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Fantasy Night Dale Academy for the Supernatural *CLOSED*

Peachypants said:
"Come on, it'll be fine. Just for a little while, we'll be back before anyone suspects a thing. And besides, you're not alone" Rin said with the same kind smile on his lips. He tilted his head to his right as he glanced back at Lucy again.

Mai smiled a little towards the girl. "It's nice to meet you, Cozme. My name's Mai Akane" She said and swept into the room an dropped herself on one of the beds, the one that was empty and unoccupied. Her eyes darted back and forth to catch the view of the room. Within a few seconds after she had thrown herself on the bed, she was up again. She stood by the window and pulled away the curtain in a quick move. When she saw the view, she almost gasped a little. "Woah, it's really pretty from here!"
Cozme giggled lightly, "Yeah.. Its nice" She chuckled again. Proceeding to fling herself onto her own bed, staring up at the ceiling not knowing what else to say. Instead she sat up and began rearranging the pillows on her bed. Sighing to herself she stretched her arms above her head yawning widely.

@Peachypants ))
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Autumn makes her way back to her's and Lana's room, tired and ready to fall asleep. She makes her way in their room and waves to Lana before flopping on her bed.
Vallen tired from his journey to the school and the events of the day decides to sleep. As he drifts off he unknowingly summons a massive amount of smoke; his room apparently designed for this kept it all contained; he hoped his roommate doesn't mind.

((good night))
Lana nods in response. Sitting down at her desk, she turned the light on and started reading a book she put on the desk a few minutes ago. She'd wait a few more hours before going out.
@TheGodSnake[/URL] )
Isaac was considering the question when Isabel pulled him from their cover. "Be careful, that's a hunter, he's been trained to kill us and others like us, and That one does not like my brother and I." As Isaac finished speaking, they caught up to his brother and Isaac stopped running, letting go of Isabel's hand. "The hell are you doing here?" Nick asked accusingly. "What do you think? But that doesn't matter now, we gotta make sure your girlfriend doesn't get hurt. You thinking what I'm thinking?" Isaac asked, a fireball appearing in his hand. Nick was about to argue about Haru being his girlfriend, but knew it wasn't the time, "yeah, Let's do it. Maybe this time we'll scare him off." Together the two brothers focused their powers on the man, making it hot and cold simultaneously, making a cloud appear above him. They both twisted their hands at the same time and that cloud became a tornado, slowly growing around the hunter.

TheGodSnake said:
Isaac was considering the question when Isabel pulled him from their cover. "Be careful, that's a hunter, he's been trained to kill us and others like us, and That one does not like my brother and I." As Isaac finished speaking, they caught up to his brother and Isaac stopped running, letting go of Isabel's hand. "The hell are you doing here?" Nick asked accusingly. "What do you think? But that doesn't matter now, we gotta make sure your girlfriend doesn't get hurt. You thinking what I'm thinking?" Isaac asked, a fireball appearing in his hand. Nick was about to argue about Haru being his girlfriend, but knew it wasn't the time, "yeah, Let's do it. Maybe this time we'll scare him off." Together the two brothers focused their powers on the man, making it hot and cold simultaneously, making a cloud appear above him. They both twisted their hands at the same time and that cloud became a tornado, slowly growing around the hunter.
Haru still running from the hunter who growls in annoyance and fires his last shot while manages to catch Haru. Haru's eyes change and she gives a whine as she trips. More hunters appear from the crowd and bind her legs before escaping.
she thought for a minute "for now a sword" she knew she could eventually learn to control the shape but for now she would need the extra firepower for the dangers ahead. Karin had taken the extra time to go out to the forest she had nothing better to do anyway an no one was guarding the school anymore with Sabstian out for he count and healing. She left right away without a word to her twin and ran deep into the woods only to come out in the human town she went through to get to the school "now where can I find these hunters."
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"Fuck!" Nick curses as the hunters start to quickly disperse. "Isaac, I've got to follow them. Go back to the school and tell someone in charge about this." As he finished speaking, he became clear ice and was about to start to follow the hunters and Haru when the sac put a hand on his shoulder, "you sure about this? You could end up in the same boat." Nick nodded, "she's the first person I've started to feel comfortable around other than you since Mum was killed. When I follow them to their base, I'll call you, have a group ready." Witht that Nick left Isaac and Isabel behind, following the path the hunters took, the darkness of the trees making him disappear completely. He hoped Haru would see him but say nothing so she wouldn't be so freaked out.
Nick catches up to them as they throw Haru in the back of their van and climb in themselves, shutting the doors behind them. Nick uses some ice to help him silently get on the roof of the vehicle before it drives off and he attaches himself to the roof. Knowing he had to have some way of telling her he was there, he made the temperature in the van drop two degrees, almost completely imperceptible by humans, but hopefully her heightened senses would catch the change
TheGodSnake said:
Isaac was considering the question when Isabel pulled him from their cover. "Be careful, that's a hunter, he's been trained to kill us and others like us, and That one does not like my brother and I." As Isaac finished speaking, they caught up to his brother and Isaac stopped running, letting go of Isabel's hand. "The hell are you doing here?" Nick asked accusingly. "What do you think? But that doesn't matter now, we gotta make sure your girlfriend doesn't get hurt. You thinking what I'm thinking?" Isaac asked, a fireball appearing in his hand. Nick was about to argue about Haru being his girlfriend, but knew it wasn't the time, "yeah, Let's do it. Maybe this time we'll scare him off." Together the two brothers focused their powers on the man, making it hot and cold simultaneously, making a cloud appear above him. They both twisted their hands at the same time and that cloud became a tornado, slowly growing around the hunter.
Haru still running from the hunter who growls in annoyance and fires his last shot while manages to catch Haru. Haru's eyes change and she gives a whine as she trips. More hunters appear from the crowd and bind her legs before escaping.

