Nightmares Alive

Jem looked down sadly,"i-I'm so sorry"she said softly hoping that Ecplise didn't hate her,"i-I shouldn't have pushed you! I'm so sorry!"she said and bowed then looked at him worriedly with cute teary eyes,"are you okay? Did I dirty you?"she asked softly.(moe!)
Eclipse looked over at her."Eh?Oh no,i'm fine...As long as you did it for a purpose and not just to push me over..."He glared at her.

Cross just continued laughing,what ever reason she did it for it didn't matter,it was just funny.
Eran finished his fruit and swung his scythe-tail around. He loved the spasmic reactions of this day. He blinked cheerfully," Yuppers. There was a spider on ya!" He pointed to Eclipse, acting as a witness.
Jem nodded not liking being glared at,"i-I'm so sorry! I didn't want to hit your head......"she said and clung to Eran not wanting to be hurt by Eclipse.
Eclipse felt his head."Oh really?..."

"Your lucky she hit it before me."Cross said still chuckling about what happened.

"And your lucky you didn't..."Eclipse looked over at him with a smile.
Eran'stail twitched when he was clung on," Oy! You don't have to spaz out so much, Jem." He snickered," They're too busy fighting amongst themselves to get cha!" Eran made a cheeky grin and laughes.
He blinked happily. Eran flicked his tail back and forth, feeling much better," Nyan~ You guys looks soo much alike~!" He bieber-flipped his hair in a egonistic way, flashing a big grin that stretched from ear to ear.

(lol bieber-flip xD )
( xD haha!)

Cross and Eclipse just stared at him,Cross was thinking he might have ate something bad since he's never seen Eran act like this.Eclipse just though this was how he was and had no idea hope him and Cross became friends.
He blinked and whistled a tune gleefully. Eran was confused why the brothers were confused. (lolwut?) Remember how Eran had a personality disorder? One of his sides was cheerful and egonistic, which was the safest out of gloomy and psychomanic. It also included that he be a smidgey bit hyperactive," Whaaaat?" He asked, mimicing Cross and Eclipse's posture.
"They won't kill you if you don't pay attention to them," Eran said gloomy. He had been here for a long time, snd poisonous spiders were the least of his worries. Observing cautiously, and shuddered," Though they really are gross..." He muttered, gkaring at a spider that watched him from a little shrub.
"L-let's hurry up!"Jem said and grabbed Eran's hand and began running as fast as she could she then noticed a buntch of spiders trying to stop them from going farther. Jem jolted and began shaking,"I'm scared"she whispered softly.
( xD Cross hasn't really paid attention to anyone until now.)

Cross and Eclipse whispered to each other as the two talked about the spiders,then followed them when they ran.

"Yep,he is the weirdest i must say..."Eclipse smiled,as he looked at the spiders not really bothered by them.

Cross nodded."Told you..."
"are you two crazy?! Where going to die!"Jem said then jolted her hair turned black and she giggled,"woopsy~"she said then looked at the spiders,"mmmm lunch"she said with a cute/creepy smile.
Eran was taken aback by Jem's sudden change of character. Was this her other personality? He stepped back a bit, letting other-Jem do whatever she pleases with the spiders.
"Though she's close on catching up to him..."Eclipse stared at her,his ears had folded down.

Cross nodded again in agreement."Yea...very close..."
Jem quickly began fighting the spiders in there way then pouted,"there not poison..... What a pitty"she said softly then looked away,"can we go now?!"she said and began walking stepping over the dead spider bodies.
Cross and Eclipse just followed,making sure to keep there distance from Jem. Cross had began feeling tired,just out of the blue he felt like he'd pass out on the spot. But he shook his head trying not to,It didn't get rid of the feeling completely though.

Eclipse noticed Cross had slightly became wobbly as he walked watched him closely,ready to catch him if he losses his balance. He wondered what was wrong with him and if this had happened before.
Jem's hair went back to normal and she smiled,"where back!"she said opening the door happily then blinked,"who can cook?"she asked as she sat down on the couch.
"Ah, I know Rune can, but he has been away for a while..." Eran sighed," Obviously, I can't cook, i'm used to raw stuff." He turned to the brothers and smiled," Nyuu... Eclipse seems tired, so Cross will cook!" He threw his fist in the air, not aware that he just made a descision that he had to authority to do. But Eran is Eran. (lolwut?)
"Cooking! Food nomming!"Jem said throwing her fist in the air excitedly,"I wonder what we're going to eat"she mumbled pouting.
Eclipse just laughed at the way the two acted,though wondered if they had gotten them mixed up since Cross was the one that seemed tired.Right?And it was rather hard to mix them up but he just pushed the thought to the back of his mind and turned to Cross."So what will we be having chef?"He said in a slight mocking tone.

Cross didn't look effected by the comment though inside he was very irritated that Eclipse was now "Part of the circus" he called the group that had just suddenly found each other and became friends out of the blue.But he didn't come back with anything,he just sighed and said,"Whatever you want..." as he walked to the kitchen which was easy to find.

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