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Fantasy Night Dale Academy for the Supernatural *CLOSED*

Sebastian pouring himself a cup of tea while grabbing a fresh apple from a pile before going off to sit at a table on his own in the far corner to enjoy his apple and tea in solitude, doesn't know Ryuu has lunch.

Naoki sat at one of the empty tables, waiting on Ryuu. Unlike him, Naoki didn't have to eat all of the time, so he decided not to eat right now. He sat there drawing invisible designs against the table. He looked exactly like Ryuu, sitting there at the table. Though Black ears twitched with each loud laughter or echoing sound in the lunch room, making very obvious that they weren't horns.


Ryuu grabbed food and walked over to Naoki. He sat the food down and started to eat, talking to him every now and again.

(finally pried the computer devise from my sisters arms ahhahaha)

Sabrina felt the lack of students in the class was overwhelming was anyone going to show up she decided class must have ended so she left with an blast of dirt behind her. She made her way to the cafeteria where she snacked on sugary treats that was what she preferred after all so it was like an gift from the gods themselves. Karin on the other hand ate an normal meal as she went shopping in town before the hunters became aware so instead of eating the cafeteria food she had a piece of fresh bread from the loaf she bought at the bakery.

(annnnnd I now have to go to sleep or I wont wake up in the morning damn it)
Damien had finally found the new school he officially git transferred to and starred at it for the longest time "so, this is the school I've heard so much about. Meh, I've seen more supernatural crap at a local haunted house." He sighed shaking his head "Come on Damien, don't judge a book by its appearance" he went up to the doors and kicked them open, he looked around to see if he could find any students. "I wander if anyone here is strong?"
Axel was standing near the entrance when he saw a red-haired teenager opening the doors with a kick.

'I'd like it if you could control your manners...Lack of discipline will not be tolerated in this academy...' said Axel with a slightly irritated voice.

Damien ignored Axel and continued on with his business "Huh, Still dull. I would at least think the doors were back by some magic or something at least." He let out a sigh "But there just some normal doors that can easily break." He ran his finger down some of the lockers, melting a small line into each of the lockers. "Jesus, not even sturdy lockers? Looks like the info I was given was absolute crap."
Sacred said:
Damien ignored Axel and continued on with his business "Huh, Still dull. I would at least think the doors were back by some magic or something at least." He let out a sigh "But there just some normal doors that can easily break." He ran his finger down some of the lockers, melting a small line into each of the lockers. "Jesus, not even sturdy lockers? Looks like the info I was given was absolute crap."
A flying knife flies by Damiens face. Barely missing him. "Hey! Punk ass with the stupid hair! Who the hell do you think you are!" Dark Isabel's red eyes glowed from from the shadows. Her white hair shimmering.
Axel was superhuman, more precisely his level of athletcism was 20 times that of a human in peak condition. A human in peak condition could run at about 18 meters per second therefore Axel reached 360 m/s , barely breaking Mach 1, which made him 'barely' supersonic, and had enough strength to lift about 15 tons even without the use of adrenaline. Of course , Damien probably didn't think about that while Axel grabbed him by the neck and smashed him to the ground creating a small crater.

'I dislike ignorant students the most...' he said while he released his grip on Damien's neck.

'Do not make me repeat myself...behave'.

Damien kicked himself back up onto his feet and rubbed his neck "Nice try, I've dealt with worse" He began to stretch his arms out and took the knife out of the wall which the mysterious lady had thrown at him and melted it "You should be careful, you could poke an eye out with these" He said trying to be a smart ass. He then looked at Axel "Next time you attack me, try not hold back. You'll live longer that way." He looked around the school still trying to adjust "I would also like to no where the hell the office is."
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Sacred said:
Damien kicked himself back up onto his feet and rubbed his neck "Nice try, I've dealt with worse" He began to stretch his arms out and took the knife out of the wall which the mysterious lady had thrown at him and melted it "You should be careful, you could poke an eye out with these" He said trying to be a smart ass. He then looked at Axel "Next time you attack me, try not hold back. You'll live longer that way." He looked around the school still trying to adjust "I would also like to no where the hell the office is."
Dark Isabel just stares at him and sighs. "Lowly hellspawn. They're all arrogant." She rolls her eyes. "I wouldn't go to the headmistress with an attitude like that. Unless you want your ass kicked then be my guest. I wouldn't mind seeing an ass whooping."
Damien rolled his eyes "I can be a nice guy, just having a bad day." He continued to look around the school "It could also have to do with this school not meeting my expectations. But I'm here anyway, might as well learn to deal with it."
(just for the record Sacred...in your character sheet you didn't mention Damien having supernatural strength,speed or durability...if he has you should mention it...as a smash to the ground from a superhuman like Axel should have hurt your character a lot...)


Axel watched the student and responded ' Hmm...you must be the new transfer student...Yes the other teachers told me you'd come. If I'm not mistaken you're a hellspawn. Please don't misunderstand, while the body of a hellspawn is a little above that of a human in peak condition if I actually used more strength it would have been almost lethal in your case. With that said, welcome to the academy, smartass, I'm one of your teachers, Axel Tetsujin. Here, take this map it will lead you to the office of the headmistress' as he said all that Axel handed Damien a map of the academy.
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Niore and Nana both appeared on the two seats next to Naoki, beside each other.

