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Fantasy No Longer Human?

"Wo'? Who's Harambe?" When she said rape he shook his hands and leaned back, "No! No! Aeh'm no' rapin' yeh! An' yer no' dreamin'." Upon the closer look he would have hazel eyes, wearing an extra extra large green shirt and jeans. "Look lass, Aeh won' hur' yeh. We're th' same. Tes' subjects who aren' 'ere willin'leh." He looked at her clothes. 

"Err... no' tuh be mean or anythin' bu' Aeh thin' yeh coul' use some new clothin'. Aeh'd talk with th' cow la'eh. Anyway mah name's Björn." A blush spread across his face, minor blush but it was a blush. Probably from the skimpy outfit she was wearing. 

"Don't you read up on the news? No matter, anyways. Um. What new clothing? This is what they put me in. Probably to shame me, as if I wasn't shamed enough." She looked down at the plated bikini, blushing at herself. "So where the hell am-" Memories flooded her mind. There was a computer and ads and she had ended up there. And then experiments happened. "Fuck my life." Once he had introduced herself, she blinked. "Breonna."
Occultus frowned. "I haven't gone through any tests using tomatoes." He looked past Kath for a moment, noticing some of the security pulling a girl with scales past the room. They seemed to be using more force than was necessary. It was strange. The people here, the workers, and the security, they were nice, they helped the mutants out, or at least Kilgrave did. He hadn't seen them abuse any of the test subjects unless it was completely needed. Panic sparked inside his mind at first, but he put it aside. Surely they needed to do it. She was likely struggling, fighting against them. He moved his gaze back to Kath. I ran thirty-five miles per-hour today. three more miles than the other day.

@Deadly Darkness @BrokenLyrics 
She laughed softly, setting her hand on the nape of her neck. "It was a reflexive test." She followed his gaze as a girl was dragged past. What was going on? He then looked back at her talking about his test. She smiled in awe. "I wish I was that fast! I can only reach 15 on a good day. They say I might actually make it to 20 miles per hour one if I keep trying." She smiled with excitement at the thought, but it was interrupted by the sound of two voices, one panicked girl and an Irish male. Was that the gorilla? Kath looked back at Occultus before standing up. "I'm going to go see what's going on." She headed out of his room and down the hall to where the two were.

@Wick @Slothtastic @BrokenLyrics

"Nice tuh mee' yeh." He held out his hand for her to shake. "Yeh shoul' go see 'er an' ask fer some new clothin'. If yeh need anythin' else Aeh'm righ' across from yeh." He pointed to his room. "Fer decorations of th' room jus' ask th'- th' scientis'." He growled out the last bit. "If yer reluctant trus' me Aeh am too." 

"Okay then.."

Occultus sat for a moment, thinking while Kath left his room. The Institute... they were there to help, he knew that. A few years back, when he had joined to help them, they were all normal people. Well, at least as normal as a scientist could be, but he hadn't seen any harsh forms of experimentation. They had been careful with him, didn't harm him, didn't force anything onto him, but perhaps that was because he had volunteered. Now that he thought about it, he hadn't been back to the Gene Splicing Chambers since he had first arrived. He had no idea what they were doing down there. Also, how did they get so many willing people? Surely their weren't this many people that wanted to take part in an extremely unstable DNA transfusion? 

Why do I keep getting random spoilers? o-o))

Breonna seemed unamused. She put her fit up with a simple, "fite me". She looked at Kath and blinked. "Please tell me I'm going insane. For the love of C'thulu and all that is holy."
Kath looked between the two in confusion. What was going on? She then heard him mention about clothing. Her gaze fell onto the petite girl. I might have something for you, though all of it's going to be quite large. We could always ask Dr. Kilgrave or one of the other staff members." She wasn't sure why they were so paranoid of the scientists. Though that one man was rather rude to the new girl. She would have to bring it up to Dr. Kilgrave and have him fired. Kath snapped out of her thoughts and focused back on the two. "My name's Kathleen, but you can call me Kath if you'd like." She smiled hoping both would reciprocate with introductions.

@BrokenLyrics @Slothtastic
The young dragon girl's stared at the cow for a moment. "Hi. Name's Breonna." She continued to eye her up and down. "Nice hooves."
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Eventually Frank opened his door and went to the hallway. His hunger had overcome his antisocial behavior. "Hey Doc can I get another tub?" He rumbled as he stepped out of the room. Seeing the others in the hallway he groaned...

ugh people...  he thinks to himself but instead says "sup"

@BrokenLyrics @Deadly Darkness @Slothtastic
Breonna turns her head swiftly to seeing an elephant. Instead of her draw dropping, she simply fainted while mumbling, "oh my god" before collapsing onto the floor.
"Thanks?" She wasn't entirely certain if that was a compliment. Kath turned as Frank exited his room, giving a small head nod of acknowledgment. A sudden thud made her eyes grow wide. Turning around, she saw Breonna laying on the ground. A sigh escaped her lips as she stared down at the young girl. "Now what?" She looked between the two. 

@Jefferson @Slothtastic @BrokenLyrics
Lance looked around again looking for someone worth of fighting. Dissapointedly he didn't find anyone,  until he saw some wierd small crow thing that some scientists we're carrying in a cage.  Lance went up te scientists quickly and asked"what is that if it's a crow thingy give me it" the scientists looked at each other and then they let it out.  It started to walk and looked up at lance and hid under his legs. The scientist explained that is an infant and tey said it was his kid now.  Lance didn't care now he has another crow friend. He later went up to bjorn to show him his new child. It surprisingly had a plague doctors mask on so lance saw it as an adoption. @Slothtastic
Breonna fluttered her eyes open, staring at a dull-colored ceiling. "Elephants!" She shrieked in a high-pitched voice. She sat up, rubbing her eyes. "Please. Help," she moaned in a groggy voice.
Lance was about to talk and heard a voice calling for help from elephants which sounded ridiculous but r went over to te room and he saw a girl in a room with some elephant. "Uhhh knock knock are you ok? " asked lance chickiling. 
Breonna turned her head to look the elephant straight in the eyes. "Whyyyyyyyyyyy," she groaned. She was reluctant, but she put her hand out and shook his. "Help."
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    Five security officers would gather at the entrance to the common room, each seeming nervous, except one with a large scar running across his cheek. He seemed angry. The door would open to reveal an eight foot, humanoid wolf. He was being escorted by three other security officers, who would push him into the common room, then to the floor. The officers would then remove the shackles from his wrists and stand back as the wolf stood and stretched, several of his bones popping as if they hadn't been moved in weeks.
    The scarred security officer would put his hand on his baton, glaring at the wolf. The wolf would release a low grow, then turn to look at the security officers. The scarred one would draw his baton, only to receive stern looks from the rest of the officers. The wolf would then walk over to the main table, sitting as the security officers went back to their regular duties. After sitting, the wolf would look around the room, the scarred officer continuing to watch him.

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