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Fantasy No Longer Human?

( the plot is up to us, but whether we can leave or not is up to the creator. i want to do something interesting, all we do is hold casual conversations now lol)

For now I guess respond with grand, I just got a idea for what we can do for the moment.)
(the creator is a all knowing all powerful being, of course she wouldnt play with us ants......just kidding yea she plays a cow)
"well what is it you wish to do now my precious panda." grand asked hoping she wasn't as one dimensional as the others in the faculty. "even though there isn't much to do in these oppresive walls." @mewbot5408
(I'm alive! Sorry I've been gone guys. Things have been rather busy. And @Jefferson you will be missed. I shall respond her here in a minute.. hopefully.. and as far as story I know you guys are growing restless, but they will be released when deemed ready (so soon) so try to remain calm my chiddlings)
"well what is it you wish to do now my precious panda." grand asked hoping she wasn't as one dimensional as the others in the faculty. "even though there isn't much to do in these oppresive walls." @mewbot5408

Mia thought for a moment. "Well...we could always go break into one of the labs. Or maybe you could teach me self defense hm?" she suggested with a smirk  and got up. She went and got on one of her bikinis and slipped on some shorts. She then grabbed a tanktop. "What do you think?"
Grand looked shocked by her suggestion, but was pleased to hear it"If we were to break into the labs, what would we find?" Grand said in a amusing tone. @mewbot5408

Mia smirked pulling on her tanktop having issues getting it over her boobs at first but managed. She blushed glancing at her mate. The panda girl then threw grand some clothing before walking to the door. "I don't know what we'd find but I'm curious...just hopefully we don't get caught."
Grand stood up. "Don't fear, I never get caught follow my lead and we should fine. Are you ready to go right now? I think most everyone is sleep or just in there rooms." @mewbot5408
Grand stood up. "Don't fear, I never get caught follow my lead and we should fine. Are you ready to go right now? I think most everyone is sleep or just in there rooms." @mewbot5408

Mia nodded. "Yeah. Okay.  I trust you,grand." She told him with a smile as she opened the door stepping out looking at him playfully. "Shall we?"
Pippy got up from the corner to see Miko walk into someone else's cell he was very curious so he went back up to his door but this time he knocked and waited for someone to answer "Hey Miko, Is it ok if I enter are you guys fully clothed?" (By the way I added a picture so you know what my guy looks like)


(I mean, I literally just got here... lmao. )

As the lights dimmed, Chayton lessened the intensity to which he had been squeezing his eyes shut and slowly pulled the covers from over his head. That was much better. He hadn't wanted to get up earlier just to turn the lights off, so he guessed he could be thankful for that. Once again, Chayton was curled in a hammock suspended high above the ground under a heap of covers, so he was forced to peek down at the intruder. "I am," The boy replied wearily. "Now please, leave me be." He didn't stop to note the glowing individual, merely disappeared back into the little comfy nest he had created for himself here. 


Pippy got up from the corner to see Miko walk into someone else's cell he was very curious so he went back up to his door but this time he knocked and waited for someone to answer "Hey Miko, Is it ok if I enter are you guys fully clothed?" (By the way I added a picture so you know what my guy looks like)



Miko nodded. "Ok. Long as you're OK.." He answered and went to the door opening it. Miko walked out coming to stand in front of pippy. "Hey pippy... Mind if I draw you??"
Pippy looked at Miko with a confused but curious look "if you make me look good" he smiled. "So who's in there? New Person or an Old Friend, but you didn't stay in there long so I'm going with New Person who doesn't like company, sounds exactly like me when I was around 15/16,those were the good days I could be alone for a whole day only coming out of my room for food and drink"

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Pippy looked at Miko with a confused but curious look "if you make me look good" he smiled. "So who's in there? New Person or an Old Friend, but you didn't stay in there long so I'm going with New Person who doesn't like company, sounds exactly like me when I was around 15/16,those were the good days I could be alone for a whole day only coming out of my room for food and drink"


Miko blew a puff of air. "No worry I'm good at it." He told him only to smile booping him on the nose. He then gestured for pippy to follow him. "Let's go somewhere with plenty of space and good lighting,pip-pip." He said giving the other male a cute nickname to show friendliness.
Pippy did as Miko said, as they walked Pippy started talking "Pip-Pip? Why not just Pip I mean that's what my family called me and it sounds... Well I guess I can't really talk, I've never found the point of nicknames because they have a name so why not just call them by that but I guess you can call me what ever you like. Pippy then gave a small smile at Miko "how's that for a smile?"

Pippy did as Miko said, as they walked Pippy started talking "Pip-Pip? Why not just Pip I mean that's what my family called me and it sounds... Well I guess I can't really talk, I've never found the point of nicknames because they have a name so why not just call them by that but I guess you can call me what ever you like. Pippy then gave a small smile at Miko "how's that for a smile?"


Miko found a good place where they could sit and sat down on the bench starting to sketch. "You don't have to pose. Long as you are in front of me I'm good." He told him. Though one could start to wonder how it was even possible for miko to see at all. His eyes were never visible, nobody had ever seen them and it was odd nobody asked about his eyes in the first place. Perhaps people merely assumed he was blind but obvious that wasn't the case. He wouldn't be able to draw if that were true. 
"You didn't mean to. I may not know you to terribly well, buy I know you well enough to know you wouldn't severely hurt anyone intentionally." She set hand on his shoulder, a gesture to show him that she wasn't afraid of him and knew that he wasn't a threat.




(Dammit phone)
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Clayton wasn't sure why everyone felt the abrupt need to barge in on him like this, but they were, and it inevitably put him into a foul mood. He was usually in a bad mood, but now he was in an even... badder mood. Is badder even a word? The lad wondered offhandedly to himself, and racked his brain for proper English as he remained curled up in his hammock. It wasn't like he ever went to school, but given that he had grown up here all his life, in the spand of six years he'd learned the English language at an accelerated rate. He knew how to read, too, but still struggled heavily with it and that was mostly thanks to the fact he was very farsighted. In the time it had taken him to mull this over in his aching mind, the two boys had left his room, and a relieved sigh left him as he shifted his body to the side. At least they had dimmed the lights. Chay peeked out a little more from the hood of his old parka, still cuccooned in his bed as he gazed up at the dark ceiling that was displaying a soft blue sky, nothing more than an illusion, but made him feel a little better all the same. He longed to see the actual sky, and hoped one day that he would be allowed to do so. 
Pippy Sat Down And Looked At Miko Giving A Smile, He Attempted To Talk Without Moving His Mouth So Much "So, You Say Your Good, How Good You Say You Are, Like Hicasso (Try To Say Picasso Without Moving Your Lips) Or A School Student Hainter"

"we shall" grand held mia hand and walked through the door and hallway. "its important that we are quiet mia remember that." he walked until he saw one of the labs and looked around. "ok there it is, lets go." he broke the handle and lock off the door with a easy pull and walked in. @mewbot5408

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