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Fantasy Nightfall

While watching the sunrise, Carla fell asleep in her chair due to how tired she was. Two hours later, she woke up dealing with backache. That was probably what she got because of the position she slept in. And sleeping in a chair isn't exactly ideal for a pregnant woman to be sleeping in a chair where she can't lay down. Hopefully nothing negative will happen to the baby as a result. She looked down at her stomach, and gently caressed it. "Sorry, hun. Mommy's been really, really tired." As she got up, she stretched out her arms before holding her back. Who knew Childbearing would be such a big responsibility. Since she took a nap, it wasn't like she was going to fall asleep again anytime soon. She then went to go take a quick shower then grab some fresh clothes. After a quick snack, she checked around her apartment to make sure nothing was out of place. Lastly, she grabbed her purse, slipped her shoes on and left the house, locking up the door. Well, now to take a walk to the Happy-Go-Mart. Some Transportation would be nice, but not like she had that kind of money. She was lucky on some nights if people were crazy drunk and handed her fat tips...She'd probably have to depend on that once the baby arrives. While making sure her purse was secure, one hand was still resting on her stomach. Luckily her Apartment wasn't too far from the Happy-Go-Mart or Work; they were within the same distance, just opposite directions.

Zheng Xun


"If want to play, please step outside of the shop first"

Zhen had become a little bored, but he was used to it, either it was to blend with the city or fight the most maniac of people. He chose the first option than the latter. This time of the day less of the civillians of the city came to buy groceries. Rather some other unique sort of customers came instead. He hummed a little tune, while sweeping up the floor.
Outside his apartment -> Happy-Go-Mart

Hunter looked at the old guy again. "Shoo old man." He said as he puffed his cigarette again. "I don't care what you are anymore." Hunter said tossing his last cigarette. "Darn. I'm out." He said as he stood tall, "My trip to Happy-Go-Mart has started now." Hunter grunted as he started walking toward the store. He moved the handgun to the front instead of the back just in case he had to shoot something....or somebody.
After an extensive walk, Carla had reached the Happy-Go-Mart. She noticed a young man puffing a cigarette before he walked inside the store after attempting to shoo away an old man. Because she didn't want the smoke getting into her system because of the negative effects on the baby, she moved her hand from her stomach in order to cover her mouth and nose the closer she got to the store. As soon as she got inside, she moved away her hand and rested it back onto her stomach. What to buy today, she began to wonder. Her Refrigerator and Freezer were almost empty again. Plus, she was on a specified diet in order to nourish her baby, as it meant very much to her, despite the pregnancy being unplanned. She grabbed a basket and began browsing all the goods that the store had to offer.
Ryan turned slightly as the man passed him, offering up a friendly smile but receiving only silence. "Someone's in a hurry." He said aloud as he turned back towards the castle and the other three figures. One of them, a girl, now stood in his path wielding a wicked scythe.

"Woah, hold on there." Ryan said, holding up his hands to show that he meant no harm. "I just want to see the castle up close." He tried to smile, but the sight of the scythe unnerved him and his mouth contorted into an awkward smirk.

Sunshine poked his head out from behind Ryan's, but the man pushed him back, keeping himself between the girl and his cat. The black ball of fur meowed in protest, craning to see around his companion. "Sunshine, quit!" Ryan hissed as he let his eyes drift to the black cat leaning over his other shoulder before quickly darting back to the girl.

