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No Escape (Closed)




Emma Duncan ♥ Feeling: Tired ♥ Apartment Building

Emma let out a yawn and stretched out her arms up towards the ceiling. Rubbing her eyes she scanned her surroundings, she was laying down on a couch in a small apartment. She got up to look out the window, counting about five walkers right outside staggering around the street. Closing the blinds back up she went over to the couch unzipping her backpack and plopping back onto the couch. She counted her rations: four cans of food, a bag of chips, and a half full canteen of water. Water...was the top priority. She took her hunting knife and cut open the top of one of the beans. After finishing her meal she cleaned out the can with a rag from the ground and placed it back into her bag. She grabbed her crossbow off the coffee table along with her quiver. Peeking out the window once more she again noticed the five walkers outside the door. Thinking for a moment she came to remember there was a fire escape towards the back entrance of the building. Opening up the window she peered down making sure no walkers were lurking down in the alleys and then began climbing down the ladder. After making it down safely she crouched her way over to the side of the street until she broke line of sight with the walkers.
Jordan arises from the sheets of his bed he stands up and lets out a loud yawn. He walks over to the window looking through the blinds squinting at the zombies. Jordan closes the blinds walking over to his bed "Today is a new day Jordan" he says to himself. Jordan grabs onto the .357 snub nose revolver releasing the locking notch letting the round cylinder fly out from the loading gate. He slides in 8 bullets inside the snub nose revolver, pushing the cylinder into the loading gate locking the notch. Jordan reaches for his backpack putting his left arm into the hole of strap as he hoists it over his shoulder. He opens his bedroom door as he walks down the stairs towards the front of his house. He opens the door making a loud enough sound so that the walkers can hear it. "Shit, I better get going.." he says in a panic. He closes the front door as he starts to sprint down the street as fast as he can losing the sight of the walkers.
Emma Duncan ♥ Feeling: Tired ♥ On the Street

Emma strolled down the street, trying not to make much noise or give attention to herself.
"Ahhh!" she screamed as a walker fell out from one of the alley ways surprising her. She pulled her desert eagle out from the back of her jeans and shot it in the head. Both her and the walker falling to the ground. She put her hands upon her knees and gasped for a bit of air before standing back up. She looked around just in case any other surprises came by and then placed her pistol back in her jeans and continued down the street.
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Jordan runs down the street as he hears a gunshot, immediately covering his ears. He removes his .357 snub nose revolver pushing the hammer down as he runs where he heard the gunshot. He spots a girl as he walks towards her keeping the revolver out in his hand as he walks towards her he spots a walker walking behind the girl. "Watch out girl!" he shouts. He aims the sights of the revolver to the zombie's head he pushes down on the trigger discharging a round right into the zombie's head a loud bang would be heard. The zombie drops right next to the girl's body. Jordan sticks the nose of the revolver into his pants, concealing the pistol.
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Emma Duncan ♥ Feeling: Tired/Scared ♥ On the Street

Emma dropped to the ground after watching the boy raise his weapon. A gunshot went off, she turned her head around finding a fallen walker sprawled across the concrete. Brushing herself off and fixing up her hair to move it out of her face she looked over at the boy sticking out her hand. "I'm Emma by the way. Thanks for uh shooting it." She grinned at the boy waiting for him to shake her hand and say his name.
Jordan extends his hand over to Emma's hand gradually shaking it up and down. "I'm Jordan ..- Jordan spring and your welcome." He smiles as he talks to her. "So why are you out here all alone by yourself?" he says as he sticks his hands into his pockets.
Emma Duncan ♥ Feeling: Tired/Scared

Bending down she grabs her crossbow off the street and sling it over her shoulder. Putting her hands in her jacket she replied, "I didn't come by choice, the outbreak started when I was on a plane. I could tell you the full story if you'd like, but we should probably get somewhere a little less open."
"Yes we could head to my house if you would like it's pretty secure there we just have to avoid the zombies and get into the house." he says in a calming voice. Jordan walks on the street, moving as fast as he can towards the road of his house being as quiet as possible. "This way Emma!" he shouts as he turns a corner of a street.
Emma Duncan ♥ Feeling: Safe

Emma nodded at Jordan carefully following him so she wouldn't get lost. She wasn't around here making these parts fairly new to her considering she's only seen this whole town on a 2D map before she boarded the plane. Dang he moves fast...she thought to herself turning around the corner.
Jordan stops at the end of a stoplight quietly moving around the street. He walks silently towards his house avoiding the zombies nearby. He walks up to the front porch, opening the door allowing Emma to go in first. Jordan closes the door, locking it, Jordan walks up the stairs towards his room as he goes to sit on his chair. "You could sit on the bed if you like" Jordan smiles. "Now tell me that story of how you got here." He cracks his knuckles as he leans back in his chair.
Emma Duncan ♥ Feeling: Safe

