Nightmares Alive

"Bleeeeh," Eran groaned, lashing his tail," Fine, dude, you got your secrets and I got mine," Eran got up and dashed back to the trees, going hunting for something tasty to eat.
Cross sighed as he took off the other direction."Maybe i can find him before he finds them..."He got up in the trees to get a better view as he went.
Eran leaped around gracefully until he saw a young deer. His psychomanic side kicked in and he licked his lips. Eran stood still for a few short seconds until falling from the sky onto the deer. He had his claws on and quickly slahed up the deer in about four smooth strokes. Eran's eyes were wild with bloodlust as he tore into the carcass, enjoying a lovely feast.
A figure in the shadows watched Eran with a wicked smile,soon the hunter will become the hunted.

Cross climbed to the top of a tree and looked around.He sighed."Dang..."
(Sorry,i had to drop my brother off at the skating ring and get to the bookstore xD )

The figure moved around,circling Eran as a very familiar voice spoke."So I was right. He has made some strange friends."slight laughing could be heard.

Cross' ears then focused on the speaking he heard and ran towards it as fast as he could."Crap!"
Eran hissed," Who's there?!" He had never smelled this scent before, therefore he couldn't pinpoint where it was coming from. He bit his lip a roared quietly.
The laughing continued almost like a hyena,it grew louder."So he hasn't told you about me?...Not very shocking but still so hurtful."
"Me?Well..."Suddenly Eran could feel claws digging into his neck as someone grabbed him from behind without him even knowing they were there."Why don't you ask your little friend?"
Eran choked a bit as from the shock of not knowing who grabbed him. He felt his legs hovering above the ground, as he was a little short. He strained to see who had grabbed him, but no use. "Let go!" Eran spat out, and cried," C-Cross!"
"That's right,call your little friend here."The grip tightened around Eran's neck as laughter could be heard behind him.
Eran chocked again, but harder. What was this guy's problem? "What do you want with him?" Eran rasped, barely getting the words of his mouth out.
Eran let out a yelp, and he suddenly became dizzy. Eran kicked his feet in the air, hoping to release the grasp of this unknown man. "C-Cross!" He choked," Help! C-Cross!" He began swinging his tail madly, trying to aim for this man's legs.
Suddenly the grip let go and the one who was holding Eran flew into the trees,breaking down three that were in the way.Before Eran hit the ground,he was caught by the waist with one arm and held against the side of none other than,Cross.A slight growling noise came from him as he looked to where he sent the other flying,Looking down at Eran,his eyes still bright red and slit like a cat."Are you okay?..."With his appearance as it is,his voice was actually gentle and calm.
Eran coughed a dew few times, feeling the tender sore spot where the man held him. "Gah, um... Y-yeah," he spat out a little blood, and his voice was shaky. He closed his eyes and let out a quivering sigh," Th-thanks, man," Eran said, slightly traumatized.
it was obvious that Cross was worried,not only about Eran but the one that was now up and walking towards them.Cross's growl began again as he lifted Eran up and held him against his chest now,tight."Eclipse...."

Now that he was in plain sight,Eclipse looked exactly like Cross but his hair was pure white along with his clothes and his own tail and ears."Long time no see,Cross..."He smiled.
Eran looked at Eclipse, and he gasped. He stood quiet for a while until saying quietly to Cross," Is he some sort of doppleganger?" Eran asked. Eran released from Cross's grasp, which was kinda awkward since they had been so close together and stood up. Eran straightened up and looked away," Ah, I'm fine, I was just caught off guard!" He blushed at himself. He wasn't fooling anybody.
Cross didn't lighten his grip,in fact he tightened it somewhat showing he wasn't letting go.He didn't take his eyes off Eclipse as he spoke."He's my twin...And he is not to be taken lightly..."

Eclipse's smile stayed as he walked to them,stopping not even an inch away."So happy to see you again brother.Though I doubt your feeling the same."He chuckled.

"What do you want..."Cross growled at him,not trusting him this close.

"Our promise,of course..."
Eran stood there, stuck in Cross's grasp and staring at an almost mirror-image of his friend. "Promise?" Eran asked, rethinking and sighed. This was family matter, and he was stuck in it. Cross's brother may look like him, but in no way the personalities were similar. Eran did an annoyed face," Oy, Cross, you can let go now.." He conplained, biting Cross's arm lightly, giving a signal," I can take care of myself, I'm not a kid, ya know," Eran mumbled and gis ears went down.
Eclipse laughed,"What an annoying brat you have for a friend."

"Shut up you..."Cross growled getting very annoyed,he knew that if he let go of Eran Eclipse wouldn't waste time getting to him. His grip stayed strong as he looked down at him,but then his grip loosened as he looked back up at his brother.
(srry low battery :( got a charger nao!)

Eran snarled loudly. He hates being called a brat. He lashed his sharp tail towards Cross's brother, giving him the stink eye. Eran stood, very upset, still clinging onto Cross.
This just made Eclipse laugh.

Cross kept a hand lightly on Eran."Now,what do you plan on doing...You know i won't let you hurt any of them..."

"And what if I said I didn't want to hurt them?"

"I wouldn't trust you..."

"Ah,thought so..."Eclipse sighed.

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