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Fantasy Nightfall

Mei Xun


"I'm not saying I wanna shoot you, I just wanna kill you that's all"

Mei heard Noctis's voice call out to her and facepalmed. She just wanted to get as farwaway as she could from this place. She opened her mouth to voice her thoughts but was interrupted by another presence arriving. A loud groan escaped from her. She heard the sound of blades drawing from the figure. She gave another groan, then made a decision. She pulled Noctis close to her swung the scythe back the gun facing the ground and pulled the trigger. The large force of the bullet launched them both into the air. The end of scythe formed a large crack from the amount of power, sighed it was gonna take her some time to get it fixed. She landed on the ground carrying Noctis. In a blink sped off towards the Counts castle.

@TheSaiyanKami/Noctis (I carried you like a princess XP)


Noctis was surprised at Mei's actions. She was carrying him to the Count's castle. She better have good damn reason for this. "Mei! Let me go!" He wasn't going to let Mei prevent him from killing the hero he's after. After a while he stopped trying to escape and accepted the fact he isn't gonna get free. "Why are you doing this?"

Hunter shrugged and put his pistol in the holster. "What was that all about? I don't hurt little girls. Maybe a tranq, but nothing harsh, that guy is just gonna get himself killed." Hunter said to himself as he looked around for people. "This city just took a turn for the worst. I best get ready." He said reloading his pistol with poison rounds. "Here I come." He mumbled, as he chased behind the kid and Notics.

@ScarletHood/ Mei

@TheSaiyanKami/ Notics

(( Don't run. Fight me! Come at me bro! ))
Sylar makes a face of disappointment at the cowards. "May as well follow them." He fast-walks to catch up to Hunter. "Come on, slowpoke! Let's have some fun!!!" He bounds on ahead on all fours, activating his exoskeleton for a speed boost. Once he is out of Hunter's sight, he hops off the main path onto a different (faster) route to the count's castle. ((@Roman temporary alliance?))
Hunter looked at the person who called him a slowpoke, "I'm faster than you think, bub!" He said speeding up, jumping rooftop to rooftop. "Where are you headed?!" Hunter asked gripping one of his handguns and his knife. He saw the Count's castle grow closer and closer.

@Woofers296 (( Sure. ))
As Ryan tried to slip under the beam towards the basement, Noctis bolted and left the bag on the ground. "Ah shit." He muttered and tried to reach for it with his foot. Around him, the chaos continued to unfold but it seemed to be ending badly for the SWAT officers. Giving up, he shifted the beam as best as he could and grabbed the bag. Which corner is the south east? He thought worriedly right before the floor to his left collapsed from an explosion.

"Cat, time to go!" Ryan yelled as he dropped into the hole with her in tow. A few forms with creepy masks waited below but did not move on either of them. Still, Ryan let out an involuntary "Fuck." before collecting himself and following the man on the headset's instructions. At the intersection he turned right and pulled Cathrin along into the growing darkness. Why should I even trust this guy? he wondered but didn't voice his concern. It wasn't something Cat needed to hear anyways. He stopped to pull his cell phone out and turned on the light as the sounds of the gunfight behind them echoed through the pipes until they slowly died out. Finally, the two reached a hatch which Ryan opened into a small room with various pipe valves, electrical wiring and, surprisingly, a computer terminal on an aged metal desk.

Ryan slumped against the wall after closing the hatch and let out a huge sigh. "That... was..." The words wouldn't come. He felt drained but no longer scared or panicked. Just... empty. He opened his backpack and Sunshine immediately hopped out and meowed in annoyance but seemed otherwise unphased. Ryan let out a dry laugh and looked at Cathrin. "I hope business isn't always like that. Why the hell did SWAT try to raid Alad's?" He wanted answers.

@Jesters Court

(Sorry @Jinx , I just wanted to move things along. I can edit or delete this post if it's a problem.)
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Cathrin didn't have the energy to do anything she was grateful that Ryan helped her with getting to where they where. She looked at Ryan when he asked her the question and thought he was crazy. "Do you really think it was my fault?!" She asked holding her shoulder. "Why don't you ask that Mei or the other ones." She said sighing, she pulled one her guns out of her pockets and reload it just in case. "May I ask one question? Why would I do something to get my own shop blown up?" She sighed looking at the ground.

(It's ok
@Syfyre and sorry for not replying it was my moms birthday yesterday and I was working on school stuff.)