Nana wasn't expecting to be taken to the cafeteria with Niore, but she shrugged and glanced at Naoki, thinking he was Ryuu. At least, until she looked across the table at Ryuu. She twisted in her seat with a wide smile on her face and wrapped Naoki in a surprised hug," Naoki!!"

She let him go after a second, petting his head as she spoke,"I haven't seen you in a while, but I see you're still as cute as ever. How have you been?"

Niore leaned from behind Nana's form to look at Naoki, lazily holding up a hand. "hey", was all he said, a slight hint of laughter in his tone.

@TheGodSnake (SORRY, and it's ok)

Ashley grunted as she was thrown into the cell. As Elijah sealed her in with his magic she smiled. He'll never know how.... She thought. As he left, she went up to the bars and knocked them down, first freezing the bars, ridding the spell. She walked out and grabbed something in her pocket, a small diamond jewelry with a blue diamond shaped like a wolf.

Ashley went after Elijah, her sense guiding her. as she found him, she stepped out of the shadows. "Fancy seeing you here.." She went up to him and pushed him backwards. As he fell to the ground she pointed at his face with her finger. She growled. "You should watch it before messing with Winter Wolf again.." She then spun around and turned into her snow white wolf and stalked away, her yellow eyes burning with anger and hate.
(My apologies, won't happen again)

Damien reached out took the map "Huh, it's a good distance away" he listened to axel blab about stuff until he heard that he was one of his teachers. "I'm pretty glad your one of my teachers, it's probably the most interesting thing I've heard and seen all day. He looked back towards the girl that had thrown the knife at him "you gonna come out of the shadows anytime soon?"
Naoki froze when the girl hugged him, his ears standing up straight. When he realized who it was he calmed a bit, "h-hey Nana.." His words drifted off when she started petting him, the soothing feeling making him drowsy. After a moment he Slid her hand from his head and put it on the table, not allowing himself to get sleepy right now.

When Niore greeted him he hid himself behind behind Nana's shoulder while staring at him, only this look was different as his cheeks were red and he almost looked scared.

Ryuu watched the events unfold and tried not to laugh at the three. Though, hiding like that from Niore was Odd, even for Naoki. "Something wrong?" He looked at Niore and Naoki, but Naoki didn't answer.

Snowfeather walked and looked at the ground, letting her senses guide her. Suddenly, she crashed into something, someone. As she looked up she saw a guy with red hair and yellow eyes. She whimpered and backed away a bit, scared that he would hurt her. He's a Hellspawn! She thought. She looked at him, expecting him to hurt her and silently howled in agony, awaiting her death...
Sacred said:
(My apologies, won't happen again)
Damien reached out took the map "Huh, it's a good distance away" he listened to axel blab about stuff until he heard that he was one of his teachers. "I'm pretty glad your one of my teachers, it's probably the most interesting thing I've heard and seen all day. He looked back towards the girl that had thrown the knife at him "you gonna come out of the shadows anytime soon?"
"Excuse me?" Dark Isabel growls. The school and the ground start to shake as mana radiates off of her. "Watch your mouth."
Niore only shrugged and slightly smirked, his lime green eyes trailing elsewhere.

Nana huffed at the two and snitched, "Niore kissed Naoki at the shop while you were gone."

Niore shot a glare at Nana, "I was trying to prove my point that a kiss is just a kiss. He was calling me a pedophile for helping a little girl in the shop and kissing her forehead when She bumped it."

Nana laughed, "aw, Niore does have a sweet side."
(Alright everybody pause. First off i'm not going to have you trashing and disrespecting the rp, especially the school since it's one of the the best. Second Lowly students can't be teachers since the teachers are on a completely other level compared to the students who probably have no training or survival skills what'soever if they are at this school because they are probably pampered or runaways. Thirdly if your going to not give someone the chance to dodge an attack or just godmod i'll have to ask you to leave. Got it? This is for everyone!)


Sebastian sitting at his own table, eating his apple while reading the paper, his tail faintly twitches but doesn't move much more then that because it can't.
@SnowFeather / @Light

'You made a bad impression of yourself in front of two grils at the same time ...that's almost adorable' said Axel sarcastically. 'Calm down , miss Isabel, you do know what the headmistress thinks about uncontrolled violence...' he continued, his tone was different for Isabel though, it had no malice to it. He looked at the unfamiliar girl next to Damien with curious eyes. 'Hello, I've never seen you before, are you a student here too?' asked Axel in a calm and gentle tone helping the girl get up.
"That doesn't mean you kiss me! I-" Naoki retorted but was stopped by Ryuu tapping his foot against his leg with a look of 'stop yelling'.

Ryuu was trying not to laugh as he reached over the table and pet Naoki's head again jokingly. "It's ok Naoki, it's ok." However, when he turned to face Niore, his additive completely changed and he glared at him. "Don't mess with him like that again. Ok? It could cause some problems."
As Ashley stood up she looked at Axel, awe in her eyes. She shook herself. "Yes, yes I'm f-fine." She looked over at the boy she had bumped into. She bit her lower lip and her body started shaking in fear. She turned into a wolf and hid behind Axel. She spoke in human language. "I-I'm just.... S-scared..."

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