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Fantasy Night Dale Academy for the Supernatural *CLOSED*

Rin glanced back at the two. Somewhere from some hidden parts inside of him, the tiny bit of jealousy crawled forward. He was unaware of it of course, but he had sensed some odd feeling in his gut. Subconsciously he clenched his fists and glared down at the two.
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Lucy starts to calm down and sniffles as she calms down. Sebastian smiles a tiny bit and ruffles her hair. "Feel better lil sis?" He asked as she nodded and the scars on her cheeks filled with blood and healed themselves.
Cozme wandered down a hall, not caring to think of where she should be; Her headphones blasting music at dangerous sound levels. Her boredom etched onto jer face as she waltzes on.
Ren wandering the school until she finds the music room, she smiles a bit and makes her way in and looks around.


Angelo sitting in a tree, cutting the skin off an apple while ruffling his wings.
Rin kept his eyes on them and noticed them separating. Even from where he stood he could see the marks under her eyes from the tears. The marks that were just as quickly fading. Rin sighed once again and sat down on the windowsill with his back against the window. He open the book that he so tightly held in his hand. As soon as he had opened the book to the first time he began reading it for the billionth time.
Walking until she wandered to a door, Go in? Or walk on? she wondered to herself.
Peachypants said:
Rin kept his eyes on them and noticed them separating. Even from where he stood he could see the marks under her eyes from the tears. The marks that were just as quickly fading. Rin sighed once again and sat down on the windowsill with his back against the window. He open the book that he so tightly held in his hand. As soon as he had opened the book to the first time he began reading it for the billionth time.
Lucy gives him a tiny smile before heading into the hedge maze to be alone and explore. Sebastian smiles a bit and shakes his head as he looks up to the window where Rin was watching and narrows his eyes, tilting his head before heading inside the school.
Rin turned towards the window again. He met the eyes of the teacher who now stood alone. The girl whom he didn't know the name of seemed to have run off. There was simply no sign of her. But Rin kept his eyes darting back and forth over the garden, just in case he were to see her somewhere.
Sebastian's eyes flickered a dark green before he turned away and headed into the school. Lucy wandering the hedge maze, looking around calmly as she lets her thoughts wander.
Light said:
Isabella takes a deep breath. "Alright I'm ready." Since he doesn't know the abilities she has she starts off her first running step with a stomp. Sending sound waves outward and having the ricochet around. Flanking him from both sides. He can't see the sound waves and they move extremely fast. Like normal sound waves. Isabel comes from the front with roots coming up from the ground because of her environmental magic enveloping her right arm. Spinning rapidly and becoming a root drill. A large root springs up from behind Kuro as well. Deity flame burned the ground under him, getting ready to erupt upward.
Kuro calmly takes out a notebook and scribbles something before putting it back it in it's place before creating a large barrier around him that spreads, pushing everything away from him.
Rin sighed once again and placed the book in his bag. As he stood up he headed towards his locker. He had this extreme silence while he walked, and since there was no other students nearby it all turned to some sort of tense mood in this particular hallway. His eyes was covered by his black hair as he walked but he still managed to make his way through the corridor.
Shrugging Cozme walked into the room, happening to be the music room. Ignoring the thought that someone might be in the room, she wanders through the room; Examining the area.
Cozme slips her headphones down around her neck, listening to the soft music.
Without him really knowing it, Rin was already standing outside on the grass lawn with his bag somewhere far behind him. At the moment, there was only a pair of people outside, the same teacher and student that were practicing their skills. Rin sighed yet again and leaned on a hedge. But before he closed his eyes he could see a silhouette brushing through the maze then disappearing. The curiousity took over his body and he entered the maze. The only problem about it was the fact that he was terrible with these sorts of things. This caused him to, for the billionth time in his life, get lost somewhere between the high walls of hedges.
Isabel slams the drill into the shield stopping it's further progression. She jumps back as she does. She summons demon Carnificis and he swings at her with the flat of his blade while he's still . She springs off that blade using his swinging strength and the deity flames shooting out her shoes. Her hair turns white and her eyes turn red as Dark Isabel decides to pilot the fight. She lands with great speed and zips around Kuro. She finally goes at him with great speed and raw mana enveloping her fist. Using raw mana instead of converting it to magic was one of dark Isabels tricks.
Kuro smiled "Impressive. Very impressive." He says as he watches Isbella use the raw mana "However, you still have much to learn." The cards fly right to him and become a shield, creating a large explosion when it is hit by Isabella.
Lucy sitting under the gazebo, sketching silently as the maze starts to shift on its own.


Ren playing the piano while humming softly, eyes closed as she plays.
Isabel tumbles back from the explosion. A spear of deity flame grows in her hand as she throws it. It splits into pieces, making orbs of deity flame fire down on him. Large roots grow from the ground and try to pierce him from behind. She whistles and makes it a thin razor beam of sound magic. Traveling towards him.
Cozme leaned on the piano lightly, nodding her head to Ren's music.
The barrier surrounds Kuro again, this time significantly stronger and pushes away the flames, roots, and the sound magic projectile and spreads at an faster rate than before while he takes notes.
Isabel's hair stays white but her eyes changes to purple. Her mana becomes erratic and gives off a heavy feeling as if it were a person itself. Isabel has changed into her witch form and her mana has changed into witch mana. Her witch mana feast on different types of magic and mana. She touches the ground and a large worm springs out the ground under him and eats the sheild. It passes right through him like a ghost though. She raises her hand and the worm gets sucked into it.
Jorah watches as the people fight from a window " Mr FluffyPants do you think they even have swords, you know I bet I could help easily." Jorah stands and walks out and watches them fight. He takes a seat in the grass and pulls down his hood revealing his beast like face, he yawns and says," Mr FluffyPants and I were wondering, why don't you use physical weapons, they kill the opponent much faster."


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