Everest switched cameras to track the two guys who were chasing after his Mei… Directly he couldn’t stop them, but he sure as hell could slow them down. Reaching over Everest grinned and picked up the microphone to his police scanner and said,

“Suspects sighted! Moving fast on the roof tops towards the Count’s castle! Suspects are heavily armed and dangerous. We have shoot on sight orders. I repeat, all units are to shoot on sight! Units are currently on the roof of 2687 Evergreen Avenue. All units move to intercept!”

Everest grinned as the idiot police did exactly what he said, he had learned long ago that if you sounded like you were in charge, and you acted like you knew what you were doing people usually listened. Switching cameras again, Everest began to laugh when he saw a giant helicopter shine its spot light on the pair and the massive barrel of a mini-gun was stuck out the side… That would certainly slow them down…

Sighing Everest switched back on his headset and addressed the idiot,

“Ok guy, the coast is clear… If you turn on the computer, the password is “High_life”, log in and on the desktop there should be a program call “Access_Control.exe”, run that and when it prompts you enter “/control Hatch3_Access = 1”. Leave the room, and start walking down the tunnel, about 100 ft down the hall, you should see a ladder has dropped down in your path… if you don’t see it in confirms you’re an idiot. At the top of the ladder is a manhole that takes you to the surface. If you look around, you should see my music store, get in here and I’ll get take a look at bullet girl… You break anything you buy it.”

Sighing Everest stood up and walked into another room where he brought out his medical tools and set them down next to an operating table…

@Roman @Syfyre @Jinx @Woofers296 @ScarletHood @TheSaiyanKami
Ryan considered Cat's words for a moment but shook his head. Something didn't add up, but he wasn't about to pursue the issue. "Okay, you're right. Sorry." He moved the light around on the walls until he found a switch and flipped it. A weak yellow light filled the room and he turned his phone off. "Well, the guy in the headset said to stay put until he called." As the words came out of his mouth he realized how crazy it seemed. Sure, he'd gotten them out, but now what? Just sit in this musty room and wait?

As Everest's voice cracked in the headset, Ryan perked up and moved to the desk, motioning to the headset to indicate to Cat what was happening. He followed the instructions while rolling his eyes. "Fine, but try being a little nicer next time. I haven't exactly been in a gunfight before. Er, caught in the crossfire I guess." He said into the mic. As he keyed in the last command and executed it, a clunk could be heard in the distance. "Alright Cat, looks like we get to meet our savior." He stood, scooped Sunshine back into his backpack, and opened the hatch they'd entered from.

After he got to the ladder Ryan stopped and waited for Cat to catch up. "Hope you can still climb with that." He said as he started up. "Let me know if you need a hand." He already knew she'd handle it herself. She probably wouldn't be caught dead with me helping her that much, he mused as he pushed the manhole cover up and looked around. The street was deserted. He scanned around until the music store caught his eye. "Alright, we're coming in." He stood up and dusted himself off before pushing his way through the door into a lobby full of instruments and amplifiers.

@Jesters Court

(Might be spotty on replying soon, so my posts will be short. Sorry in advanced)
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Catkin stood there listening to what the person on the head set and what Ryan was saying, she looked at the computer and saw Ryan putting in codes and stuff. She looked at Ryan when he put his cat back into his bag and then walk past her, she followed him and as they walked she saw a ladder in the distance. She sighed and walked over to it and watched as Ryan climbed it. 'Aww shit this is gonna hurt like hell." She thought.

She grabbed the ladder and started to climb it her shoulder burning, she wanting to ask Ryan for help but she didn't want to look helpless so she dealt with the pain. When she got to the top she had to put her hand on her shoulder again to stop it from bleeding again, and when she climbed it looked like it opened farther than it was.

She followed Ryan into a music shop, wincing when she didn't stop the door from hitting her arm but she held in the scream. She felt venerable with the gun shoot and not being able to protect her self so she stood behind Ryan.


Mei Xun


"I'm not saying I wanna shoot you, I just wanna kill you that's all"

"The building was going to explode.." she said bluntly. The sound of footsteps coming towards her reached her ears; Hunter. She swore out loud, "sh*t" She pulled Noctis onto her back and rushed off towards the castle. She was getting ticked off more and more by the second.

@TheSaiyanKami /Noctis @Roman/Hunter
Sylar "This isn't even my final form!" Sylar heard the sound of a very large submachine gun as well as shouts from inferior policemen. He pulled and held the fourth trigger on his right hand. He bent down, focusing on the helicopter, tracing its path in his mind. Then, releasing the trigger, he soared into the air and caught onto its left leg, just below the SMG. "Oh well. YOLO!" Sylar jammed Reconcile into the part where the ammo went in. The gun's barrel spun harmlessly. "Ill come back for you when this thing is on the ground." A helicoptery police person thing ((what should I call them???)) looked over the machine gun to see what had happened. "Wrong move," he said, stabbing the dude in the neck with Dusk, then pulling it out quickly. Sylar swung back and forth, attempting to get into the chopper. Bullets whizzed past him. "Shit!" Sylar laid across the legs, hiding. Then, to the HPPT's surprise, he threw Dawn into their neck. As the person fell, he pulled out the dagger.