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Hunter soon entered the store, he looked around for some cigarettes. Hunter went over to the back of the shop and stroked his chin. "What the..." he said as he looked at the price. From what he understood no one would be able to buy cigarettes here. "If I pay for those, I might as well give them my whole paycheck." Hunter mumbled under his breath. He grabbed a soda and a quick snack. He quickly paid for his items and left. How can I help a city that poses little to no threat at all? He thought as he stood outside for a second.
Without viable transportation, Carla was going to have to travel light. Hopefully she wasn't going to get mugged on the way back home. While browsing, she noticed a young man looking around for cigarettes. After purchasing what she needed, Carla figured that she'd come back tomorrow buy whatever she missed, but it wasn't anything important. In terms of staying away from Alcohol, she was kind of already contradicting herself because she worked at a bar. As long as she didn't ingest it or anything, the baby should be fine though. As she walked outside, the young Mother looked around. Being a Stay-at-Home was going to be tough in this city, especially since the baby-daddy was long gone by the time she found out that she was going to have a baby. She was definitely going to need a nanny, but who could she trust to look after her baby? She began wondering as she began her walk home.
Noctis saw a pregnant lady carrying groceries. The perfect person to mug. Wait. Where is that cigarette guy? If he's a hero then I won't be able to mug her... What am I saying? She's pregnant and carrying groceries. She doesn't have someone with her because he would be carrying them for her. Noctis walked over to the pregnant lady and grabbed her bags but didn't run. "Why are you carrying these? A pregnant woman shouldn't be carrying groceries. Or going out in these streets... Oh I'm Noctis by the way."
Hunter didn't wander off far, instead he chose to keep a eye on the guy he met earlier. Wanna question me? Lets see what your really about. He thought watching as the guy helped the pregnant woman. "What is this guy doing... He's helping people..." Hunter whispered to himself. Hunter considered leaving the man be, but his instincts said otherwise. I don't have a very good feeling about this guy... Hunter thaught as he decided to keep watch over the woman in secrecy until she made it home.
About halfway home, Carla used extra caution on the way home, since the route that she'd normally take is usually dangerous, but usually worth the risk. As long as she wasn't poking around for too long, she was fine. Suddenly, a young man came up and grabbed her groceries. Who in their right mind would...Wait, he didn't take off. Perhaps even the most hardened criminals had a code. When asked about why she was carrying groceries by herself. "Well, I don't really have viable transportation. Otherwise I'd use that." When the boy introduced himself, she returned the favor. "My name's Carla, nice to meet you." Since he looked very much like a street urchin, the young mother didn't really feel comfortable with him, but didn't really show it. Luckily she lived in an Apartment and not a house. The help sure was nice, though it was out of nowhere. The trail would end by the front door of her Apartment Building. "Thanks for your help, Noctis. I really appreciate it." The woman would kindly take her groceries back before entering the Building and started making her way up to the top floor, fifth floor of her apartment. After unlocking the door, she set them on the kitchen counter before organizing them into her Refrigerator and Freezer. Feeling a little sick, she made herself some tea, since it would help get rid of the sickness and at the same time nourish the baby. Setting her tea mug on her Nightstand, she took her shoes off, locked her door, and decided to get comfortable in bed. Maybe now would be a good time to...Sleep...As soon as she relaxed herself, she felt her baby kick. "Sorry, sweetie, mommy's really...tired..." She drifted off into a slumber.
Noctis ended up at the apartment door and handed Carla her groceries. "Don't worry about it. You shouldn't have to do this." He watched Carla go in the apartment door before leaving to one of his corners. As he walked he saw the cigarette guy. Was he following us? ... No. He was following me. "Oi mate. I know you were following me. What's the big deal? You think I was gonna rob her? You do realize I know these streets so even if you're a hero then I could easily leave if you try to do anything. You never asked me if I was a villian." He said the last thing quiet enough to be barely heard.
Hunter revealed himself, "Good instincts kid." He said sticking his hand in his pocket. Hunter still hiding the fact he was a hero said, "You really think I'm a hero don't you? I like how you think that if I tried anything you leave." Hunter looked at the ladies door. "I see you helped her. Why'd you do it, you are a 'villian' after all." He said smiling. "Just know I'm watching you..." Hunter told the man as he trailed off, "If you even slip at the slightest.... your dog meat." Hunter said walking about the building.
Noctis looked at the cigarette guy and smiled himself. The smile started to turn into a full-on laugh fit. "You... You really think I can't tell you're a hero. It's obvious now. You're hiding the fact you are." He into an alley and came back out on a roof only seconds later. "These are my streets punk. I always know what goes on. I ain't the only person living on the streets. There are plently living in the sewers that are just waiting to tell me things." He jumped from building to building to get away from that hero so he wouldn't hear anything Noctis would answer.
Hunter knew he gave up his villian 'mask' and shrugged about it, "I guess the real work starts now." He said cocking and loading his handguns. Hunter sat on a bench and started to laugh, "He's the first on my list too." Hunter said crossing out Notics's face on a list of villians he had acquired from his employer. "Its time to do what I was hired for." Hunter stood up and wandered around Nightfall until dawn. "Where is everyone? Can't take em' out if they're hiding out all the time." He said as he walked down a street.
Noah Hemlock - Happy Go-Mart

Noah simply sighed as the smoker waved him off. The man was quite rude and Noah wouldn't mind killing him. With a slight scowl, Noah walked into the Happy Go-Mart and set up his shop. He noticed the hobo from earlier helping a pregnant lady. Noah considered perhaps visiting her to provide some nutrients and other pregnancy helpful tonics. Hopefully she would have money. Noah pulled out the vials on ingredients and placed them in a cabinet in the back of the store. In the front, many vials of varying tonics wee on display. Each with a short description of what they do. Noah began mixing some ingredients at the main desk.

Mei Xun


"I'm not saying I wanna shoot you, I just wanna kill you that's all"

Mei heard the sound of a kitten's meow from the figure. "A cat?!" she asked excitedly. She never felt a cat before, she reached out her hand. "Can I touch it? Just to see what it looks like?" Her hands itching to feel the fluffiness of a cat.

@Syfyre/Ryan Casures


Zheng Xun


"If want to play, please step outside of the shop first"

Zhen stepped out of Happy go-mart, and back into the streets. He nodded at the next co-worker taking this shift and again at the old man who was going towards the shop. His destination was the count's castle, to see what his sis was doing. His sneakers squeaked ever so often as he walked. The sun had almost dissapeared now, he looked around, the once bright and normal looking buildings, appeared to be leaning over him, smirking. Onwards he walked passing by the "newbie" he had seen earlier.

