Nightmares Alive

Eran heard Damian from afar and yelledhim an answer from where he was,"Sometimes people just end up here," he paused,"Some never make it out," he laughed to himself, his bloodthirsty personality coming back to him.
Damian made an annoyed sound and he jumped down from his tree and walked off into the woods. He fixed his hair and set off.
( Didn't see your post Spirit, sorry! o.9 )



I landed by this person, and looked at him, my scarlet hair went over my eyes, and I just looked at him, then smiled wickedly, and tilted my head to the left, laughing.

"Soo, you're the voice that scorned my father? Or was that lightning red? If it was red, then you'd better be ready for a wooping, you weirdly dressed person, thing, creature!" I yelled and laughed, pulling my crimson sword from my bag, I just kept looking at him.

"Who in the name of Zeus dresses like that?" One of my voices asked me, in a mocking tone.
Eran blew raspberries, half annoyed," For your information, Miss, I don't even know who you are," he growled, lashing his tail from side to side, already not taking an interest in this girl. He dug his metal claws into the tree, cracking it a bit," And I have no reason to provoke you," he growled again, blowing hair out of his face.
(He actually has normal clothes)rune: obviously are zeuses daughter*he gets up*tell him that i threw away the pictures he cursed me for please...the lightning is white..hes once hit me with blue lightning though, never red....but you act so much like him, he never respected me either, even though i stopped hades before he went completely evil, of course that wasnt worth the burden it gave me*he sneers and walks back into his cottage*

(Two alternate realitys....and spirit didnt even say anything abt zeus)
(Look up 'Dan Howell' if anyone wants to know what my character looks like. :3)

Damian watxhed from his tree, making quiet 'ooohs'.
(Sorry I was at a tournament what happened?)

Raven and Jem where sleeping under a tree they had gotten seperated from everyone else when they went to search for food.
*rune shuts the door wanting to be alone he sits down on the couch and puts his head in his hands and crys knowinfg he had murdered so many people....innocent people...he felt like he had lived up to what everyone thought he was , a freak*
Jem jolted up hearing the door and went over to where the slam was she knocked on the door,"hello"she whimpered softy as she opened the door,"I come in peace...... Please let me leave in peace not pieces"she said.

Raven slowly woke up and looked around with her usual blank expression.
*rune looks at her qhuickly wiping his eyes so she wouldnt see him crying*rune:u-um hi...its ok...i wont hurt you, feel free to come in...*he tries to get off the couch and slips hitting his head on a table*rune: oy, firsrt a 20 thoulsand pound slab of metal lands on me, second a huge metal pole falls on me, now i hit my head on a gold table? I am having very bad luck...
Eran had become bored and yawned. He heard tonight would be a huge storm day, so he wanted to sleep in a more... cozier place. Eran slipped to the little place Rune had made, he knocked on the door after he ket himself in.
Jem laughed then giggled she jolted and covered her mouth,"no wait I didn't mean to laugh! I'm sorry!"she said nervously.
*rune laufhed with her, he loved making people laugh, it was one of the few things that made him smile*rune: no- no its least its not as bad as a few months ago, i got slapped so nard my dentist had a heart attack*he cracks up*
Jem giggled still covering her mouth it was so easy to make her laugh and she loved it she then saw Eran come in and jolt moving away from the door way,"s-sorry"she said softly.
*one of the rings on runes hand cracks and falls off*rune: oh dear, excuse me*he runs twards the sagecraft alter to make a new rin*

*he quickly makes two shards into a gem and sets it in a ring , he puts the new ring on and smiles* rune: perfect


"Way hay, and up she rises.." I sang to myself slowly, looking at the sky.

"THERE BE STORMS COMING TODAY! WOOHOO" One of the voices sang in my head. I had known someone else had watched me. I laughed to myself, like always. I'd watched as that person ran off and to a house. And actually, there's no way I'm just like my father.

I put my sword in my bag, and was going to walk to the house that mage went to, so, I started to walk that way. My bag on my bag, and me walking my weird walk.

"Stuff him in a sack, and throw him over, early in the moor-ning," I sang to myself, still. The only other song I'd listened to other than Eminem songs.
*sneezes wildly* rune: arg! Now i messed it up! Stupid side effects*he taps the ring and stops sneezing*rune: grr...i hate it when that happpens...well its better than when it used to light me on fire...of course that isnt walways bad


I kept walking to the house, not knowing what to expect when I knocked upon yee old door. Hehe. I walked to the steps, then the door, and knocked.

Rap tap ta tap.

On the door.
*rune is currently in the kitchen making food like crazy(he is a master cheif) he hears the knocking and smiles knowing anothee guest is here* rune: come in! Doors open*unknowingly he lights his hair on fire and the flames dance a foot high over his head*rune mutters: dang...whys it so hot?


I opened the door, and walked in, looking around, I then smelt food, and walked to the kitchen. I laughed like a nutcase when I saw the dude with the flaming head.
*rune looks at scarlette wondering why shes laughing and looks up and sees his heads on fire, he dances around smacking his head* aye aye aye!*he puts the fire out then laughs* rune: well, do you need a place to stay for gthe storms? Or just to stay? Eh to each their own i was once told...would you li,e some food?*he nods to a large feast on a long table*


"You danced around," I giggled as I said it, and then looked at the food then back to him, "I thought you hated me, saying I was just like my father, but, noms would be nice."

"Noms? Really?"
​ A voice asked me. I just giggled at it.
Rune: hm, i dont hate zeus per se....just he is a derp sometimes...especially when i try to use lightning elemental magic...he tries to turn it around to me...but ive got many precautions set up for the mext time he trys it*he snickers and sits down*rune: eat as much as you like...i cooked enuff for 300 people that havent eaten in a month...or me and 4-6 others*he smiles and starts eating some fish with cheeze on it(a recipie he learned in the place that is famous for making the greatest ideas in food)*

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