Nightmares Alive

Raven flew above Rune a bit worried her hand shook with the thought of Jem being hurt she then went back to her blank expression,"keep t calm girl the enime can always use emotion against me"she thought calming herself down.
Eclipse then looked as if lost."Umm....Hmm..."He tried to remember,then he got it and smiled."I just had a little help..."

Cross whispered back to Eran."Waiting...The only reason i attacked him back there with you was that he was hurting you...If he doesn't hurt anyone i have no reason to attack...I don't hate him you know."
Jem smiled,"maybe you can help me then"she said softly then jolted seeing she didn't have a shirt on she screamed and hid behind her wings as they folded around her to hide her body and face.
Cross didn't believe him,but said nothing back.Just watched the two in front of him.

Eclipse now looked confused."Eh???"

(Sorry it took me so long >.< my dad's telling me stuff to do now. -.- out of all the times....Oi...)
Jem pouted,"what kinda girl wants to be naked"she mumbled glaring slightly,"hey do you like guys too?"she asked tilting her head curiously.
"Eh??..."He stared at her,trying to get what she asked.Then he turned bright red."No!Of course not!"

Cross tried not to burst out laughing,covering his mouth with his hands.His tail flipped around behind him.
Eran smiled gleefully. This girl was getting the better of the hard-shell Eclipse. Then Eran thought about himself. Was he interested in anyone? He didn't know what it felt like, so he shook his head and continued his stakeout with Cross.
Cross looked up at Eran,wondering what he was thinking about.But he didn't let it bother him and he looked back at Eclipse smiling,It's fun knowing something no one else does.
*rune lands next to jem on guard at the stranger*rune: whats this? *he looks at the doll thing that jem broke*rune: what the....ive seen those before
Raven grabbed Rune and hid before he could do anything,"you just don't go head on we don't know how powerful he is...... We just want to see if he could harm Jem but the situation she's in seems..... Really good"she said hiding in the trees smirking a bit.
*rune sighed and hid, not liking having to hide unless it was one hundred percent nessisary but wanted to make raven happy*
Raven hugged his arm,"sorry I don't like hiding either but........ Jem doesn't really talk to boys......"she said,"she talke to you right? She's calm and cute and adorable but very scared"she said softly.
Eclipse sighed."No,no....I don't care for girls ether...I think there to much of a hand full..."He crossed his arms,not really getting where this conversation had came from.
"...Well now your being some what of a handful,but I never said anything about the other two."Eclipse smiled."If i didn't have some interest in you,you wouldn't be breathing right now. But i figured since Cross has labeled you all as "friends",you should all be interesting...And since he seems very close and protective of you all..."He slightly peeked from the corner of his eye to where Cross was sitting and Eclipse's smile grew."It should mean even more fun."He looked back at Jem."But even though that would be enough for me to sneak around and test this,It really wasn't the only reason I'm here..."he sighed as his ears folded down."Though he's making it very difficult to fix this problem here so we can get on with the other one..."
Jem blinked and thought,"kill.....?"she mumbled then looked at him,"but you don't look deadly"she said,"your smiling like a normal person"she murrmured then looked at Eclipse,"are you evil or good?"she asked curiously.
Cross simply smiled,enjoying this way too much.

Eclipse slightly tilted his head to the side,looking a bit confused."evil or good?...Well that's very hard to say.I mean you don't seem to think Cross is evil,yet in our world that is what he was labeled as...So it all depends on the one asking."He smiled."What do you think?...Or do you not know me well enough to know and that's why you asked?..."

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