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Fantasy Night Dale Academy for the Supernatural *CLOSED*

Light said:
Grimm shakes his head. "No. I'm not angry." He leans over and kisses her cheek. "I just don't know what to say."
Layla stops walking, keeping her grip on his hand so he has to stop, too. Her brows are furrowed ever so slightly, and she puts a finger to his lips. "I don't want you to think you have to say anything. I'm not waiting for a response of any kind, Grimm, so don't feel like you must say something. If you do decide to say something, I will be happy to listen." Her expression softens. "But until then, don't worry about it."
Light said:
"Are you sure?" Grimm puts a hand on her cheek. He gives her the look and stares into her eyes.
She leans her head into his hand, her eyes closing."I wouldn't have said it if I didn't mean it." The hand she had on his face moves to cradle the hand on her cheek, her fingers wrapping gently around it.
"If you insist." Grimm totally ruins the romantic moment by putting his other hands on the spot he had always tried to touch. Grimm has reached the moon. "You know. I really like this." Before Layla could say something or remove his hand from the promise land. He leans in and kisses her gently. Not fully though, just to tease her and take her mind off the other things.

( @CelticSol )
Light said:
"If you insist." Grimm totally ruins the romantic moment by putting his other hands on the spot he had always tried to touch. Grimm has reached the moon. "You know. I really like this." Before Layla could say something or remove his hand from the promise land. He leans in and kisses her gently. Not fully though, just to tease her and take her mind off the other things.
( @CelticSol )
She's not very distracted by it, and even though she kisses him back, her free hand moves his hand away from her. When she leans away, her eyes are half-lidded, a lazy smile curling her lips. "You know, I think you might have lost your hand, Grimm."
"No, I'm pretty sure I haven't." He wraps both hands around her and has her lean back as if they were dancing. He started kissing her. This time with a tad of passion and desire.

( @CelticSol )
Light said:
"No, I'm pretty sure I haven't." He wraps both hands around her and has her lean back as if they were dancing. He started kissing her. This time with a tad of passion and desire.
( @CelticSol )
She follows along for a while, enjoying the moment, before she pushes him off her gently. "Grimm, we are in the middle of a school lobby." She flicks the underside of his chin with a grin. "Time and place for everything."
TheGodSnake said:
Kyle laughed, smiling, "you okay?" Before his face screwed up in pain and his hair turned black, signaling The vampire Kyle losing control, "ugh, sorry about him, he's a bit cocky, but seriously, you okay?"
Isaac nodded in understanding, "I know that, I heard Layla tell you, what does that have to do with anything?"


Kyle laughed, smiling, "you okay?" Before his face screwed up in pain and his hair turned black, signaling The vampire Kyle losing control, "ugh, sorry about him, he's a bit cocky, but seriously, you okay?"

Isaac nodded in understanding, "I know that, I heard Layla tell you, what does that have to do with anything?"
Krystal's eyes widened,"Your hair...it changed? But...I'll ask later, we need to get Iris to the vet-I mean doctor's first." She started to spin around in panic and confusion until she got dizzy and fell.
Light said:
Grimm lifts her up. "Yes yes. Time and place for everything." Grimm smirks. "Does that mean you're asking me to take us elsewhere?"
( @CelticSol )
She raises a brow at him when she lifts her. At his question, she looks away, though her lips are curving into a smile. "I might be," She says coyly.
OriginalCookie said:
Krystal's eyes widened,"Your hair...it changed? But...I'll ask later, we need to get Iris to the vet-I mean doctor's first." She started to spin around in panic and confusion until she got dizzy and fell.
Kyle nodded, chuckling a bit as she fell, "Let's go, I'll watch my speed this time," he jogged toward the infirmary,
TheGodSnake said:
Kyle nodded, chuckling a bit as she fell, "Let's go, I'll watch my speed this time," he jogged toward the infirmary,
Krystal playfully glared at Kyle as she got up. She jogged right behind him as she followed him to the infirmary.

She would stop from time to time to sniff at something or bark at the passing squirrel. "I'm sorry," she told Kyle.
Memories drifted around Iris' mind, like aimless clouds moving here and there. He noticed them more than the real world around him, more than the dull bumps of Kyle carrying his limp body. He barely passed as conscious. One thought stood out from the rest. A memory...

His scar...


The beast was impossibly tall. It defied its own gravity. It was a monster, an abomination not of this earth. Not of this reality. It was an asylum seeker from another plane of existence, seeking hospitality and comfort provided only by its own trail of destruction.

