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Fantasy No Mortals - An over-the-top, sci-fi/fantasy RP

Well, if he went through with dismembering Nova like your previous post, then Lana would immediatly know and raise the other immortals against him. Chive would end up dead, and so would Nova. We'd have to start our characters over. At this point in the story, I honestly don't mind doing that, as they're not that far along. I would probably even use the same name.
So it seems we're at an impasse. Neither of our characters are the kind to step down, but if one doesn't then they both end up dead. I'll just have Nova do it, since I already messed up her post royally.
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Lol, I actually have a ch reaotaracter that I would prefer to use other than Chive. Evil and all that really isn't my style. Though, I'm not really sure what powers I'd give him.
The problem is that we can't keep pumping out characters because we'll run out of powers, you two making two new characters is taking away spots for new characters to jump in later in the story at the same power level as the current characters, and i'm not allowing that, it really messes with the world structure/logic I had in place.
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I don't have another character except Nova. @Rurnur 's been stalking my posts enough to know that Nova is probably the only female character I have. I was just going to reuse the fire power. But seeing as really the only option is for Nova to step down and give in, I'll just do that. There's still going to be character conflict, but it won't be on a life-threatening scale that the first versions of our posts were.
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I feel like Chive needs a new defining moment, something that would make him stray from the path of demon hood. I actually do grow rather tired of this villainy. Everyone wants me dead, save enoc.
Yeah just go with that, anything but killing off the two characters for no reason, it's not going to develop anyone, if anything it's just going to spook the others and reveal the issue of Demons way too early in the story.
Alright. I'm pretty sure I also mentioned something about Chive either hating or loving people. I'll go with that. Maybe Nova can be surprised by the sudden change of heart? Dunno. Well, he's gonna take care of her until her soul is healed, anyway.
Well if you're gonna go that direction, they could still be enemies, and maybe when he loses to Nova next he'll realise that to get stronger, it's better for him to take the same route as her, leading him to be a better person
@Rurnur It's okay, it's helpful to know things like souls can't be split.

@Splat We're playing it like Nova gave in to Chive's demands. I just posted, so now it's your turn.
You guys can decide, as long as it doesn't involve double suicide. Just let it be known I prefer the "rivals turned friends" route not "immediately shipped" :P
Of course, not canonically shipped, but I will ship them. Nova will probably never forgive Chive, so it'll be more like a one-sided friendship if it ever does happen.
@Splat I see what you mean about being confused. Let me edit mine around yours instead of the other way around. I really like this new side of Chive.
@Splat Did Chive literally just fall in love? I guess it's the only way for this sudden change to make any sense, seeing as within the plot, you actually have to become more evil with the more souls that you eat
No no it's nothing like that. Chive has never felt affection before, or respect in general. He simply doesn't know how to handle these feelings. It's just a side of Chive that has never been revealed. It's an attitude that he will have toward anyone that he decides to be worth his liking.

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