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Fantasy Night Dale Academy for the Supernatural *CLOSED*

Karin took the moment to escape to the courtyard she changed her shoes into skates and zoomed at the courtyard and sliced one wolf after another making shure the annoying students were safe and escaped "oh how bothersome" she said to herself before she skated to another location. Sabrina on the other hand was still in her room listening to music for she forgot what she was doing.
Aroura said:
Karin took the moment to escape to the courtyard she changed her shoes into skates and zoomed at the courtyard and sliced one wolf after another making shure the annoying students were safe and escaped "oh how bothersome" she said to herself before she skated to another location. Sabrina on the other hand was still in her room listening to music for she forgot what she was doing.
The blade cuts up their physical bodies and they switch to witch mana bodies. They start to absorb her mana.
Krystal wished she could turn back into her human form so she wouldn't have to look up at him. She sat down and tilted her head to the left a little. "Really?"

Her curiosity started to bubble up and questions started to roam her mind. She did her best to ignore them but her curiosity gets the best of her at times. "Why does that happen? Does your eye color change often? If it does, what colors? W-" she stopped herself.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to bombard you with questions," she tried to apologize but she gave up and laid down on the floor. She quickly covered her face with her two front paws.
Light said:
Witch Isabella gets knocked over by the wind. She staggers getting up and bubbles in witch mana. The snake hisses at Elijah and lunges
Julie seems to dodge every attack from the wolves. Knowing their every move. She phases through a the ground and rises from behind a wolf. Whem she touches it she absorbs it. "Flames should work."

( @CelticSol )
Elijah wields both his shield and his katana, "I'll make you pay," he uses his extreme speed and cuts the snake right down the middle.

Isaac nods and calls the little flame to him, it fights to escape Bella but eventually does it as she gets nicked over from Elijah, and it speeds off to him, Isaac then uses it to set a wolf on fire.
They mustn't have heard him. Iris knocked on the door again. Looking through the window, he noticed that one of the people's eyes were red. Then he shook his head. There were more important matters, such as how one of the beings there seemed to be a talking wolf, of all things.
Krystal ears twitched and she looked towards the door and saw someone. She slowly got up and made her way towards them. She looked at the door and realized that she couldn't open it.

"I don't think the door is locked so you can let yourself in," she barked. She walked back to Kyle and sat down.
TheGodSnake said:
Elijah wields both his shield and his katana, "I'll make you pay," he uses his extreme speed and cuts the snake right down the middle.
Isaac nods and calls the little flame to him, it fights to escape Bella but eventually does it as she gets nicked over from Elijah, and it speeds off to him, Isaac then uses it to set a wolf on fire.
The snake dissapears since it was hit by a non magic item in its non physical form. With the flame and snake gone the hallucination fades and Witch Isabella slowly gains control of herself.

The wolves howl and form up into one dragon,
Karin winced as her mana was absorbed it wasn't enough to total her for good but it would eventually take its toal on her she didn't have the power to transfuse the mana only her sister could do that. She attacked once more hoping this time they would stay destroyed as she cut them down one by one straight faced
Iris fumbled with the handle and opened the door. Hobbling in, he waved a salutation to the people inside, and coughed. "H-hey," he said chipperly, "how are we all?" He could hear an amalgam of animal calls from somewhere. He could pick up a dragonesque roar and a couple of wolf howls here and there. Christ, this school really had a thing for wolves...
Krystal looked at the person and smiled. "I'm doing fine but I had my hopes crushed not so long ago," Krystal said softly. She got up and chased her tail a bit.

"You don't have a toothpick on you, do you," Krystal asked the person all of a sudden. She stopped spinning and tried to walk but failed miserably. She swayed here and there while trying to keep her balance.

She eventually fell down and stayed down until the dizziness wore off. Krystal got up and shook herself. "About that toothpick...."
"Toothpick?" Iris asked, "I don't see any reason for me to carry a toothpick." The wolf was intriguing. Iris was starting to develop a desire to experiment on her. Find out how the vocal chords and lips were so wolf-like but so adept at speaking. A dissection wouldn't go amiss...

Iris started to stare at a mirror on one of the shelves. He smiled. He grinned. He grinned wide. The colour diffusion in his eyes sped up. Blue. Green. Violet. Burgundy. Grey. Red, gold, teal, orange, peach...
"We'll, I like to chew on-" she abruptly stopped when she saw a weird look the stranger's eyes and watched as his eyes changed colors. She gulped and ran around in circles.

She got on her hind legs and held out both of her front paws up, "Look, you're creeping me out with those cool eyes of yours."

Krystal smiled when she saw her paws turn into hands. She down at herself and cheered,"Yay! Back to normal." Krystal mentally slapped herself for not being able to control her transformations. She looked around at her surroundings, "everything looks different in this perspective."
Snap out of it.


Stop, seriously.

Vocal chords...

She's not even a wolf any more!

Wait, what?

Iris looked away from the mirror to see a girl about his age standing before him. She was rather attractive. He could swear her eyes changed colour. The school had a thing about eyes too... Wolves and eyes...

"Uh..." Iris said, "How did you do that? Is it something in your genes? Magic? I'd very much like to know how you did that. We should talk about it over a cup of coffee. You should, I hate coffee. Is there any tea in here? I need tea. British accent, tea, yes, I've heard it all before." He realised he was rambling to himself at this point. He whirled around, pointing a finger right at the girl's face. "You! Girl, there! Yes, the one with the wolf-ey transform-ey thing that's making me talk all fast and weird! Stop that, by the way, it's annoying. Girl! Can you make tea?"
Krystal giggled," wolf-ey transform-ey thing? Really?"

