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Fantasy No Longer Human?

Lance was fight test subject after subject... Surprisingly it made his m hungry which lance really didn't like to ask for food so he ate the dead subjects.  He later hovered out of the pit and accidently slapped some scientest which lance didn't care for.  Lance went back to his old molded cell that smelled off dead corpses.  "Ahhh home sweet home" yelled lance breathing in the stench. Lance later walked around looking for other subjects cell to cell.  @Jefferson

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Kathleen waited patiently in her room. The distant sounds of hydraulics and feet beating on the treadmill could be heard from inside her testing room. She rose as the doctor entered. She nodded, "yes, everything's been going rather well." Quietly she moved over to her designated spot and listened to his explanation. She stifled a sigh and stood there, ready to get it over with. Though she was mutated her reflexes weren't any better than the average human's and with a greater body mass it was likely that she was going to be slower, or rather have a greater difficulty getting out the way. 

Kath ducked, jumped and pulled multiple strange maneuvers to get out of the way, but some she just couldn't avoid. With a gentle sigh she wiped the remains of tomato off herself.





Miyuki took a cat nap in her scratched up, large room. She enjoyed hunting, scratching things, pranking, and sleeping. Her favorite things to do anyway. When she was turned into a hybrid, she had gained many cat instincts. She silently closed her eyes in her cat bed, and slept, dreaming about pranks. 


When she woke up,  she wondered what the real world was like. Outside the doors of her confinment. Maybe someday she would learn... 

Björn sat in his own room. He had a hammock and that was it, that and a few tables and a TV that he didn't bother with. He didn't trust any of their things. Not even the food most of the time. When everyone was saying Good Morning to each other he pretended to be asleep. That's what he always did, pretended to be asleep until one of them caught onto him or the doctors came and forced him out. So now he still pretends to be asleep. 

She silently crawls into Björn's room, grinning, and then pours a bucket of water on him. "Wake up, ya vermin!" She'd snicker, and run out of the room, fast as lightning. 

Lance noticed a person vomming out of a room running so he decided to trip that very person.  he saw the patterned fur and noticed it was miyuki.  He died almost of laughter rich sounded like a dying ctows screech. 
Kathleen waited patiently in her room. The distant sounds of hydraulics and feet beating on the treadmill could be heard from inside her testing room. She rose as the doctor entered. She nodded, "yes, everything's been going rather well." Quietly she moved over to her designated spot and listened to his explanation. She stifled a sigh and stood there, ready to get it over with. Though she was mutated her reflexes weren't any better than the average human's and with a greater body mass it was likely that she was going to be slower, or rather have a greater difficulty getting out the way. 

Kath ducked, jumped and pulled multiple strange maneuvers to get out of the way, but some she just couldn't avoid. With a gentle sigh she wiped the remains of tomato off herself.


Kilgrave smiled and chuckled a bit as he removed his goggles, "Good show!" 

He climbed off of the cannon and approached Kath with a towel, "I know the tests seem unnecessary, dear. But I assure you, they are of the utmost importance!" He began to turn and leave but stopped at the door, looking back at her and speaking over his shoulder, "The more enthusiastically you participate, the better results we get... the quicker you get outta here... and uh.. remember to milk daily. It's not healthy to let it... build up." He smiled wide at her one last time before sending in the scientists and a clean up crew, "give her whatever she asks for. Within reason." 

@Deadly Darkness

As he left, he noticed a specimen that appeared to eating others and generally causing chaos.

Kilgrave grew solemn as he imagined the poor creature being put down by the lead research team. 

He approached the birdperson and spoke cheerily, "Dear lance, why have you become so discontented? No need to go killing and eating specimens, wounding researchers, and causing a ruckus in the common area!" 

He lifted himself up on his tail, standing about 7 ft tall and looking down at him. 

"Calm down. Keep yourself calm until I've finished testing with the others and you will be sent in for testing as well. If you refuse to comply you will have to be sedated.. no one wants that." 

Kilgrave beamed eerily down at him, a somehow stoic smile plastered upon his stone face.