Tendrils of Eldritch matter curled and wrapped around its form, writhing and squirming and pulsating, black fluid oozing from the beast's golf ball-sized pores. The tail was a vertebraic amalgam of bone and sinew, with scraps of ancient, rotting flesh and skin hanging off of it in small patches, terminating in an eroded blade of bone matter, as long as a whale. Six insect-like legs reached to the ground and ended in strange hooves. The loose skin was lazily wrapped around the limbs that caused thunder with the slightest tap on the ground. The monster's face was too horrific to put into words. Skeletal, but in no way similar to anything a man could conceive, with thin hide clamped taut around it. The muscles, provided it ever had any, had wasted away eons ago, and yet the beast still moved with petrifying grace. Elegance, even.

Strange lumps under its skin wriggled and moved, and sometimes one would burst without blood, releasing a creature the size of a lion onto the world.

Iris lay in the sand, once dirt, now decayed by the monster, the behemoth's hellish footsteps. His body had been ripped open. Golden-red blood was leaking everywhere. He was backstroking in a lake of his own fluids. The grey-skinned beasts of leonine size were circling Iris, snapping their mandibles at him whenever he attempted to shift even a finger.

One clamped its mouth around his leg. Iris didn't scream. His pain was so great he couldn't afford to waste the vocal energy. The creature tugged at his gaping mess of a body, before another one flicked its tail through the first one's neck. The first one's body slumped, while its now-severed head pumped clear fluid out of its stump of a neck, still hanging on to Iris' leg. The sky was grey, the beasts were grey, the sand was grey, everything was grey and bleak.

Iris was close to accepting his fate. Actually, he didn't care when the beasts got distracted. He didn't care when they screamed unholy screams when his nephilim brethren mowed them down in a matter of minutes. He did not give a single shit when he was lifted onto the stretcher and taken into the aircraft. Iris didn't want to die, but he didn't really care for living either. He just wanted some goddamn peace.


"I'm sorry, son," the doctor said as Iris stared at his cane, misty-eyed, "you're going to need this for the rest of your days. I have to warn you. Do not, I repeat, do NOT try and walk without it. It's too big a risk. If you ever cough blood, go to a doctor immediately. This is extremely important. You hear that? IMMEDIATELY."

"Yes," Iris choked. The cane... A polished obsidian ball on top of an iron pedestal, on top of a wooden rod as long as his leg. It'd be his companion until he died. That could be hundreds of years.

Iris stared down at the stitches in his torso. A huge gash from his collarbone to his opposite hip. He put his clothes on with a newfound difficulty, and lay in his hospital bed.

Iris wept.


Tears streamed from Iris' eyes as he came back to reality slightly. He could sense that his eyes were not diffusing colours at their usual rate. He could sense that they were at a consistent grey. He took a shaky breath.

"Don't..." He groaned, "don't let me remember... Don't let me remember it..." Iris looked at Krystal, the wolf with green eyes, and Kyle, the guy with the black hair. With watery eyes, he smiled.
ThatsAPaddling said:
Memories drifted around Iris' mind, like aimless clouds moving here and there. He noticed them more than the real world around him, more than the dull bumps of Kyle carrying his limp body. He barely passed as conscious. One thought stood out from the rest. A memory...
His scar...


The beast was impossibly tall. It defied its own gravity. It was a monster, an abomination not of this earth. Not of this reality. It was an asylum seeker from another plane of existence, seeking hospitality and comfort provided only by its own trail of destruction.

Tendrils of Eldritch matter curled and wrapped around its form, writhing and squirming and pulsating, black fluid oozing from the beast's golf ball-sized pores. The tail was a vertebraic amalgam of bone and sinew, with scraps of ancient, rotting flesh and skin hanging off of it in small patches, terminating in an eroded blade of bone matter, as long as a whale. Six insect-like legs reached to the ground and ended in strange hooves. The loose skin was lazily wrapped around the limbs that caused thunder with the slightest tap on the ground. The monster's face was too horrific to put into words. Skeletal, but in no way similar to anything a man could conceive, with thin hide clamped taut around it. The muscles, provided it ever had any, had wasted away eons ago, and yet the beast still moved with petrifying grace. Elegance, even.

Strange lumps under its skin wriggled and moved, and sometimes one would burst without blood, releasing a creature the size of a lion onto the world.

Iris lay in the sand, once dirt, now decayed by the monster, the behemoth's hellish footsteps. His body had been ripped open. Golden-red blood was leaking everywhere. He was backstroking in a lake of his own fluids. The grey-skinned beasts of leonine size were circling Iris, snapping their mandibles at him whenever he attempted to shift even a finger.

One clamped its mouth around his leg. Iris didn't scream. His pain was so great he couldn't afford to waste the vocal energy. The creature tugged at his gaping mess of a body, before another one flicked its tail through the first one's neck. The first one's body slumped, while its now-severed head pumped clear fluid out of its stump of a neck, still hanging on to Iris' leg. The sky was grey, the beasts were grey, the sand was grey, everything was grey and bleak.

