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Fantasy Nightfall

Mei Xun


"I'm not saying I wanna shoot you, I just wanna kill you that's all"

Mei heard the current dilemma through her Bluetooth via Everest. A smile formed on her face, she was gonna be looking forward to a little bit of violence. However her eyebrows furrowed when Everest asked if there were any explosives in the shop, how the h*'ll was she going to find them if she couldnt see?

A frustrated groan came out of her mouth.

@Jesters Court/Everest

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Noctis looked at everything happening. Mei came in and Cat was shot. Did Cat just ask for a doctor? I'm the villian hobo. I know how to get a bullet with little to no pain. Then again. I'm used to it."You don't need a doctor. I've been shot plenty of times and I've removed every bullet." He lifted his shirt to show his painfully large amount of bullet wounds. "Damn near lost a kidney one time." After he put his shirt down he walked to Cat and examined the wound. Shoulder shot. I've been shot in the shoulder only once so this is gonna hurt. "Sorry Cat but just so you know. This will hurt." He turned around and looked at Ryan. "You got something small I can pull it out with? And something she can bite down on?"
xoloveox said:
((how can i jump in? >1<
(it's alright to not interact with a major event there's plently of other members who are not involved in this event, but if you wanna you could say you were walking towards Alad's mechanics)
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“What the hell does that idiot think he’s doing??? Every single one of those bullets could have been removed without scaring…”

Everest was staring at all the scars on Noctis’ chest and growled in frustration. Then snapping back to the problem at hand he remembered Mei was blind…. Cursing he re devised his plan and said,

“Ok, Mei, do you think you could bring down a cross beam with your scythe? Because if you can, you’re going to need to…”

New plan: get Mei to cut out the left most support beam, and on his mark, shoot out the floor… that should work to fix plan A…

“Walk forward five seconds, turn ninety degrees to your left, walk forward two seconds, swing you scythe at a forty five degree angle from your right shoulder, over your body, then turn ninety degrees left again. Take two steps forward, and swing your scythe in an overhead strike. Then walk forward five steps and turn one hundred and eighty degrees, switch to gun mode, aim at a sixty degree angle, and fire on my mark.”

@ScarletHood @Syfyre @Jinx @TheSaiyanKami

Mei Xun


"I'm not saying I wanna shoot you, I just wanna kill you that's all"

Mei agreed she could bring down cross beam with her scythe and listened to his instructions;

“Walk forward five seconds, turn ninety degrees to your left, walk forward two seconds, swing you scythe at a forty five degree angle from your right shoulder, over your body, then turn ninety degrees left again. Take two steps forward, and swing your scythe in an overhead strike. Then walk forward five steps and turn one hundred and eighty degrees, switch to gun mode, aim at a sixty degree angle, and fire on my mark.”

Following the instructions to a "tee" she brought down the beam in two blows; one from the blade and the other from her gun. She could hear the structure of the building collaspe. "So how in the Count's name am I suppose to get out of this now?" she asked Evereest via. bluetooth.

@Jesters Court/Everest


Slamming his fist down next to his keyboard Everest calculated the chances of success for each plan and came up with numerous new ones. Deciding on a retreat that would work with minimal casualties, Everest sighed. Winning was no longer an option, all he could do now was keep his pawns alive to become queens... and to do that, he was going to have to sacrifice a few more pawns…

“Unit 1, begin firefight with those in the alley. Unit 4, begin firefight with those on the roof. Unit 3, eliminate the enemy commanders. Unit 5, move the vehicle between Unit 3 and the enemies in front of the structure. Mei, get somebody who can see and put them on, we need somebody who can guide everybody to the basement. In the sewers just beneath the building I have a team of Jesters. Once everybody gets to the basement, they are going to blow out the southwest corner. The pipe runs west to east, you are to move east down that pipe for 600 ft. there you will come across a four way intersection, you are to take the right hand pipe and follow it for two miles, or until otherwise ordered. Do you understand?”

As soon as the pipe was blown, Unit 2 was to move inside and cover their retreat. Everest knew he was going to lose all five units and that bothered him slightly, but the trade-off was worth it. Switching cameras Everest saw that the officers inside the van where down and that unit 5 had the vehicle in place. Units 1 and 4 had both taken casualties. 2 from unit one, and 1 from unit 4…

@ScarletHood @Jinx @Syfyre @TheSaiyanKami
Hunter stood up and stretched, "That must be a my cue." He said as he climbed quickly to the top of a building. "Lets go!" Hunter started running rooftop to rooftop. He eventually made it to where the sirens and loud nouse came from. "Silly children...." Hunter climbed down the rooftops and went behind the SWAT team. "Need any help guys?" He started to pass through the crowd until he made it to the front.


