Nightmares Alive



I ate up the slim jim that was in my mouth, then I took bunches of food, and ate it. I have a high metabolism, I got away with it. I giggled, then stood, and asked, "Where are the rooms? oh funny electrical mage?"

An electrical mage, gah, they need to learn from the best of the best, the only people Zeus really wants to use his powers are him, and his children. So ha, deal with that one mother*Beep*er!
*rune smiles at being called an electrical mage*rune:you know, there are five main schools of elemental magic, air water earth fire and lightning... and all you need to do to summon them is find the words of ancient knowlidge, and then study for 1600 years...but thats the easy part*he cuckles* and im not a mage, where i come from what im known as is a true wizard, whilst most have some magical ability very few have the amount of magic and the chance to study under a wizards instruction, but in the end*he wispers a simple fire spell, inferno a ball of fire bursts to life in his hands and he puts it out with another spell*
"Well everyone is getting along nicely," Eran grinned, now leaning on a table with his head on his arms. Eran flicked his tail and looked at Rune," Say, can I use one of your rooms for a night?" His red eyes gleamed happily.
*rune looked at eran not noticing him come in the kitchen* rune:well i dont see why not...theres like 8 rooms...not counting the basement...but i suggest you dont go down there, my pet doesnt like it when ppl he doesnt know come into where hes staying
"Pet?" Eran was now curious. He looked at Rune with thrill in his eyes," Who's your pet?" He asked excitedly. Eran loved meeting new creatures, especially if they were rare.
If was once known as behemoth, he was rampaging across the lands destroying everything untill i cured the desease ,aking him mad, now he is like my pet...or he will soon take over some responsibilitys of the burden i have as his own...but thatll make him a lower god
"Coool!" Eran clapped his hands like a child that saw a magic show. "What's its name?" He put his hands on his cheek, admiring this wizard man and forgetting his own montrous strength.


Ok, this "Eran" person, seems cool, I was going to bring up the "pet" but he beat me to it.

"Hey, Mr. Elemental guy? If I was the daughter of Hades I could do that easily, but Zeus is my kin. Can you do this with ease?" I asked him, and giggled, then snapped and red lightning struck right outside the window. I giggled at it, and then put another slim jim in my mouth.

"You are such a show off."
*rune chuckled not used to having other gods blood at his table* rune: if ypu where a child of hades, youd have to be 1600 years old! I was 20 when i stopped him from his rampage of destruction by ending him...of course now i am the one to own the aspects of the underworld...but fire isnt one of them , my pets name ....well i just usually adress him as apprentice*the voice of behemoth comes fro, under the floor*

Behemoth: you called master? Is there someone tresspassing? Its been so long since i last ate a trespasser...*rune chuckles*rune: no, we have guests tho going to sleep
Cross had sat down and watched everyone from afar with the monster right beside him sitting.He was smiling as he thought to himself what he was going to do next.

(XP I am not reading 10 pages to catch up so this will do! X3)
(Sorry I'm sick I think I caught a head cold so I passed out after reading Rune's last reply to me)

Jem looked at Rune and blinked,"spectators of hell?"she wondered to herself she was just a normal elf there was no specialty in this. Raven patted her head drawn to the smell of good food she glanced at Cross who she wished to talk to but couldn't she then sat between him and Jem now looking at him she waved at him to say hello. Her blank expression made her seem a bit creepy as she waved even though she wasn't going for that.
*rune smiles and a geeb lands on the table(bird like magical messanger that replys with a ding for yes and honk for no) it mkes a ding*rune:well, ello there, do you have a message for me? ding the geeb replied rune: may i have it then? Geeb:ding ding ding!*it produces a letter and hands it to me*rune: here is your payment*he tosses a diamond into the air the geeb catchss it and dissapears, rune reads the letter and puts it away*rune mutters:why am i always needed on adventures

(Tht sux kandy)
It took a sec for Cross to notice that she was waving at him,he waved back with a smile on his face but he didn't say anything.
(I feel better then when I got home though but I can't feel my nose and I might start hilusinating so if I'm typing nonsense ignore it)Raven blushed slightly when he waved back and smiled. Her smile wasn't bad actually it was kinda cute and soft something precious that only happened rarely though. Jem blinked at the bird,"what do you have to do"she asked softly hiding behind Raven ever so slightly.
Rune:well someone wanted me to go on an adventure to capture a sea monster, i dont like i choose not to go, the pay was low with no chance of secondary was kinda weak*he laughs* but treasure isnt a worry though, as i made this place out of valuable jewls*he picks up a diamond cup and chuckles* ive made a large amount of treasure in my life for sure
Cross laughed slightly to himself."What do you think?Crazy?"He looked up at the monster and then back down to Raven,knowing he wouldn't get a real reply from it.
"Then shouldn't you be worried about thieves?"Jem asked softly.

Raven looked at Cross nt quiet understanding the question,"do you think the storm will be super bad?"she asked softly she put her right hand over her elbow this is what she did when she was nervous or excited.
*rune cracks up*rune:t-try getting into my magic bag! Any theif who tried to steal my treasure would get electrocuted as my bag is bound to me only k can move it and only i know its passwords for entrance and exit...also it has a ward on it so if you try to move it you get electrocuted...not enough to kill though
Jem shook her head,"no no that's not what I ment I ment the house"she said then jolted and covered her mouth,"s-sorry I'm talking too much"she said and hid behind Raven.
*rune looks at gem*rune: whats wrong? Its quite ok if you talk..and the house...well thats nothing and i doubt youd be able to take much even if you tried...after all my apprentice knows most of the happenings in this house and may become angry
Jem nodded,"I suppose so"she said barely heard then looked at Rune,"by the way my full name is Jewel but people call me Jem"she said nervously. Raven blinked the sighed a bit,"he's not interested"she thought then got up,"I'll go find something cute for you Jem"she said with a blank expression and walked out with her cape covering most of her body. Raven walked out and began to look in the bushes she didn't know what she was looking for but she knew shed know what it was when she found it.
*rune bows*tis an honor, may i call you jem?*rhe house rumbles and rune stiffles a laugh knowing behomoth just farted*
Jem jolted and hugged the closest person to her wich was Cross she then let go wondering what that was but decided not to ask."of course I ony like being called Jem anyway"she said.(wtf Rune?! XDDDDDD)

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