Nightmares Alive

"Well,that depends also..."Eclipse was having to much fun with this,and wondered if he should tell her his little secret.
Raven blushed this man was just like her the enjoyment of the realisticness of life and devouring souls. Raven sighed in content,"y-you are such a wwonderful man! Just my type!"she said and hugged him,"I've been awaiting for a man such as yourself for 1500 years"she said blushing ,"please become my b-boyfriend"she said happily.( xD she's actually really shy with romance)
Eran took his tail and grabbed a fruit. He threw it into the air, and sliced it with his tail. Eran licked his.lips as the little pieces.fell into his.mouth.
"Depends on what? I'll do anything please tell me!"Jem said bouncing a bit she was very amused she loved secrets and loved being told one she found it so exciting to guess them and try to pry them out of the person.
*rune looked at raven, well she did also enjoy devouring souls didnt she? That was long as she didnt do it woth his hed be fine*rune: hmm,youve been waiting 1500 years? What a cooincidence, ive been waiting 1600 years, so how big of an idiot would i be to say no? Of course its yes*he hugs her*
Cross then could hear voices talking and knew one was Jem,the other...Eclipse.Cross' eyes turned red as he crept more slowly towards them.

"...It depends on how well you already know me...and what you will do when you find the secret out."Eclipse' smile had faded as he spoke,watching the girl waiting for her to reply.
Raven blushed and smiled. She leaned in slowly,"I-I'm sorry I'm not used to this sort of thing"she said softly then looked at him,"your day was hard..... And you've went from gay to bi to straight again......"she said and kissed him tenderly.

"In all truth I don't know you too well..... But I do know that I wouldn't use it against you"Jem said then tried to get a better look leaning in closer to the hiding spot Eclipse was in he tilted her head trying to see then jolted tripping,"ow"she mumbled blushing out of embarrassment.
*rune looked at her confused*rune: i was never gay..i went from straight to bi to straight*he laughs and kisses her back lightly*rume wispers: your better at this than you may know
Eclipse chucked."I see..."He had leaned down,grabbed her wrist and helped her back up to her feet.Showing himself now,still holding onto the branch he was sitting on."Then you must be a good friend of my brother."He smiled.
Eran lashed his tail angrily. This time he promised himself that he would be much more careful, now.knowing what this Eclipse character smelled like. He still stoof close to Cross, just in case Eclipse was not what he looked like.
Jem blushed ,"I-I don't think so"she said softly. Jem looked at him,"your not Cross?"she asked then smiled,"then sorry I thought you where my names Jewel but everyone calls me Jem"she said smiling.

Raven blushed,"t-thank you"she whispered against his lips,"your good too"she mumbled nervously looking around.
Cross then sat down in the bushes when he was able to see the two,he stayed low and quiet just watching them.

Eclipse came down from the tree."it's only normal for people to get us confused when they can't see us...My name is Eclipse,I'm sure Cross hasn't said anything about me to you ether,right?"
*rune kisses her and steps back*rune: hmm, i feel there is afew people together in one spot rite now...and ones......nude?*he cracks up laughing*rune: now i gotta see this, who do you wanna bet it is? Im going woth cross! *he laughs harder*

(Nobody has noticed jem was stripped by tht doll thingXD)
"He doesn't like girls....... He doesn't talk to me even when I try to get along with him"Hem said softly looking at Eclipse.(aren't they twins I kinda assumed they look alike xD )
Eran sat in the trees, directly above Cross. He stayed very quiet, not making a single noise. As loud as he normally was, Eran was extremely stealthy when he wants to.
( xD I'm planning in using that to my advantage later)

Raven let out a soft chuckle and thought,"maybe a girl?"she mumbled thinking about the perves who would strip girls and went all blank expression again.
(There are many things naked women can be used for as an advantage tbhXD)*Rune saw her expression go blank and was worried it was him*rune: whats wrong?
(well there looks are very noticeable since Eclipse has white hair,tail,ears,and clothes while Cross has all black.And I didn't know she was stripped O.o but Eclipse wouldn't really be bothered by it anyway since he's like Cross.(Neither of them care for ether sex XP))

Eclipse sighed.'Well that's just Cross for you...He doesn't like girls or boys...Well in that way anyway...And it just takes a bit for him to warm up,once he is he's like a guard dog. Literally..."He was referring to what happen earlier which Jem was not there for.

Cross looked up at Eran for a sec,then sighed as he looked back down at the two with a smile.
"Just thought of some rapeist....... Hmmmmm who is there?"Raven asked monotone looking at him. Even though she had her normal blank expression he was worried if it were Jem getting hurt she thought that she would probably end up killing someone for hitting Jem.
Hmm...cross jem eris and the new person....there moods are all strange...jem isnt scared? What in hells blazes is happening today*he chuckles*
Jem blinked then let out a soft chuckle,"that's cute! My only friend is Raven..... She's never afraid of anything but I'm just a clutzy big chicken that always gets in trouble"she mumbled.( xD yeah she is and RUNE YOUR A PERVE! I was thinking innocently like she screams and does and adorable dance not pervy!)

Raven jolted,"she's not scared..... Damn either Glow came out the power hungry bit- or Jem finally snapped"she mumbled under her breath in thought,"wait those are all guys!"she yelled nervously,"lead me to my Jewel!"she yelled.
( xD Ahahahahahaha)

Eclispe smiled."Sounds a lot like me when I was little."he sighed."though many things seem to have changed since then..."
Jem frowned,"I could never be strong I can only be okay in front of something scary when Ravens around or Glow comes"she mumbled,"how did you break through your chicken-ness?"she asked determinedly.

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