Nightmares Alive

Jem nodded and saluted Cross,"yes chef boss man sir!"she said then turned off the fan she then looked at Ecplise and giggled,"your changing colors"she said then jolted remembering how destructive he was and hid behind a couch ready for any attack.
Cross had caught all the ants at the cost of a few bites on his hand.

"Shut up..."Eclipse dropped to the ground,not being able to hold on anymore as the room spun rapidly to him."Uhhh...."He moaned trying to see cleanly again but it didn't seem to be that simple.
Eran flopped onto the couch, mumbling and sputtering," Never play that game again..." He coughed out. His speech was gurgled and muffled, and he spoke as if he was drunk. Eran laid down, seeing the room spin around in circles," Wooo..." Was the only thing he cpuld say at the moment.
Jem poked Cross' hand,"ouch"she mumbled then looked at hiim pouting,"I'M still hungry so let's hurry up captin!"she said and put the jar behind a book on the bookcase so Eran wouldn't think about touching it. Jem then went into the kitchen and washed the rice then put it on the stove it was wonderful but all she could do,"so what else?"she asked excitedly.
Eran sat up, completely recovered and looked at Eclipse. He smiled a big big grin and pat his head," Thanks, buddy! That was really fun~!" Eran turned around and skipped outside, whom he said he will be back before dinner. Outside he jumped into a big tree and ran around the forest, viewing random sites in his home.
Cross sighed as he went back into the kitchen,he smiled as he watched he get the rice ready."Now we need to chop the pork into small pieces,not too small but small enough you can eat a piece in one bite..."He tried to show her how big,about the size of your pinky small.

Eclipse had followed Eran since Cross told him to keep an eye out of him,and Eclipse really didn't want to upset his brother again.Maybe if he listened more it'd all go back to normal,but he was the oldest of the two why was he the one having to listen.He sighed as he watched Eran now thinking about before when they were heading to the cabin,how did Eran get so close to Cross?The fact that Cross was that protective over him too,he thought it wasn't fair that it seemed so simple for Eran to be so close to Cross.Yet for him it as if they were of the same magnet now,pushed away from each other no matter what he did.Eclipse missed the time they were kids,running around never leaving each others side even if it meant they could lose there life.
Eran didn't go very far. He came back after only a few minutes and saw Eclipse. Eran blinked. Eclipse seemed kinda gloomy. He jumped over to the white cat-man and looked at him," Hey, you alright buddy?" Eran asked," Are you still upset about the ant thingy?" Eran couldn't figure why Eclipse was like this and sighed," I'm here to listen if you wanna talk about it," Eran went over and sat on the porch of the little cabin, his tail moving around lazily.
Eclipse had shook his head as a reply to Eran's question about the ants,his arms had been slightly crossed over his chest loosely as his tail wrapped around him.His ears folded down and he watched Eran walk to the porch,since he was still having to watch him.He just didn't get it,but maybe he just didn't want to.
Jem nodded but before cutting it up she cut off the access grease."there"Jem said happily,"I watch Raven cool a lot but she told me not to touch the stove cause I burn everything"she mumbled pouting,"all I can do is rice"she mumbled sulking a bit.
Cross slightly laughed."I'm sure you'll get better if you practice."He yawned as he grabbed the plate of corn and the beans,placing them aside for now.He then got the cheese and cut it into blocks,setting them with the apples.
"So what are we making?"Jem asked watching Cross closely,"I'm the type of learner that watches and repeats what I see"she said and drank some water,"why do boys like getting hurt?"she added.
Starting with her first question."Well cheese and apples for one...we'll mix the pork and rice which will make the rice not as plain,though i don't know what to do with the beans and corn...We could just cook them?.."He had finished the cheese before answering her second question."I don't know...sometimes we don't want to get hurt but rather that then someone else...And sometimes it could also have something to do with pride which is built on courage and power,getting hurt shows we have both courage to face pain,and power to overcome it.And then there are the ones that just don't have any sense of mind and do it for fun..."
Jem looked at Cross worriedly,"are you one of those people?"she mumbled then laugh,"no way never mind your totally not"she said then smiled,"I can't wait to eat I'm so hungry!"she said bouncing around a bit.
Jem jolted,"what's wrong Cross...... I'm ganna go get Eclipse"she said worriedly then began walking out,"maybe he's sick"she thought.
Cross had slid down to the floor,leaning back on the counter keeping his hands on his head as he sat.

Eclipse's ear that was aiming to the cabin flipped up twitching as he listened to what was going on inside.Something didn't seem right,he didn't hear Cross and Jem talking anymore and he heard footsteps coming closer.
Jem jolted hearing him fall and began running to Eclipse she didn't say anything and grabbed his hand. Jem quickly pulled Eclipse to Cross,"something wrong!"she said as she began tearing up she spazed a bit pointing at Cross hoping Eclipse would know what to do.
Eran looked up," Ah! What happened?" He saw Jem about to cry," Hey! Hey! No crying! We gotta help em!" Eran looked back at Cross," Maybe fever? The forest DOES play tricks on the mind..."
"What do we do!"Jem yelled then touched Cross' forehead to see if it was a fever. Jem was very nervous so her hands were shaking.
Cross didn't seem hot in fact it felt cold,but his face was flushed and his eyes seem to have lost a lot of color.Eclipsed kneeled down in front of him and grabbed his wrist,closing his eyes as he did.It only took a few seconds and his eyes shot open slightly red now."that virus again...Shoot,I thought it was taken care of..."
Jem blinked looking at Eclipse,"what?..... What virus?"she asked nervously she jolted and was becoming transparent it wasn't unusual when she felt useless this is what happened she becomes unseen,"s-sorry"she said trying to stay seen but was shaking a bit.

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