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Fantasy Nightfall

Noctis stopped jumping from building to building when he saw the Xun boy talk to the hero. Well crap. That ain't good if the hero finds out Zheng is a villian. I better warn him. He waited for Zheng to get away from the hero before jumping down next to him. "Oi. Just to warn you. The cigarette guy is a hero. The guy you just talked to. And I think I your sister is at the gate since you're looking for her." He hurriedly walked to the gate to see if there is another hero trying to get in. That's always fun. Nice to see them fail.
"Do you like it there?" The man asked, even as more questions came flooding forward. Is she a villain? Ryan shook his head, chiding himself. Does it matter? She seems nice enough.

"You can hold him if you want to." Ryan said and held up the cat with both hands. "He likes to sit on people's shoulders."

@ScarletHood / Mei Xun
Cathrin had her pistol in her hoodie pocket, he sword on her back. As she walked in the shadows she could hear people talking in an ally way, she smiled and turned the corner to see 3 people, 2 of them kissing and one watching. "Really! That's disgusting." She said alerting the people and the two men walked over to her, she sighed and pulled her gun out and poiting it at them. "Get against the wall, now." She said poiting the gun towards the wall, they did as they were told. "H-Hey lady, don't-" "shut your moth you worm, I'm the one who talks, now give me you money and all you have on you." She said chuckling as they did so, she put the stuff in her pocket. "Ok good good, now go." She said as ran away but she chuckled and raised her gun and shoot all three of them not even looking at them, the gun shoots ringing out through the city as she walked past the dead bodies.
A few hours have passed since Carla fell asleep. She turned to look at the Clock...She had a half an hour till work. Oh god, she overslept! She's gonna be late! Crap, crap, crap! The young Mother just got out of bed, went to take another shower and grabbed a new change of clothes. After putting her boots on, she grabbed her purse, she exited her Apartment and locked her door. Perhaps she should think about finding a Day Job, since the City was so...Dangerous at night. But surely even the most violent criminals had a code, but that's not always true... As she walked to work, Carla checked her watch...Yup, she was going to be late if she doesn't hurry. If only her back didn't hurt so much and her stomach didn't stick out like a sore thumb. Oh well, it was all part of the creation of life, so who was she to complain? She made it to work only within the nick of time. If she had taken one second longer, she would have been late.
They had just finished up the show and Everest had just left the building. Kane had made him stay late because they'd had a guest speaker. Walking down the street Everest heard a series of gunshots, and turning his head he saw a girl walking out of the alleyway just a head of him. sighing he called out to her in a grumpy voice,

"Did you really have to do this right outside the station? you know this is going to mean a hell of allot of paperwork for me right?"

Everest really didn't feel like looking down the alley, he already knew what he would find... but man that paperwork is gonna be a bitch...

Cat flinched slightly hearing a vocie behind her and she turned Her gun up and her finger on the trigger, but she didn't pull it she put it down, not in the mood to talk. "Paper work is what your worried about?" She chuckled and walked towards him, her gun in her pocket, she looked at him in the eyes. 'These people are so annoying' she thought moving her hand infront of his face and waving her poiter fingure in his face. "Tck, tck, tck," she said, grabing her sucker with her other hand.
Turning his wrist, Everest began tapping out a text on his watch to one of the fixers he knew while saying,

"Ya... Paperwork... ya know, the thing that's a bitch that people have to fill out when some idiot cant just mug people but has to kill them instead... I mean honestly... i could have used those people if they were still alive for jesters, but noooooooo... you just had to go and make my night one massive pain in the ass cleaning up your mess... god some people...."

Sending the text he said,

"...Dont worry, I'll make sure your damn mess gets cleaned up... god damn it... lets at least hope some of those organs are salvageable, or this will be fucking useless to me...."

Sighing Everest checked his email hoping the fixer would get here soon.

@Jinx /Cathrin
"I'm not dumb, I know what paperwork is." She said putting her sucker back in her mouth. "And watch your language mister, I may of just killed those three but the one thing I can't put up with foal language." She said grabing the sword that was on her back to lean on it. "And Ya know, I don't really care if you clean my mess up or not." She sighed and looked at the ally way where to bodies where. "Ok look I'm sorry about that." She said quitely, she didn't really say sorry often. She leaned on her sword some more.

@Jesters Court /Everest
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Everest sighed at the girl. Honestly he didn't care if she was sorry or not, he just hated doing paperwork. Thinking about the mountain of paperwork the fixer was going to give him he realized something... If he wasn't there, then the fixer couldn't give him said paperwork... Grinning he turned to the girl and said,

"I just realized something... it's the fixer that will give me said paper work... so if im not here when he gets here, then he cant give me the work... so I'm going to be smart and get the hell out of here... I would do the same unless you like paperwork."

Turning, Everest began to run off down the street. Either way he had to go open up his shop so not sticking around was in his best interests.