When the scientists came in to assist Occultus in cleaning up, he calmly sent them away, sitting back down on the couch in his chamber. The others thought of them as rooms, but seeing as they were offering him "treats" for participating in the mandatory tests, he felt more like an animal than he did a human, and perhaps he truly was. He sighed quietly and his scales flickered, changing in color until he was completely invisible. The chameleon genes the scientists had spliced with his own had been enhanced, allowing for his scales to act more as if they were a window, rather than just changing color. Sure this left a blurry outline of him, but if he sat perfectly still, nobody could ever seem to find him. His camouflage had been his favorite inherited trait from the experiment.
Lance looked at kilgave and just chuckled at him like he was a child.  "Oh come on part wolf and part gorilla isn't good it's true best... This mutants these retarded scientist come with now are just so gooood" said lance drooling fter eating a piece of something torn to bits that looked like a hip.  Lance pulled off his Hood and reviewed his skeleton face with a plague doctors mouth"they did this to me so I'll kill every creation that stands in my way including you" @Akuma Dobutsu
She nodded, contemplating what the doctor had said. Maybe if she was a little more enthusiastic and zealous she would enjoy this more. As for getting out, she was in no rush; it's not like she had anyone waiting for her on the other side. A dark blush spread across her face as he mentioned milking. She knew she was supposed to, but it was just awkward and uncomfortable. What she supposed to do with milk after? They said she could just throw it away, but it felt like such a waste, and she surely didn't want to drink it. She once thought it would be funny if she filled a jug and placed it in the fridge in the common room and see who drank it, but of course that meant she would actually have to fill said jug. With a light sigh Kath took the towel the doctor had left for her, wiped herself off and began back towards her room. She stopped in Occultus' doorway as she walked, but at first glance it looked like he wasn't there. Maybe he was out in the "backyard."

As soon as Björn had water dumped on him he sat straight up. Seeing the girl leave he sighed and got up, moving down from the hammock and moving outside the cell. He moved to the strength test, something he did daily. He began lifting 260 pounds, in a couple of hours he moved to 590 pounds. He had to work off the anger. What better way to do it then working out and building up strength? At the moment he was a walking tank. He could hit like a truck and was able to withstand hard hits. Moving pass the group when he heard "Milking" and saw the female cow he got the wrong idea and started whistling nervously and speed walking along. He would've interfered and said something but he did not have any social skills at all. When he got back to his cell he looked under the hammock. Of course there was nothing there but there could be... he began planning. If he could somehow build up enough strength he could simply punch through it all. He was close enough but he needed more strength. Slowly he realized that he probably couldn't punch through whatever it was made out of, beginning to speak in Icelandic, "How the hell am I going to get out..?" He hated it here. And ever so slowly that doctor was looking a lot more vulnerable to skull crushing...
One of Occultus' eyes moved up, noticing Kath in the doorway. She looked like she was about to leave so he quickly stood, looking like a strange blurry mass. His scales flickered again and returned to their green color.

"Did you need me for something?"

@Deadly Darkness
Kath stopped, her head whipping back around to look in the room. The blurred mass in front of her quickly turned back into the familiar chameleon. She shook her head nervously and waved her hands in dismissal. "Oh no, sorry. I was just looking for some company, that's all." There were all these people, all under the same circumstances and she still couldn't manage to talk to anyone. It was like high school all over again. Kath gently glanced towards a gorilla whistling softly as he returned to his room. What was his name? She always felt bad for not being able to remember.

@Wick @Slothtastic
Lance smiled and headed over to math and smiled with his plague mask and tried to start a conversation but got stuck. "Uhh ummm.... Kath would you like to watch me fight? " lance kinda got nervous really quick

@Deadly Darkness
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Björn went back to his room, getting in the hammock and starting to push against the wall to get it to rock back and forth. He didn't know why he liked it but he did, it calmed him for some reason. He felt safe and calm, so he kept at it until it could rock on its own. Slowly he began to drift off to sleep. . .
Kilgrave simply frowned at him, "as you wish. But if you're going to try and kill me, I suggest you do it now." He spoke with a heavy heart as he prepared himself to delete the specimen. 

"Follow me if you wish to fight." 



after a few hours of being rubbed down frank sent the scientist away. Rising to his full size. Frank stretched and listened to what was going on outside his room. "Oh snap, someone's about to get deleted..." 

he said and began to limber up. Rolling his shoulders and popping his back. His peanut bag being empty had stacked up a bit of annoyance in him. "I wonder what the docs next test will be?" 