Iris was close to accepting his fate. Actually, he didn't care when the beasts got distracted. He didn't care when they screamed unholy screams when his nephilim brethren mowed them down in a matter of minutes. He did not give a single shit when he was lifted onto the stretcher and taken into the aircraft. Iris didn't want to die, but he didn't really care for living either. He just wanted some goddamn peace.


"I'm sorry, son," the doctor said as Iris stared at his cane, misty-eyed, "you're going to need this for the rest of your days. I have to warn you. Do not, I repeat, do NOT try and walk without it. It's too big a risk. If you ever cough blood, go to a doctor immediately. This is extremely important. You hear that? IMMEDIATELY."

"Yes," Iris choked. The cane... A polished obsidian ball on top of an iron pedestal, on top of a wooden rod as long as his leg. It'd be his companion until he died. That could be hundreds of years.

Iris stared down at the stitches in his torso. A huge gash from his collarbone to his opposite hip. He put his clothes on with a newfound difficulty, and lay in his hospital bed.

Iris wept.


Tears streamed from Iris' eyes as he came back to reality slightly. He could sense that his eyes were not diffusing colours at their usual rate. He could sense that they were at a consistent grey. He took a shaky breath.

"Don't..." He groaned, "don't let me remember... Don't let me remember it..." Iris looked at Krystal, the wolf with green eyes, and Kyle, the guy with the black hair. With watery eyes, he smiled.
Krystal heard Iris's words loud and clear,"Don't remember what?!"

Tears threatened to spill from her eyes,"I forbid you from dying! If you die in Kyle's arms or even in the infirmary, I swear that you'll remember my anger. I'll have to blame you for the destruction of...of...that tree over there!"

Krystal quickly ran towards the tree and scratched it a few times before she returned. "It's quivering in fear, now! I am a powerful alpha, hear my howl," she said as she howled like a pup.

Krystal looked up at Kyle and Iris,"I should be feared by many, no?"
A man and a bunch of hunters stand outside the school borders. "Soon... they'll be ours for the taking."
Layla woke up with a jerk, her breath rushing into her lungs through her locked teeth. She sits up in her bed, looking around frantically and trying to see her surroundings as what they truly were, despite her disorientation. When her eyes finally land on Grimm, sleeping beside her, she takes in a deep, shuddering sigh and looks away. Just a dream, then.

( @Light )
Light said:
Grimm stays asleep. Unaware of Layla's dream.
( @CelticSol )
Her feet dangling off the edge of the bed, she sweeps her hair out of her face, then she looks to Grimm again. She crawls over to him, running her hands through his hair and across his cheek. She whispers softly to him, "Grimm, wake up."
Light said:
Grimm wakes up and looks up. "Oh.... poo." Grimm rolls his eyes and pokes Layla's cheek. "By the way Isabel had another bad one."
( @CelticSol )
She sighs, sounding weary and troubled. Her eyes are tired, and dark bags under her eyes betray her exhaustion and any bit of effort she puts into trying to hide it. She grabs his hand and holds it in both of her's, her eyes closed. "It's always bad. At least no one died."
CelticSol said:
She sighs, sounding weary and troubled. Her eyes are tired, and dark bags under her eyes betray her exhaustion and any bit of effort she puts into trying to hide it. She grabs his hand and holds it in both of her's, her eyes closed. "It's always bad. At least no one died."
"I remember the last time you found her not breathing and struggling in bed, she claimed... he who shall not be named was choking her. My sister must want to kill me now." Grimm wraps his arms around Layla and pulls her down to him. He holds her closely and kisses her.
Light said:
"I remember the last time you found her not breathing and struggling in bed, she claimed... he who shall not be named was choking her. My sister must want to kill me now." Grimm wraps his arms around Layla and pulls her down to him. He holds her closely and kisses her.
Layla allows it, wrapping her arms around him and burying her head into his chest. "Abyssum can go fuck herself for all I care," She uses the rarely used expletive harshly. "She knew she was playing a dangerous game taking my granddaughter as a host, and now she has to deal with the consequences."

Her grip on him tightens, and when she speaks, her voice is quiet and strained. "I dreamt of him. Again."
CelticSol said:
Layla allows it, wrapping her arms around him and burying her head into his chest. "Abyssum can go fuck herself for all I care," She uses the rarely used expletive harshly. "She knew she was playing a dangerous game taking my granddaughter as a host, and now she has to deal with the consequences."
Her grip on him tightens, and when she speaks, her voice is quiet and strained. "I dreamt of him. Again."
Grimm holds Layla tightly. "He's not here anymore."

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