@Jinx /Cathrin
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Mei Xun


"I'm not saying I wanna shoot you, I just wanna kill you that's all"

''it is a fun place at times..'' she answered. Happily holding the cat in her arms, she continued on, "a little on the rough side...well my brother considers it so.."

She heard her brother's voice behind her and automatically went for a chop. "You sodden piece of!" she yelled. Then stopped realising she was carrying the cat still. She instead went to pat it's head to calm herself down,

@Syfyre/Ryan Casures

Zheng Xun


"If want to play, please step outside of the shop first"

Zhen shrugged, he was more a civillian compared to the villians he know of. Plus even if the new guy was a hero, he would have to get past all the thorns in the rose bush first. He walked onwards and spotted his sister talking to a guy, He saw a creature in her hands and smiled, "Of course my dear lil sis found yourself a lil playmate have we?" He stood directly behind her now.


"Isnt this whole city like that though? It seems like half the people here just want to cause chaos." Ryan sighed and absent-mindedly placed his hands in his back pockets. His fingers brushed the pair of stun knuckles and he recoiled, quickly moving his hands to his side. No need to make any wrong moves.

Ryan looked up as Zhen approached and made a remark at the girl. "Well hey." He said as he offered up a friendly smile. "I don't know about playmate. Sunshine here is more about cuddling." The cat's ears perked up at the sound of his name, but Sunshine didn't even try to move from the girl's arms.

"Oh, I'm Ryan by the way. What's your name?" The question was directed at both siblings as he tried to make a little conversation. The dying light revealed how long he'd been there. Aaaaand I'm late, he thought as another sigh escaped his lips.

Noctis watched from a distance as Zheng and Mei talked to the guy with the cat. Mei being blind is odd. She always seems to know where everyone is at. He walked closer and leaned against the gate. "How's it going Mei? I see you like that cat." He then looked at the cat guy. "So... Who are you? I've never seen you around here." The cat guy has his hand in his pocket. What's he got in the pocket? Is it a bladed weapon? A small gun? I shouldn't ask otherwise he might get suspicious. "You like the city? Anyone treating you bad? I can always give 'em a beatin' if you want me to do so."

@ScarletHood @Syfyre
Ryan looked over at the new man who seemed to appear from nowhere. "Oh, I'm Ryan." He said as he raised his hand in a wave. "I haven't actually been this close to the castle before, but I've been around for a good bit. I work down at Alad’s. What about you, what's your name?"

Even though he was late, Ryan wasn't in a hurry. Making friends was what he was all about. He laughed heartily at the newcomer's comment. "Thanks, but I'm alright. I have these," He pulled out his stun knuckles out of his pocket for Noctis to see. "I can actually hold my own. You might be surprised by me."

@ScarletHood @TheSaiyanKami
[QUOTE="Jesters Court]Everest sighed at the girl. Honestly he didn't care if she was sorry or not, he just hated doing paperwork. Thinking about the mountain of paperwork the fixer was going to give him he realized something... If he wasn't there, then the fixer couldn't give him said paperwork... Grinning he turned to the girl and said,
"I just realized something... it's the fixer that will give me said paper work... so if im not here when he gets here, then he cant give me the work... so I'm going to be smart and get the hell out of here... I would do the same unless you like paperwork."

Turning, Everest began to run off down the street. Either way he had to go open up his shop so not sticking around was in his best interests.

@Jesters Court /Everest


Mei Xun


"I'm not saying I wanna shoot you, I just wanna kill you that's all"

She answered, "Mei..." Then resumed patting cat. She heard a voice; Noctis. Answering his question with a grin, "Pretty good, pretty kittens"

@Syfyre/Ryan Casures @TheSaiyanKami/Noctis

Zheng Xun


"If want to play, please step outside of the shop first"

Zhen pointed to his name tag; Zheng Xun. He pulled out a gun twirling it around.

"Nice to meet you Mei and..." Ryan read the man's name tag, "Zheng." He put his stun knuckles back in his pockets before reaching out for Sunshine. "And I'd hate to say it, but I'm late for work, so I really have to run." He offered up an apologetic look as he took the cat from Mei.

"It was great to meet you all! And Mei, if you want to see Sunshine again, feel free to drop into Alad’s; he comes with me to work, so he'll be around."

Sunshine struggled a bit against Ryan's grasp; the cat didn't want to leave his new friend. "Don't be a stranger, alright? Any of you." He lifted Sunshine to his shoulder again before offering up a final smile. "I'll see you around, alright?" He said before heading away from the castle in the direction of the mechanic's shop.

Ryan turned around towards the group of people as he left, looking at Mei. "By the way, if you need any work on that scythe, come on by. I'd love to see it up close!" Just not used on me, he thought to himself with a sardonic grin.