Sin was reading her book while walking down the hallway towards her room. The day was picking up and she wanted to avoid everyone so she could finish the story she was currently reading. Everyone seemed to be so content with this life. It's not like she would complain but she missed home and wanted to see her family and her dog. Her timid nature kept her from speaking out about this opinion though making her a bit frustrated. Sighing Sin continued to her room.
Occultus heard the doctor warning another experiment outside in the hall a little ways down. He told the patient that he had to stop, killing? He told him he would have to "sedate" him/her, but Occultus knew what they would actually do. He shivered and blinked a few times. He had once had the discomfort of watching that happen. They had needed to do it a few feet outside his room, because the patient, who's DNA had been mixed with the genes of a hyena, had gone berserk, flailing and laughing hysterically. For a moment, Occultus was lost in his thoughts and only just remembered that Kath was still standing at his doorway when his eyes uncomfortably readjusted in his head. He cleared his throat.

"If you want to can stay in here for a bit, though I'm not entirely sure when the next test will be. It usually seems to vary on how quickly the others finish theirs."

He looked at her shoulder. Was that blood? He also noticed she looked a tad grim.

"Are you okay?"

@Deadly Darkness @LuckyLucifer
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Kath turned, greeted by a mask. "Oh hello," she smiled, but if faded as he began talking about fighting. "Depends, why are you fighting? If you're simply sparring and doing it for fun then sure I'd love to, but if not then I'm going to have to decline." She looked back at Occultus with a smile, but his expression had changed. He looked off somehow. She gave a nod and stepped in the door. "Thank you. Yeah, I'm not sure when the next test will be." Taking a seat on the ground Kath gave him a curious look as he asked if she was ok. "I'm fine, why?" She followed his gaze and looked at the tomato that was still caught in her fur. She blushed lightly, sighing. "I-It's just tomatoe." She picked at the sticky red substance.

@Wick @LuckyLucifer
Grim smiled as he at least got a yes "yeh it's just going to be a quick couple practice rounds and I wanted you to try them against me" said grim smiling as he slowly hovers over the arena @Deadly Darkness
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A girl was being escorted in handcuffs and chains as a man walked her to a place where others like her were being "held". Her hair was a light pink and she was wearing a rather skimpy outfit. It was basically bikini plating covering parts of her scaled body. Horns jutted out of her head and strange ears also stuck out. She had a purple scaled tail and legs with talons as feet. Scaled growths came from the sides of her thighs and two wings were closed. The girl had a miserable look on her face. A look of defeat. Her eyes darted everywhere and she was muttering prayers. As the two walked, the man was whispering dirty things into her ears before looking at the place where others were. He shoved her onto the floor and kicked her, then walked away as if nothing had happened. The mutant looked up, not bothering to get up.

Björn awoke to the sound of walking looking out he could see what was happening. A low growl sounded in his throat, moving towards her as the guards left. The growl stopping as he knelt next to her. "Are yeh alrigh'?" Surprisingly enough he had a Scottish accent. Who knew the Giant Gorilla's accent would be Scottish? He looked to the guard and showed his teeth, fangs sharp as a dagger being revealed until he left. 

Kilgrave smirked as he slinked away on all fours, as long as the other specimens kept that ne'er do well occupied, his research could continue unhaltered. 

He returned to the containment area which held blue, one of his favorite subjects. She was so eager to please him, and handled every test as best as she could. 

"Hello blue! How are we feeling this fine morning?" He happily prepped the lab for testing, setting up an obstacle course-like scene. 

"Today we will be testing your memory. You will have one minute to memorize this obstacle course, and then you will run it blindfolded!" He clapped his hands together as he said so, allowing her to get familiar with the course.

The transformed girl looked up at the gorilla, a bit scared. "Harambe..? Is that you, love..?" Her eyes widened and she suddenly realized what was happening. "Oh my god. I'm being raped. I'M GETTING WHAT I DESERVE!" She quickly gave herself a quick slap on the face and tried to calm herself. "Wait. I'm delusional. Am I sleeping? For the love of god, please tell me I'm sleeping.." She tried to climb to her feet and looked up at the gorilla, trying to get a closer look. "Whaa..?"

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