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Fantasy Night Dale Academy for the Supernatural *CLOSED*

[QUOTE="Soul OMU]Lucy sighs softly. "My stupid theory... Was that maybe... You were Lucius and Lucifer reincarnated but as I said it's stupid because your you're own person."

Rin blinked a few times. "I don't know about that, I mean I'm no god. But I'm glad you think that way, as far as I know they were pretty good people, right? Also, your theories aren't dumb." He smiled a little as he spoke.
[QUOTE="Soul OMU]Lucy sighs softly and closes her eyes. "I'm sorry, it was really stupid, just pretend I didn't say anything."

"No, no. It's not stupid, I really like it." Rin said with a smile and leaned on a tree right next to him, crossing his arms over his chest.
[QUOTE="Soul OMU]Lucy shakes her head. "Still it's not far for you... Just ignore it, forget it..." She mumbled while looking down.

"Hey, I said it's okay, didn't I?" Rin said, once again pulling up his hand to tilt her head up to face him but stopping as he remembered that he would probably end up hurt.
Tyler was wondering around, bored in a forest somewhere. he didn't even know why he was there, probably to get away from people. he sighed to himself, sitting down on a large rock at seat hight, hiding his wings even though there was probably noone around to see them. he made a small flame in his hand and absorbed it again. he looked around, wondering where he was. oh crap, i'm lost... he thought to himself, trying not to panic. he wondered what to do.
[QUOTE="Soul OMU]Lucy says nothing before freezing and sniffing. "...I smell something..."

"Wait, what?" Rin said and looked around himself, the forest was empty. At least from where he could see. "Lucy, there's nothing there"
Tyler started wondering if he should climb a tree to see where he was, almost totally forgetting he could fly. he kept sat on his rock, because he decided it was a stupid idea. he was probably far from any landmarks, he had been in the forest for a while, wondering around and thinking. I'm going insane already, i could've sworn i heard a voice... he thought to himself, looking around again. noone was in view.
Taykillz said:
Tyler started wondering if he should climb a tree to see where he was, almost totally forgetting he could fly. he kept sat on his rock, because he decided it was a stupid idea. he was probably far from any landmarks, he had been in the forest for a while, wondering around and thinking. I'm going insane already, i could've sworn i heard a voice... he thought to himself, looking around again. noone was in view.
Lucy looks around. "This way..." She said as she headed towards the smell.
Tyler sighed, shaking his head. You're just going insane he thought to himself, as he stood up, still a bit paranoid, being as he was in a forest. there could be anything here for all he knows.
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Tyler sat back down on the rock, wondering wether the voice he heard wasn't his mind playing tricks on him. He decided it was best for him to stay where he was, the speaker could be aggressive, and all he heard was a slight murmur of a voice, almost silent.
(Sorry for the late response, I had some last minute paperwork to do)

"O-oh... um... hi" Tien turned to Cosme, waving weakly at her. "Um... you don't happen to h-have a broom would you?" he asked nervously.
(sorry everyone my computer seemed to not want to access the site for some time)

Sabrina had woke up to the infirmary the last thing she remembers was being carried off with her sister by an staff member then everything became black and soundless a pit of nothing. She then realized her sister se fell that unnatural sleep again as the thought soon left her mind she looked over to the same sleeping girl and fear struck her heart as she scrambled out of bed to go to her sister as she thought 'what id she doesn't wake up this time' and shook her body and whispered to her "come on don do this again you know what could happen" she did not tear up this time but her heart rate rose causing the machine she was hooked on to beep rapidly.
(@Light )

"First of all, Charonte don't need to breathe so you technically can't suffocate them, second of all, that's disgusting, third-" She smacks the side of his head. "When I say cleanly, I mean they are unconscious or dead within five seconds. And-" She cuts him off before he can speak. "That does not mean you are allowed to freeze time."
Grimm smiles and closes his eyes. "You know me so well." He stands up and pokes her in the nose. "It's as if you could smell my personality."
Layla scoffs, crossing her arms and raising her brow. "Know you well? Please. It would take an idiot not to see that coming. You're so unpredictable that it's predictable." She looks over to Elizabeth. "That will be all. If the situation changes, you will be the first to know."

Looking over to Grimm, she smirks a bit. "Are you coming with me, or are you going to stand there like a lost pup?"
Grimm sighs and summons a scythe and positions it to rest on his shoulder. He walks after her. When he stands beside her and looks over he scoffs.
As she walks out of the office and out into the hall, she looks over to Grimm when he scoffs and scowls. "Something you'd like to say, Grimm?"
Grimm looks over and mocks a bow. "I'd like to say you look rather dazzling today Layla. Tell me, what do you use for your hair?"
Layla pats her hair, then speaks so dramatically it's dripping with sarcasm, "Oh, I'm ever so glad you asked! I only use the salon quality items, and for extra softness, I use the blood of those who oppose me."
"I've tried to use my victims blood. It's pretty hard when theres nothing left. I suspected you were using that." Grimm swings the scythe around. "I wonder if a sarcastic dragons blood will make good conditioner." He flashes a mischievous grin.
She smirks. "I seriously doubt it. After all, you'd have to be able to get it first." She looks to Grimm, daring him to challenge her.
Tyler sighed, these people could be his only way out. "hello?" he asked in the direction he had heard someone talking. He started walking in that direction. Suddenly he tripped on a rock on the floor, hitting some undergrowth. "ouch..." he mumbled to himself, getting up.

(cough cough. @Soul OMU )
"You can't take a joke can you?" The scythe disappears from his hands as he walks away. "You coming?"

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