Nightmares Alive

(Rune went on a crazy rampage and killed 3 cities. He calmed down, but nao we gotta repair dem)

"No promises!" Eran stuck his tongue out at Cross when he wasn't looking. He smoothed the rough edges on his coat and asked," When do we start?"
Damian just watched. He's to tired to do anything. There are no hounds for him to command to do work, and he couldn't risk being found. He hummed a little tune and just waited.
Eran twitched. He smelled Damian. That guy was interesting. He leaped.into the forest again and was directly above him. Eran leaped down and smiled a hello. Then looked away for a moment and asked,"What's your name?" Eran wasn't usually this social, but this perticular person he gave an interest.
Eran sat down, munching on a bone he had gotten, and looked at him again and muttered,"Eran." He took another bone, still with some meat, and offered it to Damian.
(Won't be on probably at all for the day thanks to my dad who apparently wants to be a thorn in my side that i can't get out -.- I'm be back late tonight hopefully....)
"Nothing, really," Eran objected," Do I look like I want something from you? It's not like i'm a mugger or something." He finished his bones and looked at Damian suspiciously,"Or you think I'm an alien!" He poked him in the stomach.
"Everyone seems to want something from me." Damian sighed. "Raven wants my body, Cross wants answers I don't have, Rune wantsnme dead, and Jem wants me out of her life." He rested his chin in his hand and looked at Eran.
*rune puts hit heat in*rune wispers to raven:when has it ever been?*he smiles and a pole falls on his head*ow....*he rubs where the pole hit and then laughs*rune: well , ill see you....*he waves his hands and casts an ancient spell, most of every citys buildings repair fully and the kingdom is fully repaired, rune stumbles back from the drain on his energy then smiles and looks at the castle*rune wispers:the same...yet different*he walks bak to his cottage and hangs a new sign , a silver sign with gold letters in it' free stay, bed, food, alchemy workbench/training, sagecrafting altar/training,blacksmithing workbench/training and sword training available to those willing to try
( may I join? o.9, and here's my character.

Full Name: Scarlette Crimson, her nickname is Slim Scar, because she's ALWAYS got a Slim Jim in her mouth, like Clint Eastwood had a cigar in the Dollars Trilogy, and also because she only listens to Eminem.

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Nationality: Northern United States

Looks: View attachment 7760

Powers: Powers a child of Zeus would have. But any and all electricity is red. And when she causes lightning to strike it's red.

Weapons: A Custom Desert Eagle that shoots electrified bullets. A red sword that can hold electricity. And a red dagger.

Wings, or other things like that(Optional) : Crimson Eagle wings.

Personality: An all rounds ***** at times, at others, she's the nicest person you'll meet. She's also insane. If you get in her way for goals, she will kill you. She hates being called a ginger.

Backstory: She was born in the slums, to a lay-around and abusive mother. She got mad enough one day, that she stabbed her mother, and sent lightning into the house, burning it and everything inside to dust and ashes. She blames the abuse on almost everyone.

Theme Song:

Other Skills: She's very agile, and flexible, and she can jump really good.
*rune yawns and falls face first onto the ground tired*rune:please zeus...dont hit me with lightning for abit...or i will send you medusas head again*he falls asleep*

*rune yawns and falls face first onto the ground tired*rune:please zeus...dont hit me with lightning for abit...or i will send you medusas head again*he falls asleep*(imay hav already posted this....idk if it went thru)
(u kno wat everyone looks like~?)

Eran sighed and licked some blood off his finger. Its salty taste made him happy. His tail swung around as he yawned. Eran used his tail to scratch his back, and he leaped into the trees, observing the forest around him.


How'd I get here?

"I don't know, you just got here."

Oh really now?


I was in some field, it was storming, bad. My kind of weather. I laughed as a tree was struck by lightning. As long as Zeus be my father, I fear no lightning. I stood up, and folded up my sword, the color red it was, and I put it in my bag, and then my dagger. I spun around a crimson desert eagle, and then put it in a hilt. I took a slim jim and stuck it between my teeth.

"You're really not Slim Scar for no reason, are you?"
One of the voices in my head asked. I laughed. I started to walk along the field, as the lightning started to go red as my power started to effect it. That's the thing about a corrupted child of Zeus, electricity starts to go, red, crimson, scarlet. You name it, it's that. Mine was crimson.

I just laughed as I strolled along.

"You're a real nut job, you know that?" A voice asked, and I just laughed.
*a lightning bolt hits runes back and he jumps up mittering basephlemy*rune: not funny zeus!*he breaths fire into the sky and coughs*rune:now my throat is...really...really dry
Eran saw a girl off in the distance, surrounded by red light. He leaped about and sat in the trees above her, licking the corner of his mouth viciously like a snake," You're not from here are you?" Eran's crimson eyes gleamed, his silver hair fell on his face, hiding his grin that lined with sharp teeth. Eran sat on the branch and let his long black coat sway silently, along with a scythe-tail that moved in a familiar way. He toyed with hus metal claws, waiting for an answer from thus strange girl.


"Not funny Zeus!" One of the voices yells in my mind.

What has my father done now? Made a great entrance? Something like that? Or was it I that struck this fool? I spread my crimson wings, exactly like the wings of a bald eagle, but crimson, and thirteen feet across. I leaped to the sky, and went off trying to find this new voice.
*ssees the girl flying and smiles*rune:well at last i see someone who has the blood of the gods...not my planets gods but gods noetheless

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