Using momentum, Sylar swung himself into the helicopter. He quickly shanked all of the people ((besides the pilot)) with his claws and sat down next to the pilot. The pilot tried to jab at him awkwardly, but Sylar just caught his hand and twisted it a full 360°. The pilot was unable to fire the right smg. Sylar put Dawn up to the pilot's neck and told them to land it. Unfortunately, the pilot refused to comply. *sigh* "If you say so..." Sylar pushed forward what looked like the steering controls. The helicopter jerked forward and started to tilt downward. He grabbed the pilot's broken hand and put it against the seat, stabbing it in place with Dawn. "Hang on, I'll be right back." He walked to the side of the helicopter and ripped off the chain of ammo from one of the smgs. Precisely, he aimed his arm at the back rotor and threw the chain. It caught the rotor and stuck there,stopping its movement. As Sylar reclaimed both of his daggers, the helicopter began to spin crazily. The pilot rushed to the port side of the chopper. Sylar threw him into the main rotor, then hopped out and landed on a nearby building in a badass roll.
Noctis watched as Sylar help the hero. Sylar you bastard. You think you can help a hero!? Imma teach you a lesson. He jumped off of Mei's back and landed on his feet. I saw jesters before which means Everest helped us so now it's my turn to get my little minions to help. Hopefully they don't turn on me and try to eat me. "Rats! It's time to wake up!" Noctis walked over a manhole and opened before firing twice into it. A few minutes later six people jumped out and looked at Noctis. "If you so much as think of eating me then I'll turn you into pizza and feed to the alley rats." The "Rats" turned around and saw the hero and Sylar and started shooting at them with pistols. "If you need any help then get some more 'friends' to join you." Noctis turned around and ran back to Mei and ran with her.

((Think of the rats as Sylar without the exoskeleton))


Dressed in a brown suite, her leather gloves glowing just a hint of auburn in the dim city lights, Asha exited the stair case of her building, before heading down the dank sidewalk. She wore a pair of simple black stilettos, her hair down in small brown curls. Within her inside pocket, lay a steel dagger, while at her waist a orange tinted blade, the metal itself her own special blend. The blade was ribboned with reinforced, gold shaded wiring that came together to form the handle. But her favorite, and most malevolent weapon, her whip. The metal chain inlay before showcasing at its tip a brilliant silver barb.

While she seemed deadly enough, the little villain had her own secrets, along with a rather wondrous characteristic. Mercy. She would scar you for life, but killing you was rather out of the question. She had always avoided the topic, but she was a villain, as far as the rest of the world knew, Natasha Bankfoot was a cold heart b****h.

Heading down the main street, she gave a small laugh seeing Noctis, over watching as his little rats scurried out, aiming their guns upon what looked to be, two fresh heroes.
Sylar noticed screwed up things coming out of the sewers. He turned off his monocle. Sylar went full incognito, silently scurrying from rooftop to rooftop. Of course, the rats would probably notice him, but it made him just a bit harder to spot. In a flash, he was atop a streetlight above them. He pulled a trigger on his exoskeleton as he fell feet first toward them. When he was about half a foot above one of their heads, he released the trigger. The rat was instantly crushed into the ground, a bloodstain on the street. He used the force from the push to jump into the air and land on another rat. Quickly, he shanked them in the neck and used them as a human shield. The other four rats stepped backward slowly. He dropped the body and leapt at the nearest other guy, disarming him and shooting the other three in quick succession. Then, he broke the person he was on top of's neck.

Sylar stood up. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught a hint of movement. Turning toward her, he activated his monocle and did a quick body scan of her. "Not a threat for now, but I shouldn't underestimate her," he said under his breath. He pulled out Dawn and Dusk, looted the two best-looking pistols the rats had and put them in his dagger holsters. He then rushed after the creepy scarred person.
Hunter knew that Mei heard him coming, he wasn't trying to be sneaky anyway, "A little girl is a villian? That ain't good. You should expect many days in prison." He said smiling. "I don't want to hurt you, so just surrender before something happens."

@ScarletHood/ Mei

Mei Xun


"I'm not saying I wanna shoot you, I just wanna kill you that's all"

Noctis had jumped off her back, she could tell due to the slight change in weight. She sighed and ran a little slower. When he caught up she sped off again dragging him along.