Hunter stood outside a building near the Happy-Go-Mart. He was sharpening his knife for future needs, when someone walked past him, "Oh. Hello." He said as he continued to sharpen his knife. Is it time to get a nee knife sharpener already? He thought as he continued to sharpen his knife.

@ScarletHood/ Zheng Xun
"Uh..." Ryan started, looking back at the girl with more curiosity and confusion than wariness. He stopped fighting the cat's efforts and was rewarded with a lick of Sunshine's scratchy tongue. The girl's demeanor had completely changed. "Touch him... to see what he looks like?" It didn't make sense. It's not like she's... could she really be...?

Ryan relaxed a bit and picked Sunshine up off his shoulder. "Okay, but only if you put the scythe away." He said with as much of a casual attitude as he could. Sunshine was already struggling against his owner's grasp, but Ryan held him close to his chest. Instead trying to get a better look at the girl's face. Her pink and purple eyes caught his, but the hero-to-be couldn't follow their path; they didn't seem to be focused on anything at all.

She might be blind, Ryan thought taking a step closer slowly. Sunshine, for his part, had halfway slipped out of his owner's arms. The man chuckled at the cat. "Sunshine wants to meet you too." He said with a smile, even if he didn't think she could see it.

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Caroline was around Farlen's Café, leaning against the wall across the street. Her gun rested casually in her arm and she ran her fingers along the metal absently. As for tonight, her targets were dead and she had the rest of the time off. Usually, she'd go to sleep at this point considering she got very little of that but she wasn't too tired yet. Normal people, Hero's... they might say it was her conscious. However, killing only made her happier and sleep better. Perhaps, it was the lack of death that kept Caroline from going home and slumbering in her bed.
Noah Hemlock - Happy Go-Mart

Noah noticed that the sun had begun to set. He knew that meant it was time to change the shop. He began collecting the vials of helpful tonics and other things away. He also put away their descriptions. Noah then began pulling out vials with more sinister colors from a secret compartment in the back of the shop. These potions and elixirs were of toxic properties. Some were even deadly. Noah placed them inside the front of the shop and placed their descriptions inside their booths as well. With the dark coming out, villains would come out as well. They would be attracted to the poison more than they would be attracted to the healthy tonics. But Noah still had them on him if they wanted to buy. A thought crossed Noah's mind. The rude man from earlier. What if he was a hero? Noah wondered if he would survive a night in this city.

Mei Xun


"I'm not saying I wanna shoot you, I just wanna kill you that's all"

A smile spread across her face, it was a rare sight for anyone who knew her to smile for a genuine happiness and not for the sake of violence. She clicked the gun scythe into gun form, then stashed it in the bag she had carried with her. Her ears picked up a man's chuckle and a little blush spread across her face, but she shrugged it off. Her hands reached out now trying to feel for the cat.

@Syfyre/Ryan Casures


Zheng Xun


"If want to play, please step outside of the shop first"

Zhen stopped; his sneakers making tiny squeak. He turned around to ask, "You wouldn't have happen to see a young girl aged around 15, with two black pig tails and purplish eyes wandering around here, have you?" He had reconsidered maybe his sister had escaped the castle in search of adventure, or him. Since she didn't like associating with the other villians who came here.


@Nico dude we need you!)

Hunter scratched his head, "No... not at all." He said putting his knife away. "I can help you look if you want?" He asked standing tall again. "Hey, wait.... Don't you work at the mart?" He added. "I could have sworn I have seen you before." Hunter said stretching his body.


Hunter Clemens

"You hired me to do a job. I expect pay for my services."

@ScarletHood/ Zheng Xun

Ryan whistled as she closed the scythe, his eyes suddenly studying the device intently before she put it away. "That thing is cool!" He said as he held Sunshine out towards the girl's hand. The cat sniffed her fingers tentatively before nuzzling his head against her palm. "I think he likes you." He spoke casually even as questions were burning him up inside. Who is she? Why does she have a scythe? Where are her parents?

Ignoring the rushing thoughts, the young man settled on a single question: "So, um, are you from the castle..?"

@ScarletHood/Mei Xun

Zheng Xun


"If want to play, please step outside of the shop first"

He sighed and thanked the man, "yeah I do" Then walked off towards the castle, since the probably was the more likely place that she was at.



Mei Xun


"I'm not saying I wanna shoot you, I just wanna kill you that's all"

She nodded at his question and happily pet the cat, the soft fur brushing against her pale palms. Her mind was in blissful heaven.

@Syfyre/Ryan Casures
Hunter walked in the opposite direction. "Guess that was a failed attempt." He mumbled to himself as he walked away. I wonder what the girl is... I mean pinkish purple eyes. That sounds scary. He thought as he walked.


Hunter Clemens

"You hired me to do a job. I expect pay for my services."


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