Nightmares Alive

Jem shook her head,"no to me you seem like a good person I mean you came here to help your brother right?"she asked then smiled,"but looks can be deceiving"she said with a creepy smile as she tilted her head and her eyes glowed. She then giggled and went back to her normal position and eye color and expression.
Eclipse nodded."Both are true...Though it was more of helping each other,for i have something to tell him that might not make him happy..."
"Eh?Oh no,no,no!"He shook his head back and forth along with his hands."I could never hate him...We just had...a misunderstanding between us a while ago and he hasn't gotten over it.."His ears had folder down and he seemed rather sad now.
Jem smiled and patted his head,"don't worry if you tell him that your sorry he's ganna forgive you and you two can get along again"she said smiling warmly.
"Well maybe he just didn't like how you did it..... How did you apologize?"Jem asked her feet were getting tired so she sat down but looked up at Eclipse.
Eclipse tried to remember,"He had ran off so i tried to find him...when i did i just simply apologized as best as i could..."
Eran had tears in his eyes. This was the saddest thing he'd ever heard. "Crap dangit, Cross!" He cried, alittle too over-emotional and pushes Cross out into the clearing, his eyes watery and sad.
Cross had landed on his back and couldn't help it anymore,he burst out laughing not caring if he was seen since he already knew Eclipse knew he was there.

Eclipse sighed with a smile on his face.'Just couldn't help it,could you...."
Eran sat on the grass, tail flicking back and forth. He rubbed his eyes and thought "dangit, just apologize..." As much as Eran was crazy, he hated long-term fighting.
"Don't even try."Cross looked up at Eclipse."I didn't forgive you then and i won't forgive you now..."

Eclipse looked at him."yea...."
He grumbked something under his breath. Both of these brothers were so stubborn! "Oh well, whatever floats you guys' boats," he said, shrugging, and quickly getting over it," Hm, by the way, why are you two at eachother's necks, anyway?" He decided if they weren't gonna apologize, at least hear the stoey.
Cross jumped up to his feet and pointed to Eclipse."He went way to far with our deal..."

Eclipse smiled and shrugged his shoulders."We said we'd test them,but we never agreed to what we'd do if they failed."
"Test to see if they were true friends,of course."Eclipse smiled.

"But killing them is way overboard!"Cross' tail flickered back and forth and he seemed irritated.
Eran scooted back," Wh-what?! Killing friends!" He blinked, wild-eyed," Why would someone want to do that?!" Eran thought about himself. Sure, he killed too, but he killed for survival, and -sometimes- on accident when his body goes psychomanic, but this- this was more than he could ever think of doing!
"They were not friends though!They were afraid of you!."Eclipse had walked over to Cross as he yelled,poking Cross hard in the chest when he reacted him."Once those came out..."he slightly yanked on Cross' ear."They screamed...finally knowing who you really were..."

"And that was your fault!"Cross yelled back,pushing Eclipse away."You knew if we ever get within a mile of each other we can't hid them anymore!"

Eclipse smiled."Exactly!Easy way to test,that's why we made the deal.."

'But it was only a test,never a judgement!"
"STOPPIT!" Eran screamed, jumping in between the two brothers," Stop it! Stop it now!" He shrieked. Eran calmed down and plopped hus body back to the ground, and murmured," You are brothers, aren't you supposed to love eachother?" He said bitterly, digging his claws into the ground, he never had a family. They had left him alone in the forest as a baby. If this was what family acted like, he'd be better off by himself. Eran sighed a "sorry" and finally was stabilized. He sighed again," Sorry bout that..." Was all he could say, feeling awkward at the situation.
"We did love each other...very dearly....since our mother past away giving birth to us and our father...Well.."Cross just couldn't finish as his ears went down and he looked away."

"And our father was the worst of them all!That perverted bastard!"Eclipse's anger raged just by the mention of there father."I wish I could see him suffer till his death!...."
"Pervert? Your father was a pervert? Did he try to attack you?!" Eran gasped," A PEDOPHILE?"

(haha im officially a schediophile, well I think thats how u spell it. It means I has ab attraction towards fake people,.liek anime peeps xD )
Cross had gone quiet,not saying another word knowing Eclipse could carry on.

"Lets just say he wanted girls and not us...though of course it didn't stop him."Eclipse's eyes had turned dark red."He was one of the reason why me and Cross left our home,and the reason why we could never trust anyone..."
Eran's horns pointed down," Aw man... that's so sad," his eyes became watery again in tears," Uwah... I would wanna hug you guys right now, but squealing fangirls would make it look gay..." He said gulped.

(haha Eran's talkin about those internet memes when fangirls take a scene and put in a gay caption to make it look like bromance xD )
( xD Oh gees!)

Eclipse's slightly smiled."You have very strange friends now,Cross."

Cross looked at him,his eyes slit and red.

"Don't worry...I do approve,like we agreed,they did pass the test...though these two aren't the only ones,are they?..."

Cross shook his head."No..."
"Te~st?" Eran tilted his head," I was taking a test?" He sighed. This eclipse guy was so weird. First he looks like a Cross doppelganger, then he says I was in school. Man, he's so confusing..

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