"You hired me to do a job. I expect payment for my services."

( Well I posted. )​
Cat shook her head when they asked her brunches of questions, she didn't want to answer. She shook her head slightly before everything around her collapsed she got down hearing gun fire, not wanting to get shoot anymore than she was. "Who the fuck is responsible for this!?!"she yelled before she got on her hands and knees and crawled to her office or what was left of it and grabed the pliers she had on her desk. She took a deep breath before she pulled the bullet out of her shoulder and then crawled back out.

(Sorry I was at the store, and for every one in the building mainly)

Mei Xun


"I'm not saying I wanna shoot you, I just wanna kill you that's all"

She handed the Bluetooth piece to Ryan nearby, "could you describe the situation in detail, cause I kinda can't and it probably be best if you guys get out of her, there's a basement nearby" She stood out in the open with her gun scythe. Bullets whizzed by her missing by inches. She took a deep breathe and ran forward. She sensed the next load of bullets heading towards, dodged two and deflected three with her scythe she ran on. Then quickly listening out for the shouting aimed it at a large mass of the SWAT team members, letting out a few rounds. She heard the screams of pain and grinned. She stood still now. Heavy breathing came from her right; she could tell one of the members were about to take her down by surprise, too bad she could hear him. She swung her gun scythe around just as he jumped foward. It clung around him and she let the pulled the trigger. Drops of warm blood splattered against her face. Her grin was becoming more twisted as the death count went up.

@Jesters Court/Everest @Syfyre/Ryan
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Sylar is bored and decides to head over to the nearest convenience store to buy smoke grenades. One of the voices in his head tells him to lick his eyeball. That...what? How... Never mind. As he is springing along, he sees some stuff going down around a collapsed building and a lot of dead bodies. Keeping low and silent, he loots a couple of bodies, finding only guns and ammo. Out of the corner of his eye, Sylar sees a trace of heat on the ground. One of them was still alive. He throws Reconcile into their head and is about to keep looting more bodies when he spots people. One chick has weirdass purple eyes, another is bleeding in the arm/shoulder, some smoker asshole is standing around doing nothing, a weirdo with a bunch of scars is eyeing the bleeding chick, and the last guy looks like a hobo drug dealer."Quite the strange group of people. Hey, is that a cat?"Turning on his monocle, he sees that it is. Not giving a crap, he decides to check out the van. Who knows what goodies could lay inside?

@Jesters Court, @Scarlet Hood ((I don't want to metagame/Godmod here))

Mei Xun


"I'm not saying I wanna shoot you, I just wanna kill you that's all"

She took a deep breathe and listened to her surroundings, a new person had entered the area, she could tell he was not the same as the others, less foolish? no, but more dangerous. She placed the gun scythe to the side and stood still.

@Roman/Hunter (Hey I told you Mei was coming, well more like Hunter coming to meet Mei but....)
After cooking up the Meal for the Old Man, Carla grabbed a beer for him as well before grabbing the plate and mug and then bringing it over to his table. Despite feeling a sudden backache, she continued on, despite having a pained expression on her face. After setting the plate and mug down for him, she began holding her back. "There we go. I hope you enjoy your meal, sir." Carla smiled before walking back behind the counter and going back to serving drinks.

@Noah (sorry I took so long >.<)
Everest sighed, why did Mei have to pass the phone to this idiot? Turning back on his mic Everest said to Ryan,

“If you want to get out of here then you are going to have to do exactly what I say. Understood?”

Without waiting for a response Everest continued,

“Good. Now. You have ten seconds to move everybody to the northeast corner of the room. After ten seconds, the southwest corner of the room will collapse. The missing section will lead to a large sewer pipe running east-west. You are to move east down that pipe for six hundred feet, there you will find a crossroads. Turn right at the cross, and continue down the pipe until it ends, or I tell you otherwise. The end of said pipe is two miles from said turn. At the end of said pipe, you will find a utility room. Unless I have ordered you otherwise, you are to wait inside that room until I contact you. Got all that? Ok, Good.”

Switching channels, Everest said,

“Unit 2, set the charges for 10 seconds and get out of the blast radius. After they detonate, move into the room and allow the people inside to move into the pipe. After they have entered the pipe, you are to hold your position and not let anyone else through.”