"A little girl is a villian? That ain't good. You should expect many days in prison."

Mei stopped and turned to face the pursuer. A bitter laugh escaped her mouth, "there is no jail hero, only death" She swung out the gun scythe, the large crack ever so obvious, and pointed it at him. The same twisted smile appeared on her face. Her mind was now calculating the possible ways to take down this fool.

She tilted her head to the side still smiling, "could you really take down a blind woman?"

@TheSaiyanKami /Noctis @Roman/Hunter

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Noctis stopped as soon as Mei did and sighed. "Now you want to fight." He didn't say anything as he saw Natasha. I know her. Hopefully she won't do that mercy crap with me. If she's a villian/hero then I wonder which she is right now. Maybe she'll side with Mei and I and make it a fair fight. Hearing the last Rat die he sighed again. I really hate that guy right now. He's a villian and he's helping a hero. Why? Why help a hero? He walked closer to Natasha but stopped a good few feet in front of her. "Who are you helping? Two villians, or a hero and a traitorous villian? Hopefully you join me and help me kill Sylar." Mei. You better be able to handle yourself.

@TheFallenwhisper @ScarletHood
Natasha Bankfoot

Natasha gave a small smirk.

"Noctis, now why would I help this Skylar. He is making a mess of your rats and is endangering my dearest friends," She gave a light pat along his shoulder, her ivory blue eyes now dark in thr night time light.

With that, Asha pulled out her blade. She was not one for guns, unpredictable and expensive.

Stepping forward, she gazed ahead, spotting the little party of 'heroes' confronting the rather ammused Mei.

"Who is the buff one?" She commented, speaking of Hunter. As she did she gentle ran her blade of the contorted Rat's face. My dear child, finding your way from the darkness, only to be quenched in the light of blood.


Mei Xun


"I'm not saying I wanna shoot you, I just wanna kill you that's all"

She turned slightly to the sound of the voice, her gun scythe still pointed to the Hero. "Oh Natasha, it's just that this man misunderstood the concept of Death for Jail!" She snickered softly, "such a fool who doesn't realise such things should be killed! No?"

@TheFallenwhisper /Natasha

Noctis looked at Mei and then Natasha. "The guy you want to know about? I'm not too sure. I know he's a hero. As for Sylar. He's a villian." He watched as Natasha ran her blade off a Rat's face. Poor thing. Didn't even get a chance to live... I have more. They infest the sewers. He sighed and looked around. Something didn't seem right. Is someone watching us? If so. From where? After a few minutes he saw a slight gleam of light reflect from a building window. It was a sniper... Sniper!? Is that Akuma!? As a shot went off he pulled Natasha back behind him to prevent her from getting shot. "Akuma!" He looked at his friends. "Mei! Natasha! We better end this quick or we're all dead!" After giving his warning he ran beside the hero and looked at him. "Yeah we all have a bigger threat then each other. We either kill each other now and team up and kill someone is close to being all of us combined."


Loretta was positioned at her window and fired a shot at the older female but missed because a guy pulled her aside. "Damn." She watched as the one guy shouted her name and warned everyone which caused her to smile. She didn't even bother shooting again because she wanted to see what would happen. ... Nothing happened yet so she walked out of her house and carried her sniper on her back, revolvers on her hips and her hammer in her hands. "This will be fun." She walked down the street and stopped ten feet away from everyone. "Hello." As soon as she stopped talking she dropped the hammer head against the ground which caused the ground to crack.

@TheFallenwhisper @Woofers296

((Don't worry. Loretta isn't OP as you would think. She's meant to be a tank which means she can take and give damage but is actually slow in attack movements.))
Natasha Bankfoot

Natasha gave a rough smile towards Mei, peering at the mystery hero with cruel yet deeply sympathetic eyes. As she went to step over the rat, she felt the air escape her lungs as she was jolted backwards. She was about to bark a nasty remark towards Noctis, but silenced herself hearing the shot fire.

Life was as delecate at a rose, she couldn't help but think, the pain and death that could have been jolting her alert.

Asha extended her blade before her torso, eyeing this new little sharp shooter. This wasn't to be an enjoyable fight.

"Hello." She retorted with a glum frown.

@TheSaiyanKami @ScarletHood
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Mei Xun


"I'm not saying I wanna shoot you, I just wanna kill you that's all"

She cocked her head at the direction of new footsteps, a lot more heavier than the others. The sound of metal clanking; it was a hammer. She sighed and looked at Noctis, "You can take her down? Can you?" Her mind refocused on the hero waiting for his response.

@Roman/Hunter @TheSaiyanKami /Noctis

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