Nightmares Alive

Jem smiled,"something totally delicious!"she said smiling as she followed Cross,"can I help?"she asked with a curious look in her eyes. Jem smiled wanting to watch the processes.
Cross just nodded and said in a slightly drifting voice,"I don't mind..."he smiled at her as he went along to the kitchen.He yelled back at Eclipse."Watch Eran!make sure he doesn't do anything crazy.."

Eclipse smiled,shouldn't he be more worried about him and not this Eran figure,but he just shrugged his shoulders and looked at Eran.

(No this is perfect! X3 hehehehe)
Jem smiled happily,"what are we making? What do I do?"she asked then looked at Eran as she left and giggled,"you have poo brain"she mumbled walking behind Cross.
Cross shrugged his shoulders,"I don't know,guess it depends on what we have...Could you check that side of the room for what we have and i'll check this side?"He asked,pointed to the right side of the room.

Eclipse sighed and hoped she was talking about Eran,what was he to do now with this brat?
(now im scared xD )

Wran saw a fly and swatted at it, trying a few times to chomp it in his mouth. He swung his hands in the air, but obviously the fly left unscathed. Eran looked at Eclipse, returning his glance and smiled," Hey Eclipse! Let's play a game!" He swung his tail excitedly," How about Fire Ants?" Eran took out a jar and opened it. Little tiny red ants came out, but something was wrong about them. The looked... slightly mitated. "These guys love the taste of flesh! We go thirty minutes in the same room as them, and at the end, we see who has the least wounds!" Eran took out a few little pieces of tape and stuck them in a square around them," There, that's the perimeter. The ants can't put out of that square. Remember, these fire ants leave nasty bites. Ready? Set? GO!" He instantly opened the jar, and dozens of little tiny ants crawled out. Eran leaped on the couch, enjoying the sick game very much.
(XDDD ooooohhhh yeah Eclipse totally has poobrain!*i love that term*)

Jem nodded and began looking around her side,"rice, pork, beans no food coloring so white rice luckly we have salt so porkchops white rice and beans"she said softly and smiled at Cross happily.
Eclipse watched Eran and smiled,this reminded him of a game Cross and him played when they were kids...Though they didn't have these ants where they lived so they used wasps,that seemed to be the only difference.Eclipse had jumped up and hung from a fan hanging from the ceiling,it seemed to be in the perimeter so he figured it was fine.And these bugs seem to not be able to fly like the wasps so this might be easier.

Cross looked to see what he could find,"Corn...apples,cheese..."He opened a cabinet door to find a live chicken and quickly shut it."...And chicken...But i suggest we don't mess with that.."
Eran jumoed around through the couch, missing the Fire Ants. He looked up at Eclipse," Oyyy! You're not gonna have any fun hanging there the entire time!" He laughed, trying to get him down.
Eclipse smiled down at him,wrapping his tail around the fan to make sure it didn't hang down."Though I might just win."He smiled,that was the point of the game,so he just hung there watching Eran.

Cross thought for a moment."I might have something,can you bring what you found over here?"He said as he grabbed what he had found,other than the chicken.
Jem put the stuff she found on the counter,"yummys?"she asked smiling happily,"are you okay?"she asked,"I mean with your brother? You guys fight a lot...... I didn't think brothers should fight so much"she said.(lies Jem it happens all the time 030)
Cross shook his head."I'm just worried he'll do something like before...I probably shouldn't be since he seems more concerned about other things right now but..."He sighed."I'm sure it'll get better,i just have to get used to him being around again.It has been a while.."He looked at what they had and went through his mind trying to see if he could make what he was thinking."Could you see if we have a cooking knife?"
Etan was frazzled at the thought of Eclipse winning victory. That was what mingled his mind alot. Eran jumped from the couch, and hung onto Eclipse, trying to drag him down. Eran bit his arm, hoping to get him to fall.
Jem nodded determinedly,"okay!"she said with enthusiasm then grabbed the knife from a drawer,"does it have to be big?"she asked and held the knife towards Cross then put it down,"I'm ganna turn on the fan it's hot"she said and flipped the fan switch and the fan that Eclipse was on began moving.
( u evil kandy xD I love it)

Eran gasped and noticed the fan was turned on. "Eclipse! Leggo! Leggo!" He spazzed out, and felt the world turning, closing his eyes as he head began to hurt.
Eclipse had his legs around the fan so Eran had been bitting something Eclipse wasn't even using,though it still hurt.And when the fan began to move he found his situation even more difficult.

Cross had began cutting the apples into little slices and placed them on a plate he had found,and after he stripped the corn off the cob on another plate."We're gonna need something to cook with..."
"We could wash the rice with the pot"she said reaching up to the pot in the cabinet,"almost"she mumbled stretching up but couldn't reach.
"Urgghh..." Eran groaned. The fire ants were still below them, and they seemed hungry. What a tiring predicament this was. Eran leaned over tried to call off the ants, but they obviously wouldn't listen. A simple game had turned viral. ( xD )

Cross reached over her and grabbed the pot,then smiled down at her."i got it."

Eclipse was getting very dizzy by now and losing his grip."Remind me never to play with you toys again..."
"Che! Not my fault!" Eran pouted and called over to Cross and Jem," Heey! We're spinning wildly and there are carnivorous insects about to EAATTT USSS!"
(Okay that is my favorite scene in history of romance scenes I'm sorry)

Jem blushed slightly and smiled back,"t-thank you"she said nervously feeling his body close she then moved away and looked around,"so what now?"she asked smiling.

Jem blinked hearing and ran over then jolted and looked at them,"what's going on?"she asked still a little red from Cross' actions.
( xD saw that coming haha)

"Is too your fault!"Eclipse yelled back at Eran,thinking about just letting him drop.

Cross heard Eran and turned to the way to the living room,not really effected by the "Closeness" of him and Jem at that time."Err...guess we better check those two before we carry on..."He had said and followed her seeing the circus act that was going on he just stared."Eclipse...."
"What should we do?"Jem asked face palming,"why would you guys play with fire ants in the first place"she mumbled then watche them spin and blinked a bit,"are you guys ganna hurl"she asked.
"Maybe...."Eclipse now wasn't looking to could."Now if your done chit chatting could you please...turn of the fan!"

Cross chuckled."can you turn it off while i get the ants."He said as he grabbed a jar off the floor.

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