@ScarletHood @TheSaiyanKami
Tonight, work wasn't as strenuous as she had initially feared. So far, it has been very easy on her. Just handing out drinks and such. People left and right were just drinking their hearts out. Although the smell was horrible, she tried her best to put up with it, she wasn't going to survive any other job if she worked during the day and went home at night. Criminals were usually active around this time too. Quietly, she continued to work.
Noah Hemlock - Thar bar/drinking place I'm too lazy to look up the name to

Noah sighed as he put a few vials in storage away. Business was slow. He gave the shop co-manager the keys. "I'll be going out for a break." Noah stated. "Keep an eye on the store." The last co-manager had mysteriously died from a heart attack after he pissed Noah off. Bored, Noah decided to visit a bar. Not to drink, but to test out a few new..."products." He patted as his pocket to feel that the vials were still there. There were four, two had poison, the others had their cures. One poison caused hallucinations and eventual brain death. The other induced diarrhea, vomiting, and then eventual death. Noah stepped into the bar scowling as the vile air assaulted his nose. He sat down at a table and waived for the waitress.

@Shimakage Thunder
Everest sighed when he heard the shot and said out loud,

"G'Damnit... that bitch really likes to make loads of work for others, doesn't she..."

Turning his wrist Everest tapped a few times and brought up a live feed of the cameras around town, closing in on the neighborhood they had been in. Searching for bodies, Everest was surprised when he saw the girl... and a group of guys... and one of them had a gun... pointed at her...

Assessing the situation he determined this,

there were five men in total, the one in front of the girl, one slightly in an alleyway to her left, and three more forming a slight semi-circle behind her, cutting off her escape.

Sighing he used his watch to check the locations of all his jesters currently in the area. thankfully there was one only about 30 seconds away.

hooking his Bluetooth over his ear, Everest called the selected unit and gave his orders.

"Ianus sh'aa, nu'a ru'sx ru'a nasa't nu'sh, sha'a xuia ghuftft rung a gu'ft uiastuga ur an aftftaxghax tia''uiangag ftx ru'a nan. una ur shuta nan ut a'nag ghush ghhas allaa't su fta a nuna nuftftunasa' lutsuft. ha ut tsangung all'ugnunasaftx ta'an tathungt un r'uns ur ha'. sha tathung nan ut tsangung aftuias ru'a tathungt su sha ftars ur ha'. sha shu'g nan ut tsangung ru'sx ru'a gag'aat nu'sh aats ur sha gu'ft ang aftuias sghu tathungt uias. sha ruia'sh nan ut gu'athsftx ftahung ha' aftuias aughs tathungt uias. ang sha runaft nan ut aftuias sghansx gag'aat tuiashghats ur sha gu'ft, aftuias san tathungt uias. xuia a'a thia''ansftx un an aftftaxghax gu'athsftx tuiash ur shut g'uial. shatsa' una ut su iata sha g'ansag tnula' 'urfta su ru'ts aftununasa nan una r'un sha 'uur ath'utt sha ts'aas. at shut uththia't, shatsa't sghu, sh'aa, ang ru'a a'a su iata tuftantha ghaalunt ang aftununasa sa'gast sh'aa, ruia', ang ru'a. shatsa't ruia' ftaru'a thunnanthung sha ula'asuun, xuia thaftft nu'a ath'utt sha ts'aas unsu sha aftftaxghax ftahung sha nan. as sha ula'asuun tsa's xuia a'a su aftununasa sa'gas sghu. a'a shata u'ga't ianga'tsuug?"

Hearing a series of clicking noises in response, he switched his watch to the cameras on the Jester's masks and waited for them to move into position. Once they had, Everest was about to give the order to begin the operation, when the girl punched the men in front of her, knocking him out. Radioing in, Everest said to the jesters,

"shas guat nus thhanga sha lftant, shatsa' una, saka hun uias anxghax. 'ananfta', gun's ftaa'a anx ur shan aftu'a. nugh un nx na'k, ftagun sha ula'asuun. ru'a. ruia'. sh'aa. sghu. una... na'k"

On the final word, the first jester, who Everest had moved to the roof of the building across the street aimed at the unconscious man's head and pulled the trigger on the sniper rifle it had been holding. Meanwhile, three Jesters moved out of an alley way across the street and raised silenced submachine guns,aimed for the head, and all pulling the trigger simultaneously. as they did so, the fifth and final member of the jester squad stepped out of the shadows behind the man in the alleyway and slit his throat. As the knife touched the mans throat, the bullets from the other jesters guns passed trough the other four mens' brains, killing them instantly. The entire operation took less than a second and ended as a 100% success. closing the video feed he contacted the Jesters again and said,

"nuttuun tiaththatt. nugh thftaa' uias ur sha'a ang 'asia'n su huftgung lassa'n ruia' ru'a aughs... guug ghu'k ftuxt."

