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Fantasy Night Dale Academy for the Supernatural *CLOSED*

Sebastian grunts as he holds his stomach and slides down the wall, pain evident in his eyes as he rests against the wall. "...And now i have to deal with an incumbus again... but this time i'll be ready because i'm going to shut myself off before i fall into that trap again... it's not fair to blame my brother for getting the looks from just about everything..." he muttered while resting some fingers against his temple, his bangs resting on his hand as his glasses slide down his nose a bit.
(I guess???)

Nana made it to the dorms having followed the map, and sent out a tracking spell. the thing was a ball of light that shot out in the direction of Ryuu's room, where she followed. once she made it there she noticed the guy sitting outside of the door, cocking her head to the side as the ball of light slid under the door.

Niore looked confused, "I don't remember what you speak of." when he heard Ryuu's question he laughed and shook his head, "No, no, I got into one of her little social media accounts and did some things she could remember me by." he scratched his head again, "I didn't know she would be attending here, too."

a ball of light attached itself to Niore's cheek and he huffed, "She's here." he watched as she entered the room and, to his surprise, seemed calmer. Nana walked over and drop-kicked him face-first into the floor before greeting Ryuu, "long time no see, Bro'."
Nana smiled and pressed her foot against Niore's head harder. "he didn't do anything perverted, did he?" she asked, noticing Ryuus off behavior.

Niore moved her foot from his head and sat back up, "c'mon, sis, I don't like Ryuu like that and you know it. Its just funny how he reacts to some things." he smirked, placing his hands behind his head in defeat.
Ryuu shook his head and let out a yawn, "not really, just being weird" he shot a glare at Niore, "you. you stop that."
Niore chuckled, "never." Nana rolled her eyes and grabbed Niore by the back of his shirt, "Well I'm sorry for the bother, but we have to get our papers and stuff done. Night!" she dragged her brother out of the room a bit before placing a teleportation spell up and disappearing to the office.
Ryuu watched them leave and sighed a breath of relief. they have too much energy for this late in the night. he walked over to the door after realizing they had left it open, but he paused when he heard the sound of breathing. cautiously, he peeked out of his door to see Sebastian fast asleep and stepped all the way out. "sebastian?" he whispered, looking around the hall for a reason for him to be there. it was to no avail, and he bent down, poking the males cheek lightly, "Sebastian~"
Nana waited outside of the office for Niore to get done with his paperwork. she looked around and yawned, seeing the relatively empty area made her sleepy.
Jake finished his application and knocked on a random door because he thought it was his dormroom(Nana s dorm room)Jake started knockinb and saying in a sleepy way "Is an an any body in t......here"
Sebastian still doesn't move, still fast asleep. his bent tail laying beside him while his horns are lightly bumping against the wall behind him. He wouldn't be having and good dreams or sleep for awhile after almost dying and then remember how his tail was bent and having to deal with a cute incumbus demon boy in his class, hopefully he wouldn't be in his class.
Seeing as he was fast sleep, Ryuu would feel bad about waking him. he resisted the random urge to touch his horns and thought of his options on what to do, because leaving him there wasn't one. after a minute of pondering, he gently picked Sebastian up, careful not to touch his tail as he walked into his room and set him on his bed. it was a bit awkward seeing someone else in it, but he shrugged and sat in an arm chair not but a few feet from the bed where he himself started drifting off from a long day.
Sebastian grunts a bit and shifts suddenly, his face contorted in pain which looked to be mental and emotional since blood ran from his shut eyes. He was remembering and reliving the moment his tail was broken and bent and he was outcasted.
Ryuu peeked at him from between a line of lashes when he grunted, a tinge of worry touching his sleepy features.
Before Ryuu realized it, he was sitting next to the bed, propping his back against the railing and letting his manipulation go. this would trade their emotions until Ryuu moves: allowing for Ryuu to take on the pain that was induced by Sebastian's state, and for Sebastian to take his ease and calmness.
Sebastian starts to calm a little and seems to be in the middle of pain and calm, not taking all the calm and ease but not giving him all pain either, his body balancing it out naturally.
Ryuu stood up, holding his head as he dealt with the manipulation. he knew the range of the influence could last as long as the room's exit, but it was exhausting to use it. his mind quickly fell into a half-asleep state as he walked around to the other side of the bed where his dressers were, sending him stumbling and falling onto the bed. his usual gray hue had left his eyes and was replaced by a glowing red as his minor instincts took over, causing him to turn on the bed and watch Sebastian sleep. his tail curled up to his own hands and tapped against the blanket lightly whilst he stared: mostly asleep, but awake enough to keep his manipulation undisturbed. however, Ryuu had no idea he was doing this as the half of him that was awake was mostly acting on instinct.
Asphyxiated said:
Ryuu stood up, holding his head as he dealt with the manipulation. he knew the range of the influence could last as long as the room's exit, but it was exhausting to use it. his mind quickly fell into a half-asleep state as he walked around to the other side of the bed where his dressers were, sending him stumbling and falling onto the bed. his usual gray hue had left his eyes and was replaced by a glowing red as his minor instincts took over, causing him to turn on the bed and watch Sebastian sleep. his tail curled up to his own hands and tapped against the blanket lightly whilst he stared: mostly asleep, but awake enough to keep his manipulation undisturbed. however, Ryuu had no idea he was doing this as the half of him that was awake was mostly acting on instinct.
Sebastian sleeping calmly however still twitches in pain slightly since his body is balancing the pain and calmness from Ryuu so he doesn't have all the pain. Sebastian's tail moves slightly as it takes his glasses off and puts them down on the dresser carefully before laying back down. Sebastian mumbles about it being cold before moving towards Ryuu, since he can senses his body heat and curls up against him. (Good night..)

Ryuu watched him move closer, making no effort to move away. he laid there for a few hours before finally knocking out, his tail still moving as he slept.

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