Isabel starts to growl. Not sounding like a cat, more like a dragon.

Aroura said:
she thought for a minute "for now a sword" she knew she could eventually learn to control the shape but for now she would need the extra firepower for the dangers ahead. Karin had taken the extra time to go out to the forest she had nothing better to do anyway an no one was guarding the school anymore with Sabstian out for he count and healing. She left right away without a word to her twin and ran deep into the woods only to come out in the human town she went through to get to the school "now where can I find these hunters."
"Deal." Dark Isabel turns into a sword and floats over to Sabrina.
TheGodSnake said:
Nick catches up to them as they throw Haru in the back of their van and climb in themselves, shutting the doors behind them. Nick uses some ice to help him silently get on the roof of the vehicle before it drives off and he attaches himself to the roof. Knowing he had to have some way of telling her he was there, he made the temperature in the van drop two degrees, almost completely imperceptible by humans, but hopefully her heightened senses would catch the change
Haru's tail flickers, before yelping as one of the hunters slammed nearby here. "Knock that shit off Foxie!" he snarled while Haru bit her lip as she shook a bit, sensing the change briefly.
Sabrina grabbed the hilt achieving the technical contract as she giggled in glee the other would hard to find an they could now share a mental link an she had the ability to reform but for now this is perfect. She decided to show her twin the new sword she 'bought at the market' but when she went to her room she was not there "where could that girl be" she said to herself and then sat on her bed with a sigh.

Karin had seen an boy slide over the roof and decided to run after him one sliding step at a time when things got in the way she would jump over and slide under the carts being pushed full of fruit. She leaped on an stand then onto the roofing leaping from roof to roof making shure he didn't leave her sights.
Asphyxiated said:
Ryuu twisted so that he was laying down and sighed, tossing a hackysack up in the air from his bag.
A flat circle of light appeared above Ryuu's bed and dropped a figure from it, dispersing the moment he landed on Ryuu. Niore looked around frantically, paying no mind to sitting on him. "is she here?!" He asked, scanning the room for any sign of his sister. Thankfully, She wasn't there, and he let out a breath of relief. Niore twisted around into a more comfortable straddling position to look at the other male before greeting him, "ah~ hello Ryuu, long time no see!....eh? Why are you shirtless?" He had caught a glimpse of Ryuu's exposed chest while he spoke, and scratched his head with a bandaged hand. "you have such pale skin.."

Nana stomped into the schools main build, set out to find her brother. He had gone too far with his recent prank, and she was going to beat him for it. She grabbed the student handbook from her bag and read the map inside in search for the dorms. It wasn't rocket science to know where Niore would go: to visit an old friend.
Ryuu didn't have time to move before someone landed on his waist. "ack-" the breath was knocked out of him, and he looked up at the light-haired male with a flash of irritation. "what crap is- Niore?" he realized who it was when the guy adjusted into a sitting position to face him. "Long time no see..." Ryuu almost smiled until he followed Niore's gaze to his chest. In a quick reaction, he slipped a knee up between Niore's legs; kneeing him where the sun doesn't shine and pushing him onto the floor. he sat up afterwards and quickly wrapped himself into his blanket, hiding his torso and tail to prevent any chance Niore would have to mess with him.
Sebastian currently wandering the school with his horns and bent tail exposed, a little bit drunk but keeping it in quite well as he wanders, patrolling the halls right now. He sighs as his mind wanders to the day he lost trust in incumbus' since he had gotten hurt by one who he thought loved him but didn't. The incumbus was just using him to get to his brother, he sighed and leaned against a wall by Ryuu's room.
Niore froze and hit the floor, lightly tapping the ground with his fists in what was a mixture of pain and laughter. "You didn't have to take it that far" he managed to stifle these words as he rolled on the ground. After a minute or two, he sat up, folding his legs into a lotus position. Ryuu's unease with him at the moment was obvious and he sighed,"honestly, I don't see you in a year and this is how you react?"
"considering you pulled that stupid stunt the last time you saw me, yes." Ryuu peered down Niore, wondering why he came here instead of the office. he had heard he would be attending sometime this year, but now? "wait..are you hiding fro Nana? what did you do this time, blow up her car?"

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