Lowering his wrist, Everest smiled and said to himself,

"Damn... that bitch's habit of accumulating paperwork must be rubbing off on me..."

With a spring in his step he walked to the contractors office, and unlocked the door. Inside where rows of musical instruments and records... after all, the shops front was that of a music store. picking up a nearby Gibson Everest played the opening rift to thunderstruck and grinned. He wondered if tonight was going to get any more interesting.

(I told you it was a language only Everest knew...)

@Jinx /Cathrin
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Noah said:
Noah Hemlock - Thar bar/drinking place I'm too lazy to look up the name to

Noah sighed as he put a few vials in storage away. Business was slow. He gave the shop co-manager the keys. "I'll be going out for a break." Noah stated. "Keep an eye on the store." The last co-manager had mysteriously died from a heart attack after he pissed Noah off. Bored, Noah decided to visit a bar. Not to drink, but to test out a few new..."products." He patted as his pocket to feel that the vials were still there. There were four, two had poison, the others had their cures. One poison caused hallucinations and eventual brain death. The other induced diarrhea, vomiting, and then eventual death. Noah stepped into the bar scowling as the vile air assaulted his nose. He sat down at a table and waived for the waitress.

@Shimakage Thunder
When she saw an Old Man wave her down, Carla just raised an eyebrow. Since there were no Night Waitresses on shift from what she could tell, she just served one more person asking for a Drink before going to take care of the customer that waved her down. "So what can I get for you?" She asked. More responsibility...Ugh, she placed one hand on her back because it was starting to hurt. She was good at remembering orders off the top of her head, so she did not worry.
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Noah Hemlock - Bar place

"One beer and a sandwich please." Noah said before looking up to the waitress. His eyebrows raised slightly to notice that she was the pregnant woman for earlier in the mall. It was considerably odd to see a woman with child working in a pub. Somewhere close to where alcohol can harm the baby. He noticed that she seemed to be in a little bit of pain. "Are you alright?" Noah inquired.

Mei Xun


"I'm not saying I wanna shoot you, I just wanna kill you that's all"

She felt the cat being lifted out of her hands and frowned slightly. However grinned at prospect of meeting the new adorable fluffball again, when Ryan had proposed for her to visit Alad's shop sometime. She agreed walking away to resume her original goal; check the current heroes out for the count.

She arrived near a music store, known to other night time residents as the contractor office and stepped inside only to hear a guitar playing; Everest. She shrugged, swinging her gun scythe, currently in gun form, around her fingers. "Hey Everest, seen any of the new heroes around?" she asked her gaze not focusing on anything in particular.

@Jesters Court/ Everest

Zheng Xun


"If want to play, please step outside of the shop first"

Zhen walked after his sister, not saying a word. He wouldn't attack unless they attacked her. They arrived at the music store he stopped. Deciding it would be best to stay outside just in case.

Finish the final verse of Three Days Grace's - Riot, Everest set down the guitar, vaulted over the shops counter and into a revolving office chair. Grinning at Mei he kicked his feet against the ground and as he slid towards his computer he said,

"Don't know the number off the top of my head,Give me a sec."

stopping in front of the keyboard, Everest typed out a few commands and looked at the results,

"Um.... it looks like there are currently three heroes in the city that I know about.... all I know is the number, don't currently have any info on them though... I can send some Jesters out to investigate if you want..."

typing a few more commands, heavy music began to play in the background as Everest waited for her answer.

@ScarletHood /Mei Xun

Mei Xun


"I'm not saying I wanna shoot you, I just wanna kill you that's all"

She nodded at his question. The gun stopping spinning and shifted into the gun scythe. Now casually hanging it on her shoulders she said, "if you don't mind I would like to help them out though..."

@Jesters Court/ Everest

Ryan arrived at Alad’s to find it already open. "Hey Cat, sorry I'm late." He called as he stepped through the doorway and shut the door behind him. When there was no response, he spoke up. "Cat, you here?"

Sunshine hopped off of Ryan's shoulder and landed gracefully on the floor. The young man dropped his backpack on the floor and sat down at the work table in the corner. He checked the messages on the phone, but none were for him. This is the first evening I haven't been sent out on a job immediately, he mused happily.

"Could be a slow evening." Ryan said to Sunshine who responded by rubbing against his chair. He reached down and pet the cat softly before hefting his backpack onto the table. "Let's see if we can get this design working."

Ryan pulled out an unfinished mess of wires attached to a circuit board and set it on the table before reaching for a knife and the soldering iron. "I'll feel a lot safer once we have this functioning." He said to no one in particular as he set to work with the knife and let the iron heat up. He grinned slyly at Sunshine as he leapt onto the table. "And then I can work on your new toy."

@Jinx (I figure our characters know each other since they work at [or own in Cathrin's case] the same shop)
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