She smiled and shook her head, her brown hair swaying along. "This girl has a name and a rather awesome name," she said jokingly.

She held her hand out,"My name is Krystal. It's like crystal but with a 'K'. And don't blame me. It's not my fault." Krystal stopped talking and wondered.

Could she make tea?

Yes, her mom taught her.

Does she remember how to?

Sort of.

Krystal shrugged, "Guess I can make tea and to answer your question, I don't know how it happens but I know why. Why do you ask anyway?"

She curiously looked at guy, more specifically at his cane. She quickly darted her eyes away and focused on the stranger's face. She bounced slightly when she registered the fact that she didn't know his name. "What's your name?"
"Ugh, so many questions. One at a time ladies, you'll get your turn. Heheheh..." Iris sighed. "Hello, Krystal. My name is Iris Isaac Lloyd. You may call me Iris, because apparently we work on a first-name basis. Fine by me. I ask because your phasing to and from the form of a wolf is quite fascinating. Like an extreme metamorphosis. Now, I must ask, what are you? I've happened upon demons, angels, vampires, werewolves, the lot. I, personally, am a nephilim. Put simply, I'm God's grandson. Don't push me over. Do not push me over, Krystal. Ugh, I'm doing it again." Iris took a couple of breaths. "Okay, I'm fine, I'm good. Should I put my shirt on? Am I making you uncomfortable? You'd tell me if I was, wouldn't you?"
"You're quite talkative, aren't you? Or am I just talkative and which is making you talkative," Krystal quickly said. "Wait, what? Forget it. Anyway, I'm your normal, everyday werewolf."

A shade of rosé pink appeared on Krystal's face but it quickly went as it came. "It's fine. And I guess that I would. You don't mind me asking more questions, do you?"

Krystal sat down on the ground and groaned,"I have been cursed with extreme curiosity which actives whenever I see or hear, or even smell, anything that interests me." She buries her face into her hands and sighs. She slightly moved a finger so, she could see and looked at Iris. "It's a burden at times. So, do you mind if I bombard you with questions?"
"You're quite talkative, aren't you? Or am I just talkative and which is making you talkative," Krystal quickly said. "Wait, what? Forget it. Anyway, I'm your normal, everyday werewolf."

A shade of rosé pink appeared on Krystal's face but it quickly went as it came. "It's fine. And I guess that I would. You don't mind me asking more questions, do you?"

Krystal sat down on the ground and groaned,"I have been cursed with extreme curiosity which actives whenever I see or hear, or even smell, anything that interests me." She buries her face into her hands and sighs. She slightly moved a finger so, she could see and looked at Iris. "It's a burden at times. So, do you mind if I bombard you with questions?"
Krystal smiled and, at incredible speed, jumped up from the floor and was right in front of Iris. She gently poked his chest. "I don't know but most importantly, how did you get that scar?"

She backed up and patiently waited for an answer.
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Iris winced. "I wouldn't touch it at all, if I were you," he said. "Ever laid eyes on a behemoth? I hope not. Horrible creature, hundreds of feet tall, six legs like skyscrapers. Mouth like a cavern, tail as long as a river. But, most importantly, it's covered in parasites. Unearthly beasts, only way you could compare it to anything is to say it's about the size of a lion. The bastards swarmed me, ripped me open. I had to have a five-hour operation by professional magic surgeons to repair half of my organs. I prefer not to dwell on it. The doctor said I'd need the cane for the rest of my life, which, due to my grandad being, well... You know... So yeah, that's gonna be a while." Iris sighed, looked up at Krystal. He cracked a smile, and held out his hand. "Fancy lunch?" He asked.
Krystal eyes widened in amazement. "Woah."

She looked at Iris's hand and slightly bit her bottom lip. She took in a deep death and slowly put her hand in his. Krystal looked at up Iris and smiled, "yes but, I must warn you. I can't control my transformations so, I might turn into a wolf at any time....."

She awkwardly chuckled and looked down at the ground, flustered that she had to worry. She pushed the thought to the back of her mind and forced a smile.

Krystal was a bit nervous about holding a guy's hand since the only male she ever held hands with was her father. When she was back in her hometown, girls her age would be holding hands with a guy on a daily basis while she would walk around with her sketchbook and headphones.

She looked back at Iris. "Are you going to put your shirt back on or are you going to walk around like that," she timidly asked him.
Iris looked at Krystal. He'd nearly forgotten his shirtlessness while delving into his past. "Uh..." He murmured, "whatever you want, Krystal. Wait, shit, that came out wrong... Oh, God..."
Krystal laughed. "Just put your shirt back on. I'll turn around," she said as she covered her eyes and turned around.

A thought popped into her head. She slowly took a step forward and listened. She continued to walk around, while covering her eyes, that it until she bumped into a wall and fell to the floor. "Ow. Stupid wall, where did you come from," she playfully yelled at the wall, she couldn't see.

Krystal stayed on the floor, humming some sort of song while she waited for Iris to tell her that she could turn around or just remove her hands since now she didn't know in what direction she was facing.
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Iris carefully pulled his shirt on, did his tie and donned his jumper. He grabbed his cane and tapped it twice on the ground to get Krystal's attention. "Do try not to bump into any more walls on the way," Iris chuckled.
Krystal got up, put her hand up to her forehead, and saluted, "no promises."

She managed to do it with a straight face which surprised her since she would have usually burst out laughing by now. She smiled and muttered, "achievement earned." She hoped that he didn't hear that.

"Lead the way," she said a bit louder. She took a few steps forward before she tripped. She quickly got up. "I did a random gravity check, it seems that we still have gravity."

Krystal looked down at the floor and smiled, "the floor also wanted a hug."

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