Nightmares Alive

Cross had looked back at Eran and sighed as he let him go."Just...don't do anything stupid..."He then snatched his tail away from Eclipse's grasp,glaring back at him with his ears back.

Eclipse was just smiling,also looking a bit nervous now.
Eran grinned," Kay kay!" He cheered and went to go find Jem. She wasn't very hard to find. Instead by tree, Eran decided to walk instead. You know, to think. Cross has been strangely nice to him these days. The first time he met Cross, Cross was a bitter guy. Now, he seemed to lighten up a bit and now Eran thought of him as a big brother. Eran liked that. He finally made it to a little huddle. He knew this huddle was Jem, by her scent. Eran sat down and peered in," Jem?"
Jem jolted up and became face to face with him,"ah"she said turned a bright red she looked away nervously,"I'm sorry......"she said softly then sniffled and looked down.
Eran paused. "N-no, I shoukd be saying the sorries. I yelled at you without a good reason, Jem, sorry 'bout that." He smiled happily, trying to cheer her up," Friends?" He held out his hand.
Cross had walked back to where Raven was,now seeming even more worried than before,his ears were down and his tail whipping back and forth rapidly."But how!?"He yelled back at Eclipse who was right behind him,they seemed to have been talking about something on the way back.

"How am i suppose to know!All I know is that he's alive and here same as us..."Eclipse also seemed worried.

"He should have died with the rest of the world!We barely made it out so how could he?"

"Like i said,i don't know.That is why i needed to find you..."
Jem blinked,"no no! It's my fault I'm sorry I shouldn't have just hugged you or touched you without knowing if we were even friends"she said then noticed his hand. She then smiled and shook it,"friends"she said softly.
"Ah... Don't get me wrong, we are friends," he said quietly," I just don't do well with...hugs," he laughed, scratching the back of his head. He looked at Jem,"So, ya wanna get out of there?"
Jem smiled a bit,"sorry"she said then slowly got up,"lets go back to the cabin I'm hungry"she said softly touching her tummy.
Jem giggled,"a fan club is filled with a buntch of peopl who have a crush on you or are in love with you or want to be your boyfriend "she explained.
Eran crossed his arms," Honestly, Jem. You make it sound like we're in an anime or an online roleplay or something," he rolled his eyes, not aware that he is actially a made-up character in an online roleplay by a girl that has no life. ( xD )
Cross was talking to Eclipse in the clearing where the cabin was but there were way off from it.Cross' voice sounded worried yet angry for some reason."What are we going to do then?Just hide or go after him?"

"I'd rather stay as far from him as possible thank you...."Eclipse replied,he sounded a bit more calmer but just as worried.
Jem smiled,"well don't worry you'll find someone you like someday I promise you that much"she said and giggled. Jem always smiled and was kind to people no matter how mean they are to her because she always knew that everyone has a reason to be angry or mad or be mean to her. She just asumed she was annoying but with Eran she knew that was just the way he was and she didn't mind.
Eran held uo a semi-crooked smile," Yeah, thanks, Jem. Really." He appreciated her caring nature, and he had a weird feeling. It felt like... peace or gentleness. He looked around," So, what were we going?" Eran blinked, he had completely forgotten.
Jem giggled,"the cabin silly"she said as they walked to it then notice Cross and Eclipse and she waved,"guys! Let's go eat!"she yelled as she waved to get there attention smiling.
Cross' ear turned to where he heard her and looked over,he sighed."What now?"He seemed confused on what she said.

Eclipse smiled."She said it was time to eat."

"Oh...Umm,how about after we eat we'll go find out what's going on."Cross smiled,he hadn't ate anything since he came here and he really wanted to eat now that he thought about it.

"Okay,sounds good."Eclipse laughed as they began to walk over.Cross' tail flipped back and forth since he was happy,though the thought of what they talked about still hung in the back of his mind.
Eran perked up a bit and skipped over to Cross' side. He loked at Cross as a brother figure, and it was funny. When they first net, Cross was much more cold, now he seemed in a better mood. Eran nodded at the thought of food. He was a bit of a glutton, for it was a treat to get decent food out in the forest. His tail wavered like a snake behind him, and his horns glistened in the light. Eran felt the side of his beloved coat and felt his metal claws. They have been ridiculously bloody these days. He made a mental note to clean them in the river after wating.
Eclipse couldn't help but crack up at this,he had stayed on the other side of Cross.

Cross looked at him with a confused look,wondering what was so funny,but he was just waved off before he spoke.He sighed and noticed Eran,then got what Eclipse was thinking and glared at him irritated.
Eran walked surprisingly calmer than usual. All the action made him sluggish and less active. Maybe he'd sleep before cleaning his claws. Eran swiftly swiped his tail at a strange fruit and nibbled on it for a bit. At least the fruit would soothe his hunger until they made it to the cabin. Light-blue fruit juice splattered all over his mouth and hands, and he was enjoying the feast happily.
Jem walked behind the three boys feeling a bit akward at Cross and Eclipse's private convo. She then looked around. Seeing the small spiders it caused her to ich a bit feeling irratated. A spider landed on Eclipses head and she glared she then pushed him to the ground killing the spider she jolted,"s-sorry! So sorry!"she said nervously. Jem then gulped worried about his reaction.
Now Cross burst out laughing as pay back.

Eclipse was very confused at first,then jumped up and yelled at Cross."Shut up!"He seemed to be more mad at Cross the Jem.

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