Switching security cameras, Everest tried to calculate the maximum number of troops he may manage to keep alive through this match. Switching to an open channel Everest said,


@ScarletHood @Syfyre @Jinx @TheSaiyanKami @Roman (maybe...)
Noah Hemlock - Bar

Noah looked down at his meal before looking back at the waitress. "Thank you." He said before the waitress left and he began eating his meal. The sandwich was good and Noah drank his beer. Not too fast as he was not a heavy drinker. As he finished the sandwich and the last of his beer, Noah noticed the man he poisoned earlier beginning to look disheveled. The man's eyes were wide and he began looking around frantically, obviously panicked. Sweating with fear and confusion, the man began screaming incoherently and began stumbling around the bar. The hallucinations having an obvious effect on his mind. Noah simply laid back into his seat. The poison should cause the man to go into a coma soon before killing him.
Hunter looked at the girl, "Hey little girl. I see you just erm.... killed alot of people." He stood tall a few feet taller than her, "I think it's your bedtime." Hunter said with a sigh, "I would like if you calmly step out the way, because I wouldn't want to hurt a child." He said putting his hand on a pistol. "Besides, what's a kid even doing around these areas?!" Hunter asked gripping the pistol.

@ScarletHood/ Mei ( I expect a nice fight then. )
Sylar sadly realizes that nothing good is in the van. "Oh, what's this? Smokey the Bear is talking to Creepy-eyes." He does a quick thermal scan and notices their body temperatures. "Storms-a-brewin'. It's about to go down. I get the feeling that Smokey won't win." Just as he is about to turn around, he notices a flash on the hobo's ear. "Earpiece... For what purpose," He ponders.

Sylar decides that he doesn't give two shits and instead pulls out the car batteries from each van, locking them onto his exoskeleton. Then, he pulls out the radio on the least-dented van and gets the hell out of there as quickly and quietly as possible.

Mei Xun


"I'm not saying I wanna shoot you, I just wanna kill you that's all"

Her head cocked to the side when he spoke, she hadn't heard a voice like this before, she sniffed the air; smoke. She swung scythe towards him, "I don't like smokers, bad people usually smoke" or that's at least what the Count told her. Her purple eyes darkened slightly. However the light sounds of footsteps from above caught her attention; the jesters. Had Everest already comes with a plan? She twitched slightly at the sound of skin rubbing against metal, the guy in front of her had a gun. She sighed, she had to end this quickly and get out of here.

@Roman/Hunter (let's have some fun)
Hunter sighed, "You have good senses. I haven't smoked a cigarette in about 2 days, but you aren't the only one with good senses." Hunter quickly turned around and shot about 2 jesters. "I believe you said bad guys smoke? I'm a good guy, and I smoke. Now run along. I don't want to hurt you." Hunter turned around looked for a actual fight.

@ScarletHood/ Mei ( Lets see what she does )
Sylar drops off his new toys at his apartment and comes back for the other engines. He steals them and runs back again, making another trip. When he comes back the second time, he hops along the rooftops discretely, finally coming back to the building. "Phew, glad that's over. Let's see...what is going on down there?" Nothing is happening. Sylar sits patiently.

Mei Xun


"I'm not saying I wanna shoot you, I just wanna kill you that's all"

She heard gunshots and the sound of body's thumping. She gave little snicker, swinging the gun scythe, currently in it's gun form, carelessly around, "you have no idea who I am do you?" The gun extended into a scythe, which she swung around hunter's shoulder and pulled the trigger. "Too bad, I don't like good guys" she watched the bullet rip through the shoulder and walked backwards. She shouted out for one of the Jester's pick her up. "Being blind is quite inconvenient.."she mutters.

@Jesters Court/Everest

Noctis watched as shit went down. He got out of the building and ran outside. "Sorry Ryan. I'll be back!" As he ran to Mei he saw the hero he met earlier. "YOU!?!?!?" He unsheathed his dagger and growled loudly. "You! If you even think of hurting Mei I will kill you!" Noctis always thought of the siblings as his family even though they don't really know him that much. "So hero. If you're a real man then you wouldn't mind if we brawled instead of shot each other. I will gladly fight you one-on-one. Besides, if I lose, then you can finish me with my own dagger and you're one step closer." He sighed quietly and laughed maniacally. "Who am I kidding? A hero deserves a gruesome death!" He put his dagger in its sheathe and pulled out his two pistols. "Mei! You better help me with this damn hero!"
Sylar watches, intrigued. "2v1, eh? These odds don't seem fair." Sylar jumps down onto the floor and extends all of his hidden blades (including his Shanking Claws) and activates his monocle. He drops down onto all fours and creeps warily toward the tense area. "Play time..." Sylar's monocle turns Crimson.

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