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Fantasy Night Dale Academy for the Supernatural *CLOSED*

"Whom told you that? It's wrong to accuse others of things just because of rumors." Grimm shrugs.
"I was sure you would. Now why don't I exit my deity form before I end up killing your students from first glance." Grimm may seem like he's joking but he says it seriously.
"If I didn't like kids I would stay in this form and the instant they would look at me my form would kill them. If I didn't like kids I wouldn't be here. If I didn't like kids I would be killing each and every student, teacher, and destroying the building. I would also kill you for building a place to assist them." Grimm exits his deity form. "Now any other accusations we must clear up?"
A knock, forceful but polite, sounds at the door, Layla's voice following it, cold as steel. "May I come in?"
Tien looked to the elemental. "I don't suppose you can help me" Tien asked with puppy dog eyes; Slightly decayed and zombified puppy dog eyes.
(Yeah. Some of the posts kinda bury the other posts.)

Sulking, the one-armed zombie boy hopped through the dungeon. "I didn't even get a broom... What am I supposed to clean with?"
"Why if it isn't Layla!" Grimm completely exits his deity form and shows his human looking self.
Entering, Layla raises a brow to Grimm, then smiles, though it's less of smile and more of a twitch to the corner of her lips. "Grimm. It's been a long time," She reaches out her hand to shake his.
Grimm shakes her hand. Nodding his head. "I know it has been. So how's my little girl?" He was talking about Isabel.
"Alive, which is more than we can ask for. Pure luck on her part, seeing as how many hunters we've had to deal with for her." Layla then looks to Elizabeth, nodding her head to the vampire. "Also, I have a matter I'd like to discuss, if that's fine. Grimm, you can stay if you'd like, but it probably won't interest you much."
"Yes well shes a rare breed of hybrid. Every hunter wants to claim the kill. I guess I can stay, better than doing nothing." Grimm shrugs and walks away. Giving them space.
Layla looks to Elizabeth, her gaze piercing. "It pertains to one of the students here. She's recorded on file as Simi, but she is known by her people as Vel'tira. She is, for lack of a better way to put it, imprisoned here, so that I may keep watch over her and that she might be rehabilitated to behave in a more... civilized way. I wanted you to know of that, and I'd like if the other teachers knew to watch her, as she is very dangerous individual when left to her own devices."
Elizabeth completely unbothered by her gaze. "I will notify the rest of my staff. Is there anything else I should know?" She said while raising a thin brow at her.

CelticSol said:
Layla looks to Elizabeth, her gaze piercing. "It pertains to one of the students here. She's recorded on file as Simi, but she is known by her people as Vel'tira. She is, for lack of a better way to put it, imprisoned here, so that I may keep watch over her and that she might be rehabilitated to behave in a more... civilized way. I wanted you to know of that, and I'd like if the other teachers knew to watch her, as she is very dangerous individual when left to her own devices."
Grimm summons a pocket knife and starts to jab the knife inbetween his hand since he's board. Occasionally stabbing himself in the hand and mumbling things about there being no point in the game unless you get stabbed. His hand heals when he pulls the knife out.
"Her diet is... problematic. If she is not fed, she will become violent and will attack the other students." Layla cringes in disgust a little bit. "She needs to eat a live human at most every two days. If that is not possible, I will make arrangements myself, however, seeing as the diets of many students should be along similar lines..." Layla trails off, then shrugs.
"You sure I can't have her?" Grimm holds an enlarged pencil sharpener and starts shoving a rat in it. Tail first so it can experience the pain slowly.
Layla snatches the rat from Grimm's hand, sneering. "If you're going to be sick minded, do it on your own time. And if you'd like to know how much fun Simi would be, ask your sister. I'm sure Timor would be more than pleased to tell you the details."
"Aaaww poo. I wonder why everyone brings up my sister." The pencil sharpener disappears. "Why don't I just watch her instead. She seems to be... extremely close to the little princess. Physically."
Layla narrows her eyes at the comment, but says nothing. "It would be helpful, yes... Don't lay a hand on her, though, Grimm. I wouldn't wish your treatment on anyone, not even her."
Grimm sighs. He closes his eyes knowing once she says no its final. He'd rather not engage in battle with the dragon. "Fine... I will not harm the girl but I will watch her. Though... what if she were to attack another student or Isabel."
Layla pauses a moment. "If it is a mutual duel, allow it. However, if she takes a bite out of a student or tries to, tell her that you will use force if she doesn't stop. And if she doesn't, make her."

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