Nightmares Alive

Jem blinked,"he didn't get in yet?....."she mumbled then glared,"Eclipse if you don't go in I'll run in there and push you in! And you know you don't want a girl to see you naked!"she yelle blushing.
Eclipse heard her,but still just stared at the water making a slight deep moaning sound a cat would make when it hates something.He really didn't want a girl to come in here while he was like this,but he really didn't want to get in that tub.The only think that stumped him was which was worse?
Eclipse now making more of a whining sound,stepped into the tub slowly,though once he hit the water he jumped away,his tail fluffing up about twice it's normal size.There was no way in hell he was going to go in that evil thing they call water,he was already soaked enough he thought.
Jem got up sighing,"that's it lets go Eran!"she said and closed her eyes she ran in and pushed Eclipse into the bath blushing.(you can make him pull her down with him hohoho! I wasn't too sure to do that or not)
"THREEEEEEE!" Eran shrieked, pushing Jem along with him, and into the bathtub. He squraled in joy and they all fell into the tub, into a wet, crazy heap of a mess. Eran laughed and paused to see if Eclupse wasn't super angry at him.

(im such a slow typer :/ want me to delete?)
(Oh gees xD no your fine Song)

Eclipse's tail covered him faster than that door could fly as he blushed bright red,and trying not to fall in he grabbed both of them accidently pulling them in as well.Water splashed everywhere and it was very obvious Eclipse did not like it at all as he clinged to the side of the tub for dear lif
Jem looked at Eclipse turning a bright red,"w-why'd you pull me in?!"she yelled and ran out and into her room she grabbed the first aid kit and wrapped the bandages around her foot as she blushed,"I saw a guy..... Naked!"she thought hugging her pillow.
Eran stood up," Funnest... Moment... Evar!!!" He squealed, then looked at Eclipse with a devious grin. "Someone doesn't like wa~ter!" He sang, and pushed Eclupse back into the water, laughing crazily.
Jem laid on her bed looking down,"he.... Looked good tho.... Kya! Nooooo Jewel! Your being a perve"she thought rolling on the bed.
Eclipse freaked out,jumping out of the water and hanging onto the first thing he saw that was nailed into the wall,his tail wrapped around him as he shook.He growled at Eran with his eyes bright red as he hissed.
Tammy hummed loud enough for the whole house to hear it was calming and a cute song she even sang slightly and it wasn't bad she then stopped and hugged the pillow tighter and blushed,"I don't like him!"she thought shaking her head,"Erans just teasing me"she mumbled.
"It's better then going in that hell hole!"He yelled,referring to the water.He was fine with being slightly wet so cleaning himself with a wet rag was easy,this was just plain torture and he knew the brat was enjoying every bit of it.
He certainly is. ( xD ) Eran shrigged and sighed," Well, Jem DID see your EXPOSED BODEH!" He greatly enphasized the last part, hoping to rile him up again.
(I knew you'd say that! xD hahaha)

Seemed to not bother Eclipse at all,not one bit.He was never really that way with women(girls as well),they never bothered him.Now Men(Not boys) he really did not like,even if he was dressed for winter he hated being around them and felt very awkward with them.He just clinged to what he had grabbed,not planning on letting go,and stared at Eran very pissed off at him right now.If only this wasn't the one Cross seemed to be very close to,this one wouldn't have been breathing much longer.
Jem walked in with a blindfold and grabbed Eran and pulled him out then closed the door she took off the blind fold,"I got lucky"she mumbled then looked at him,"go change"she said and sighed realizing or rather remembering that the twins didn't like anyone,"I'm ganna check on Cross he's been alone for a while k"she said and began walking towards the room.
When Eran was dragged out by the blind girl he sighed as he lost his grip and fell to the ground. After getting up,drying off,and putting his cloths on he peeked outside to door.He left everything else the way it was and shut the door behind him,then walked as he whispered to himself."Stupid brat...Mean water...hate them both..."
Jem opened the door of Crosses room to check in on him,"hello you okay in here"she whispered softly."I feel like a mom but it's better then being alone"she thought sadly.
Cross was already awake it seemed,for the most part anyway.his face was still flushed and his eyes still had some color missing,but he smiled when she entered."Hey...what was all the racket about?..."
"Trying to get your brother to take a bath"Jem said smiling then walked over to him,"did you eat your soup?"she asked softly and smiled."you should've told us you weren't feeling well it's not a problem"she said and sat on the edge of the bed.
Cross laughed when he heard thy tried to give Eclipse a bath,he knew that didn't go well."Yes I did."He answered her question as he motioned to the empty bowl as he smiled.Then it faded when she spoke of him not feeling well,"There wasn't a problem's hard for us to tell weather it's true or not since we tend to feel 'sick' a lot...And most of the time it's just a false alarm..."

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