Emma follows Jordan up his stairs, looking around at the scenery. She walks into his room, "Oh thanks" she replies sitting herself up onto the edge of the bed. She placed her crossbow and quiver down on the opposite side and leaned her arms back to hold her weight. For a moment she just sits there looking around the room at the furniture, trying to remember her own room, back home. Snapping back into reality she looks over at Jordan who seems to be anxiously waiting for her to start. "Oh yes, sorry about that. I was leaving for college out here when the outbreak started, boarding the plane to be exact. I had a bad feeling, like a gut feeling that I shouldn't get on. Maybe spend more time with my family, but I didn't want to upset my parents who paid for the flight. So I eventually took my seat near the middle of the plane and about halfway to our destination the captain alerted us that the power had went out, a global blackout." she looked down at her feet, "It was frightening, all I remember after that was waking up to a bunch of burnt dead bodies surrounding me. And yeah...that's how I got here I guess."
"That's terrible" Jordan's eyes open wide as he speaks to Emma. "I just woke up one morning and I turned on the television and the news reporter said to stay indoors because it wasn't safe outside so I just turned off the TV before they said anything else and I went to bed I woke up 5 hours later and I look through the blinds and I see people walking around the street but they weren't themselves its like they were brain dead ..- it was freaky there was so many inside my neighbor hood they just walked.." Jordan coughs into his sleeve. "I just remember seeing a man getting eaten by one of those freaks.." Jordan looks towards the floor holding onto both of his temples as he has a flashback about it, his eyes widen.
Emma Duncan ♥ Feeling: Safe

"Jordan, it's okay you don't have to talk about it. I've seen it too and I don't want to remember it. But have you had to like...kill anyone yet?" She looked down at her fingers playing with them a bit before looking up into Jordan's eyes.
Jordan looks over to Emma "Yes.." Jordan's eyes began to tear up. "My mother came home one day and she has a bite on her neck I asked her whats wrong and she said "I'm fine don't worry about it I'm fine." she would always say that every time I would ask, well one day she was at home and she attacked me she tried biting me..- Jordan continues to look towards the floor as a tear drops onto the floor. "I grabbed my gun and I had to kill her before she killed me.." Jordan looks down at the floor then back up at Emma wiping the tear from his cheek.
Emma Duncan ♥ Feeling: Safe

Emma felt bad for asking, not thinking it would've been so mournful. She grabbed Jordan's hand and said softly, "I'm sorry I asked and I'm sorry for your loss. But there is one thing, it doesn't count. She wasn't herself, she was infected already. You did the only right thing that could've been done, at least she's in a better place now, not down here with us in a nightmare."
Jordan looks up at Emma. "That's true she's in a better place now and at least she isn't suffering with us here in this shitty world." Jordan stands up from the chair moving over to his backpack unzipping one of the zippers taking out a bag of Beef Jerky. He tears open the bag, reaching inside grabbing an individual beef jerky sticking in his mouth taking a bite from it. "You want some?" Jordan looks over to Emma holding the bag towards her. Jordan continues to chew the piece of beef jerky that is in his mouth.
Emma Duncan ♥ Feeling: Safe

Emma smiled and took a piece of beef jerky out of the bag. "Thanks." She chewed on it slowly, trying to savor the taste until it was half gone. "Where did you find this anyway, I barely find good food anymore." She reaches her hand in her bag for a half full bottle of water, takes a sip and then continues nibbling on her piece of beef jerky.
Jordan takes another bite of the beef jerky chewing it. "I found it in a nearby grocery store it was basically the only thing I could get the store was almost empty." Jordan chews on the beef jerky. "I got water in my bag if you would like some its fresh and cold." He grabs onto another piece of beef jerky sticking it in his mouth, biting a piece of it off chewing it.
Emma Duncan ♥ Feeling: Safe

"It's fine, I'm used to the warm water now anyway, but do you have a place that I can refill it?" she finished munching on the last piece of her jerky. Swishing it down with another sip of water and then looking over at Jordan.
Jordan finishes the beef jerky looking over to Emma. "Nah I don't have a place where I could refill it, it's hard to find places where you can refill your water bottles now a days, Soon we are going to have to go outside and get more supplies because that was the only food I had. Jordan lets out a small cackle. Jordan removes his .357 snub nose revolver from his jeans placing it on the table next to him.
Emma Duncan ♥ Feeling: Safe

Emma stands up to reach into her bag fishing out three cans of beans and looking over at Jordan, "We can be good on food for about three days if we ration it properly, but we are going to need water sooner than that so I say that's the first priority?" She grabbed the canned beans placing them back inside her backpack and setting it on top the bed.
Jordan looks over to Emma. "Indeed water will be top priority shall we go outside and look for a place to refill our water bottles?"
Emma Duncan ♥ Feeling: Safe

"There's probably a lake of some sorts around in the forest or something right?" she looked over at Jordan slinging her backpack and quiver across her back. She grabbed her crossbow allowing it to hang from her hand.
"Yeah probably" Jordan arises from the chair grabbing onto the .357 snub nose revolver with his left hand tucking the tip of the revolver into his jeans, concealing it. Jordan grabs onto his backpack, swinging it around his back. "Let's go Emma" He closes his bedroom door as he walks down the stairs to the front door. He opens the door once again making a loud sound. "Run! stupid fucking door never got fixed." he shouts. Jordan runs to the end of the street turning a corner losing the line of sight between the zombies

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