping those 5 characters can get signed up pretty soon. (:

Also, regarding the tournament matches, I'll try to referee as much as I can cause it's pretty important that we don't get any major mistakes, but if i'm asleep, i'm sure people like @Noivian @Splat will be able to clear up any confusion.

And just quickly, i'm not sure if everybody caught this but we're introducing a "stat boost" ability, where you can exchange 10 energy to temporarily raise a stat by 1 point, but not above the 5 maximum, and only once per post.
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@Rurnur Sounds good! Sorry I've been on and off so much these past few hours, I've been playing xcom. It's so much fun.
That's okay :P @enoc010201 But Nenn isn't actually listening to you and watching you in your private quarters, he's a nice guy really haha. But the monitor in your room is just one screen that says "Entrant name: " and a button that says "Enter!" then it'll show a list of the current entrants once you've entered

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